The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 283 The Second Ceria Planet Civil War (Part 2)

281. The Second Ceria Star Civil War (Part 2)

(Today this is two chapters in one.)

Under such circumstances, a large number of members of the technical movement gathered on the castle side, joining the elders Dole-Femi-Bommi and Vitaly-Olov. It doesn't matter if they don't have weapons, at least they have enough food and supplies!

Coupled with the local governors who picked up the opportunity to launch an uprising to seek independence, as well as the elders of the Presbyterian Church with ulterior motives, now the planet Seria has been cut into dozens of small forces and 4 or 5 big forces!

Herein lies the plan of Baron Helmut Zemo!

What he wants is not to gather all the power of the technical movement with Vitaly or Elder Dole, so as to divide the planet Seria into two and fight a civil war, because if this is the case, the situation will be too clear, the fourth group If you want to intervene, the traces are too heavy, and it is easy to tell the truth.

He only needs to muddy the pool of water on Planet Seria, and then secretly incite those ambitious elders and magistrates, which will naturally turn the entire civil war into a complete warlord melee!

Baron Zemo said that the balance of power and power will change. Once the balance is out of balance, the situation will change drastically. The key to the imbalance of power is technological products, especially weapons!

After learning that the planet Ceria fell into a warlord melee almost overnight, Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi was shocked, and hurried back to the Jedi Temple overnight to meet Master Yoda and Master Windu, demanding They asked the Jedi Order to intervene in the civil war.

However, as usual, Master Yoda was not willing to express his opinions on these political issues, and Master Windu just shook his head after understanding the ins and outs of the matter.

"The Jedi Knights have no position to intervene in the situation of Planet Ceria." Master Windu said.

"Because of the instigation of the fourth group, an unprecedented civil war is breaking out on the planet Ceria! Now almost no city on the entire planet is peaceful!! You actually told me that the Jedi Order cannot intervene?" Master Mundy said loudly.

"I've done some research. The matter of the Fourth Group has been filed with the Commercial Administration of the Republic. They just sold some gadgets like holographic projectors to middlemen normally, and because they were not directly dumping but because of Local people from Ria came to buy it, so it is legal." Master Windu said.

"But these things have sparked a civil war!!" Master Mundy said angrily.

"Then what crime should be given to them? Selling holographic projectors? And these transactions are all handled by the locals of Seria, and it does not apply to the Republic's regulations on abiding by the local laws of the planet." Master Windu shook his head.

"And what about their support for the rebels?"

"The banner of the fourth civilization is to support the war refugees in the castle, but the castle is the officially designated gathering area for aliens on the planet Seria. In addition, the leader of the technological movement of the planet Seria, Elder Dole-Femi-Bangmi The choice of the castle for his headquarters is not something we can interfere with."

Master Mundy was furious, "Master Windu! Are you speaking for those rebels?!"

Windu shook his head with a serious face, "I want to tell you that the opponent's design is very rigorous, and there is no clue left. Even if a mercenary group called Giant God Security joins, this mercenary group basically uses cold weapons. , and Elder Dole claimed that he hired him. Now most of the guns and ammunition in the hands of the technical movement under Elder Dole are left over from the last battle. In the last civil war, we have arrested and tried Yuri-O Love, this time, we can't judge anyone."

"But civil war has broken out! Countless people are suffering in the flames of war!"

"I'm sorry Master Mundy. As far as I know, both the Republic and the Jedi Knights will regard this matter as the internal affairs of Planet Ceria. The Jedi Knights have no position to intervene. Unless you can open a breakthrough, But I must remind you that the speaker, Phinnis Valorum, doesn't trust us now." Master Windu still didn't say anything.

"Master Yoda... this matter..." Ki-Adi-Mundi put his last hope on Master Yoda.

But Master Yoda shook his head, sighed and said: "It cannot be broken, the balance between the Republic and the Jedi Order. It will not be perfect, anything. Find it! The point hidden in the countless fogs."

Master Mundy wanted to say something more, but Master Yoda gave him a meaningful look, he stomped his feet suddenly, turned and left the hall.

What happened after that was exactly as Master Windu said. After discussion, the Galactic Republic Congress passed a motion, affirming that the war that broke out on Planet Seria was a civil war, and the Galactic Republic would not interfere in this civil war. However, the Republic still strictly ordered the sneaky fourth group in this matter. Humanitarian assistance is allowed, but it is absolutely forbidden to affect the internal affairs of the planet Ceria.

Gross Shelbya, the representative of the Fourth Group, went to the Galactic Council to speak in person, explaining the position of the Fourth Group on this matter. She emphasized that the fourth group only provides food and medicine for the war refugees of Planet Seria, and will also provide assistance through local intermediaries on Planet Seria, and has absolutely no intention of interfering in the internal affairs of Planet Seria.

Who is the middleman? Elder Dor-Fermi-Bummi. Why not contact the Council of Elders, the highest government institution on Planet Ceria, directly? Because they reject all technological items. Everyone knows that food and medicine are also very important strategic supplies during wars, but I insist that this is humanitarian aid, and I refuse to accept it.

This is the kind that leaves you speechless even though you are obviously pulling the wrong frame.

Moreover, the attitude of the Galactic Council towards the planet Seria is also interesting. In fact, most members believe that a planet of Seria that rejects all foreign technological products is worthless, because this beautiful planet even has Travel is restricted.

Most of the congressmen, including representatives of corporate giants, are very happy to see that the fourth group can pry a gap in the hard bones of Planet Seria. After all, if Planet Seria moves towards an open road, then everyone has the opportunity A share of the market.

Seeing that the planet Seria was already in a mess of warlords, Master Mundy ran around in a hurry, and even went directly to the battlefield where the warlords were fighting to stop the war.

But it's impossible...

The Presbyterian Council on Planet Seria has lost all its prestige, and now everyone with some influence thinks that they have an opportunity to aspire to the highest throne on the entire planet.

Everyone's eyes were red, and it was impossible to stop.

In desperation, Master Ki-Adi-Mundi approached Master Seve Dias and Master Qui-Gon Jin to discuss, hoping to get some help.

"It is not surprising that Master Windu would choose this way. His position is the Republic, not the Jedi Order, and not the general public." Master Seve-Dias said coldly.

Since he was expelled from the Supreme Council of the Twelve Jedi Knights by Master Windu, the relationship between him and Windu has completely broken down.

"We can't just sit idly by. If the Jedi Knights in the civil war on Planet Seria don't care, then we will take care of it!" Qui-Gon Jin said solemnly.

"I've tried it, and even with my prestige on Planet Seria, I can't stop this civil war." Master Mundy sighed.

"Since the Jedi Order has many reasons not to intervene, then we have found enough reasons for them to intervene!" Qui-Gon-Jin said, "Master Dias, maybe we are the only hope to stop this killing."

Master Seve-Dias also sighed, "From the battle of the Marathal Fjord, to the Eriadu business summit, then the war of the Kali people, and now the civil war on Planet Ceria. The Galactic Republic is no longer peaceful. Master Qui-Gon, let us do our part in this matter! But you should also know that this will not last long."

"If we can't focus and solve the immediate matter, we are even less qualified to talk about it for a long time, Master Cypher." Qui-Gon-Jin said, "I think of a person who may provide us with some ideas."

"Who?" Master Mundy asked eagerly.

"Yuri-Olov," Qui-Gon Jinn replied.

"He's a war criminal!" Master Mundy said coldly.

"Master Yoda has taught us more than once not to give up any possibility, right?" Qui-Gon smiled slightly.


Planet Coruscant, five floors underground, prison area No. 7.

The No. 7 prison area is an area dedicated to detaining serious criminals, and all the detainees here are vicious criminals. The entire prison building is suspended in the mid-air at about 50 meters with anti-gravity devices, and there are guards driving suspended motorcycles and fighter jets patrolling around all the time, so that the felons detained inside have no way to go to the sky or to the ground.

Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi finally entered the prison after going through heavy security checks.

While waiting for the guards to escort the prisoners out, Obi-Wan Kenobi said bitterly: "The fourth group... bastards! When I saw their well-trained pilots willing to die, I should have known them Your ambition is not small!"

"But we can't do anything to them because they have ambitions, we can't have this conversation with a clear inclination. And it is not possible to determine what the relationship between Yuri-Olov and the fourth group is. " Qui-Gon said.

"Since the last time we went to the Endor galaxy, the fourth group is arming at an astonishing speed. At that time, they only had some fighter jets that could even be called iron coffins, and now they have even started to build cruisers! This speed even makes me A little scared," Obi-Wan said.

"This fully shows that they were indeed a colonial group that was not well prepared at the time, but the strength behind them was extremely powerful. We should have prepared when we saw the very huge mothership. We were in the Republic before The investigation by the Commercial Administration Bureau has also cut off the clues, but I have reason to believe that the fourth group has inextricably linked with the Interstellar Banking Association." Kui Gang Jin took a deep breath, "If this is the case , then the Interstellar Banking Association has deliberately launched such a group, and there may be a huge conspiracy behind it!"

While they were talking, two guards escorted a man with disheveled hair, handcuffs and shackles, and then locked the chains on the handcuffs on the metal table in front of Qui-Gon Jinn.

It was the arms dealer, Yuri-Olov!

But at this moment, he didn't have the self-consciousness of being a prisoner. With an unruly smile on his face and a clean shaven beard, it could be seen that he was living a good life.

"Oh! Isn't this our great, bright and upright Jedi Knight? It's a pleasure to meet you." Yuri laughed happily when he saw the master and apprentice.

"It looks like the felons in Block Seven haven't done anything to you, Yuri-Olov. Maybe we should consider sending you to Block Eleven next time." Obi-Wan Kenobi Said coldly.

"No, no, no, Mr. Jedi Knight, you should give me what I want." Yuri raised a finger and shook it.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was about to explode, but Qui-Gon Jinn shook his head at him, and then took out a red pagoda from his bosom and handed it over, "You should be glad that this product from the fourth group has not been used yet. A spice deemed illegal by the Republic, although it seems to me that you are committing slow suicide by smoking something so highly toxic."

"Chronic suicide can't compare to the pleasure of puffing clouds..." Yuri Orlov skillfully opened the shell, took out a pack of cigarettes, took out one of them and lit it, then took a deep breath, He looked at the ceiling intoxicated, then he maintained this posture, and said lightly: "You know what? This thing is very popular in prisons now. Didn't you ask me why I haven't been fucked by a felon? Well, That's one of the reasons."

"Is there another reason for that?" Obi-Wan asked.

"You don't think those outlaws who have at least a dozen lives in their hands will turn into meowing little milk cats because of this cigarette?" Yuri-Olov approached In front of Obi-Wan, the smell of cigarettes filled his mouth, and he said with a very exaggerated expression, "Because~for~I am~Christmas~Christmas~old~~~~~"

"It's just your boring code name."

"But this code name allows them to arm themselves to the teeth! Weapons, ammunition, and even spaceships! All things that are rarely seen in the black market, they have a chance to get from me! I am their Santa Claus... Let me ask, who Don't want a hot Christmas present?" Yuri raised his fist, and then opened it suddenly, "Boooom!!!"

"Those serious criminals may each have more than a dozen lives on their bodies, but more people died because of you than all of them combined!!" Obi-Wan Kenobi yelled angrily.


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: Yuri Olov who was imprisoned. 】

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