265、Invert black and white

Phoenix-Valoron looked at the report in front of him hastily. He has been completely devastated recently. The robot riots at the Eriadu Business Summit almost brought most of the conflicts in the galaxy to the surface. Now the traditional industrial giants, business giants, and major political entities in the galaxy are all fighting openly and secretly.

Moreover, the parliament is clearly divided into two factions. One group is dominated by the Central and Inner Ring planets. They call on the Galactic Republic to carry out reforms. They need to be tougher and can directly suppress those discordant voices. The other faction is dominated by some of the middle ring and most of the outer ring planets. They are anxious about the status quo of the galaxy and think that the Galactic Republic can no longer protect them, so they want to find their own way out.

Members of the two factions are constantly quarreling, and various forces are also fighting openly and secretly, and his most important deputy speaker, Bo Tan, has already been forced to step down because of the business summit.

Now the only person Finnis-Valorum can trust is the Naboo planet councilor, Schiff Palpatine.

Seeing this report on the war between the Kali and the Yamrui at this time, he made no secret of his impatience, "Now that the Kali have burned the war to the homeland of the Yamrui, And massacre the Yamri people, then this situation must be stopped! Otherwise, the Galactic Republic will lose face!"

"I'm afraid it will not be easy, Mr. Speaker. We have heard the testimony of the Yamri, but the Kali have refused to contact us." Schiff-Palpatine said standing aside.

"Planet Kali is also a member of the Republic! Why do they refuse to contact us!!" Phoenix Valoren slapped the table angrily.

"Because they didn't accept the truce," Palpatine said.

"These people...what do they think of the Republic!" Valoren said angrily, "I know it was the Yamrui's fault at first, but the Kalis initiated this war on their own initiative! And they took back their own planet Not enough, but also invade the home planet of the Yamrui people! This is too much!"

"So, how should we react? Now it is said that there are arms dealers who are ready to intervene in this war. Once arms dealers enter, this war will be even more out of control." Palpatine said very worriedly.

"In short, let them stop first. Let the Kali withdraw from the home planet Hook of the Yamri people. After that, let them come to Coruscant and talk to the parliament! Who do you think will compare this matter? All right, Senator Palpatine. How about Senator Bail Organa?" Phinnis Valorum.

"I'm afraid this is not a problem that can be solved by a member of parliament, Your Excellency the Speaker. The two sides have already killed each other. Unless you want the Republic's fleet to directly intervene in this matter, otherwise, this matter should be handed over to the Jedi Knights for comparison." Good." Palpatine said.

"They just made such a big mistake on Planet Eliadu, how can I trust them!"

"This is the opportunity for them to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds."

Phoenix-Valorum thought for a while, and said: "Then, in the name of the Galactic Council, directly issue instructions to Master Windu, asking him to prevent the spread of this war."


"What kind of people does the Galactic Republic think of us? Come and go as soon as you want? Before, they blamed us for the Eriadu business summit, and now let us help them stop the war of the Kali people? In the Jedi Temple, Evan Peel, one of the Supreme Council of the Twelve Jedi Knights, slapped the table and shouted.

"A meaningless emotion, your anger." Master Yoda said indifferently: "Thinking, the meaning behind it, this matter."

"There is no doubt that the real invaders should be the Yamrai. They enslaved and slaughtered the Kali people first, and then the Kali people rose up to resist." Jedi Master Opal Lanzixis shook his head and said. .

"The problem now is to stop this war as soon as possible!" Master Windu said loudly: "We are based in the Republic, so we need to think from the perspective of the Republic! Now the prosecutors in Coruscant have determined that the Kali invaded Asia. Murui people’s homeland, then the first thing we need to do is to let them withdraw! As for the next thing, the Congress of the Republic will naturally give them an explanation!”

"It is very important to stop the war first. After that, there will be a public opinion on who is the slaver and who is the invader." Ki-Adi-Mundi echoed, "It is better to send someone from our Jedi Knights to mediate than the Republic to send one." The fleet has been good at mediating in the past."

At such times, Master Yoda generally would not express his opinion. Therefore, after consulting the opinions of other members of the Supreme Council, Master Windu made up his mind, "Then, our Jedi Order will mediate this war and send a mission. Let Master Chuka Dorn and Master Kemal lead the mission Let's go."

"War is not a child's play. Both sides are already in an irrational state. They should send more people." Another Jedi Master, Yadell, said.

"I will fully consider it." Master Windu nodded and replied.


After many jumps, a YV-865 Oro-class cargo ship came to the remote and wild space, the home planet of the Yamrui on the planet Hook.

After entering the planet's atmosphere, the spaceship flew directly into the area occupied by the Kali people, which is located in the southern hemisphere of the planet, where there are a large number of primitive jungles, and it is also the terrain where the Kali people can best use their combat talents.

Soon, a communication came in, and a Kali man wearing a bone mask with a battle pattern drawn under his eyes appeared on the screen. His voice had the unique hoarseness of the Kali man, " Tell me why you came! You only have one chance! No strangers are welcome here!"

"There are a batch of weapons and supplies on my spaceship. I'm here to make friends." Wearing a black cloak and covering his face with a hood, Tang Xiao said in a changed voice.

"Friends? We don't need friends!" said the Kali.

"But you need weapons and ammunition. You can only seize weapons from the Yamrui people, and ammunition cannot get a stable supply at all. I am here to help you solve this problem." Tang Xiao replied.

"Fly 20 kilometers to the south, and there is a grassy field where you can land. And I must remind you, there are at least three sets of anti-aircraft missiles pointed at your head, don't take any chances!" The Cali man was straightforward.

The spaceship landed on the grass, and countless Kali warriors emerged from the surrounding woods immediately. They either held rusty rifles or sharp spears in their hands, and surrounded them with killing intent in their eyes.

Tang Xiao stepped off the spaceship, raised his hands to indicate that he had no malice, and then said loudly, "Take me to meet your leader—Grievous!"

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