The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 252 Failed Summit (Part 2)

250. The Failed Summit (Part 2)

"Then if this is the case, for the safety of our fleet, our Trade Union will refuse to go to all planets that we think are risky without effective protection." The representative of the Trade Union said with a sneer.

"It's impossible! If this is the case, what will happen to our planet? How will the food we import be transported?" Onaconda Farr, a member of the Rodia planet, jumped up.

"That's it, then you can ask the Speaker." The representative of the trade union glanced at Councilor Fall as if looking at a humble bug.

"I emphasize again, this is definitely not a reason for you to trample on the Rusan agreement! The warships built under the existing treaty are completely sufficient for escort!" Phoenix-Valoren said.

"I don't think so. After all, the performance of the mercenaries called by the Republic in Marathal is not good at all. After reading the advertisement of the Fourth Group, our Enterprise Alliance has ordered 5 Vengeance-class destroyers." The Governor of the Enterprise Alliance, Passel Argent, said eccentrically.

Finnis-Valorum obviously didn't get what the fourth group's advertisement was. At this time, his assistant whispered a few words to him, and his face turned livid!

He usually focuses on government affairs, but he doesn't even know that there is a company called the Fourth Group that is advertising with a video of the actual battle of the Malastal Fjord! The advertisements are full of pictures of the fourth group's superior warships beating the Republic's spaceships!

The blood and sacrifices of the soldiers of the Republic were actually used by these businessmen to advertise! !

With a bang, Valoren slammed his fist on the podium, but couldn't say a word. The dispute over Marathal was indeed fought by the Republic's local defense fleet under the guise of mercenaries, which he absolutely could not admit. And you said it’s fine if you win, but the Republic’s fleet in the Battle of the Marathal Fjords was extremely ugly. If it wasn’t for the Jedi Knights, even their flagship—the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser would have been sunk !

If this is the case, it is really a joke.

Over there, Passel Argent was still unreasonable, and continued to taunt: "So, now even mercenaries can own Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers. This is a large battleship of 600 meters! Your Excellency, what are you doing?" Can you say that the 200-meter-scale warships stipulated in the Rusan Agreement can protect our shipping lanes?"

But when he said these words, the military representatives of the Judiciary Fleet watched his nose, nose, nose and heart, and just pretended not to hear him.

Ford Tonys, the representative of the Interstellar Banking Association, said lightly: "Moreover, it will take a lot of manpower and material resources to conduct an economic census in the Outer Rim star region. Even if taxes are imposed at that time, it will inevitably cause financial pressure on these planets. Will the planet agree?"

"The Judicial Fleet of the Republic will ensure the safety of the Outer Rim Star Region." Phinnis-Valoren's tone turned cold, and he glanced at the representative of the Judicial Fleet, but the other party still did not make any statement.

"I think even now, the Judiciary Fleet cannot guarantee the safety of the Outer Rim Star Region." Ford Tonys said it very euphemistically, but the meaning is basically in place.

It was almost equivalent to giving Valoren another slap in the face.

"Bastard!! It's not up to you to tell what happened to the Judicial Fleet of the Republic!!" A mighty old man in a general uniform jumped up and pointed at Ford's nose and cursed.

He's from the Stark Veterans Association. This is an association of veterans, because over a decade ago in 44BBY, a small war broke out known as the Stark War in Hyperspace. This is also the biggest war that the Galactic Republic has experienced in recent years, so many fighting heroes were born in this war.

When these people left the army, the Veterans Association came into being. There are also many military families in it, as well as many combat heroes, whose military and political influence is not insignificant. And to a large extent, they also represent the meaning of the military.

Seeing that the military had said so, Ford Tonys took advantage of the slope to get off the donkey, smiled politely and sat down again.

At this time, someone finally stood up and spoke for Phoenix-Valoren. Senator Schiff Palpatine stood up, smiled modestly, and said, "I hope everyone calms down, especially you, Passel Argent, this is not pretty, you know. "

His words seemed to have magical powers, and the noisy venue was actually much quieter. Purcell Argent also sat back in her seat, no longer sneering.

Palpatine went on to say: "I think, no matter how many reasons you have, the agreement of the Rusan Conference does exist, and it is the direction of progress of the Galactic Republic in the last millennium. Perhaps this agreement is indeed a bit out of date now. , but objectively speaking, violating this agreement is violating the Constitution of the Republic. Do you really want to bear the consequences?"

Then he looked at the representative of the trade union, and asked indifferently: "And your trade union, you would rather let your billions of employees lie down and get paid for nothing every day, and stop those commercial routes, just To get angry with the Republic?"

The trade federation representative muttered something in Neimoidian dialect and sat down too.

"The Fourth Group, all advertisements should be withdrawn immediately. You should know what I'm talking about." Palpatine continued looking in the direction of Gross Shelby.

Gross Shelby kept Tang Xiao's entrustment in mind, and saw that the representatives of the trade union did not continue to make trouble, so she did not speak any more. She just stood up and bowed deeply to Palpatine , expressed his attitude.

Although she was accused face to face, Gross was not depressed at all, on the contrary she was a little excited.

You must know that this is a business summit, the highest-level event in the galaxy! Even if you are scolded in such a venue, it is a good thing!

At least you showed your face.

You see, now the entire galaxy knows that there is such a company that dares to directly advertise the video of beating the Galactic Republic fleet. This is better than advertising costs of 1 billion yuan.

The meeting on the first day finally broke up, and many representatives returned to their respective mansions to rest. Naturally, there are countless undercurrents surging underground, those who secretly communicated with the music, those who inquired about the news, those who formed gangs, everything.

Everyone felt that the next day's meeting was the time when the conflicts in all aspects would be completely detonated. Some participants even began to massage their tongues overnight, preparing to give full play to their three-inch tongue at tomorrow's meeting, regardless of whether they are qualified to speak.

However, on the second day, when all the representatives gathered at the venue again to prepare for the meeting, it really exploded! !

boom! ! ! A violent explosion lifted the last fig leaf of the Galactic Republic!

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