The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 280 Nognisser's Gunshot

278. Nognisser's Gunshots

"This civil war can't break out the way you think, Vitali. It's pointless to just have the same civil war as before if you want to save your brother, so you take it well in prison .Maybe...the death penalty?" Baron Helmut Zemo sneered.

Over there, the leaders of the technical movement drew their swords and wanted to resist, but they were quickly subdued and several were hacked to death. drove away.

"Planet Ceria, what is chaos!" Baron Zemo turned his head suddenly, looked at a row of Seria people in black clothes kneeling behind him, and said lightly: "Get ready to start, Within a month, Planet Ceria will be burned by war!"


A day later, the capital of Planet Seria, Tekaf City.

In the mansion of a member of the Presbyterian Church, a secret conversation was also going on.

"You say you are the secret envoy of the Republic? Why should I believe you?" the elder said with a vigilant expression.

Baron Zemo replied lightly, "I don't have anything to prove my identity, and the Republic will not recognize my existence. You just need to understand what I am here for and what I can do, that's enough."

"The last special envoy of the Republic who came over was Bron, right? He almost caused a civil war!" the elder roared in a low voice.

"Bron is just a useless idiot. If you want to blame him for the civil war, he is not qualified." Zemo said: "The real reason for the outbreak of the civil war is that the elders have no ability to control the situation. Once the power and There is an imbalance of power, and whoever has power seeks greater power until power and power are balanced again."

"What are you trying to say?"

"The Republic is very dissatisfied with the status quo of Planet Ceria..."

"This should be the responsibility of the Republic itself!"

"The reason, I have already told you. Now the remaining thing is how to do it."

"What do you want me to do?"

"If you keep going around in circles with me and ignore the message in my words, then I can only say that I don't want to talk to a stupid bantha." Baron Zemo said.

"Maintaining the order of Planet Seria is exactly what we are trying to do now, and the situation has been stabilized!" said the elder.

"We all know this is only temporary."

"If this is the case, you should go to our Great Elder!"

"The Great Elder will not accept assistance from the Republic. I can't even think of anything that can help him without involving technology."

The elder stood up abruptly, "So you are a remnant of the technology movement! Believe it or not, I will arrest you immediately!!"

But Zemo just sat there motionless, and continued: "Actually, you should have seen it clearly during the last civil war, the balance of power. So when you wiped out the technology movement, you hid 500 assault rifles The rifle has about 10,000 rounds left."

The elder's face changed drastically, and he sat down again with extremely slow movements, and whispered: "What... do you want me to do?"

"I just want you to do what you want."

The elder lowered his head, "Yes, I found out in the last civil war that it would be fine if it was just some kind of imaging machine, but if it is this kind of weapon... it is really a force that can change the balance... ...If this power cannot be controlled, the consequences will be disastrous..."

"I emphasize again that the Republic only cares about the stability of Planet Ceria. We don't care about other things." Zemo said slowly.

The elder's face darkened, "Who will be the chief elder?"

Zemo smiled slightly, took out a small device, put it on the table and pushed it over, "This is a map, on which I store 10,000 blaster guns, and the blaster guns that can fire 1,000 times. Gas. If you want to stabilize the situation in Ceria, then these things can make you the most powerful person on the planet. If you think maintaining the status quo is good, then smash this map, I hide It is very hidden and will not be discovered by anyone. Then... goodbye."

After speaking, he stood up, bowed deeply to the elder, and left the mansion.


During the following period of time, the chaos on Planet Ceria became more and more serious.

Especially after the people of the Presbyterian Church arrested a large number of leaders of the technology movement, it reached its peak. People from all over the country rose up to resist. When Presbyterian soldiers arrested those who used technological products in many places, they were excited by the crowd. The situation of the people rushing forward to attack the formation of the army.

Seeing that things were about to get out of control, a few elders who acted more extreme in the Presbyterian Church decided to kill the chicken for the monkey to see. They announced that Vitaly Olov, who was arrested last time, and several other leaders of the technological movement will be tried in the city of Tkaff, and then they will be publicly hanged!

Under the threat of death, there seemed to be fewer acts of resistance, which made the Presbyterian Church even more excited. They began to actively prepare for this public trial and public execution, and tried their best to publicize the serious consequences of using technological products.

Time passed day by day in the calm before the storm.

After 15 standard days, the day of the public trial.

Vitaly-Olov and the leader of the technical movement arrested last time have been escorted to the square of Tekaf City, where a large gallows has been erected. They were tied up and knelt in front of the gallows. Awaiting trial and execution.

A large army of Presbyterians surrounded the square so tightly that not even a fly could fly in to prevent someone from coming to rescue them.

At the same time, in another distant city, Notgnixel, this small city is destined to be recorded in the history of the planet Ceria.

Here, a group of people are gathering in the warehouse to discuss in a low voice. They are wearing tattered clothes and look like peasants, but at the moment their faces are full of anger and excitement.

"Brothers, I got it! This thing..." The leader took out a cloth bag from his arms with trembling hands, and opened it layer by layer, revealing a revolver inside!

The gun doesn't seem to be in good condition, it looks old, and there are 10 rounds of ammunition on the side.

"It's a gun!"

"It's really a gun! It's great! I've seen people in tech sports use it once before."

"With this gun, we can rescue our village chief!" Everyone was excited.

"That's right, our village chief." The leader said in a deep voice, "What did he do wrong? Didn't he just send a few seriously ill villagers to a technical clinic? He wanted to save them! But the elders The people actually arrested him and smashed the technical clinic!"

"Yes! My youngest son had a high fever last month because the technical clinic was smashed, so... he couldn't be saved... woo woo woo..."

"I can't continue like this! I'm fed up with witch doctors and herbs! Since these technological items can save lives, why not use them!"

"Yes! That's it! Go! Go to the city hall! Let them release the village chief!!"

"Go! Let them give us justice!"


The angry villagers ran towards the city hall led by the man with the gun. Over there, they could see the guards on patrol and the city hall built on dozens of steps, usually unattainable. besides……

The breath of freedom! !

boom! ! ! A crisp gunshot pierced the peaceful morning of Nognisser City, and fired the first shot of the second Ceria Planet Civil War! -

[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: Do you want to know what Bansa looks like? This is a mythical beast in the world of "Star Wars", just like a pig on the earth, it bears a small part of the dirty words in the world of "Star Wars". 】

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