243、Secret Army

"So, do other races have evaluations?" Master Seve-Dias asked seriously.

"The Kaminoans have evaluated more than 3,000 races in the galaxy. For example, the Wookiees are also unruly and unsuitable as an army. The Quarren and Mon Calamari are not suitable for fighting in high-heat areas. Neimoidi The limbs of demihumans are not large enough to use various weapons, while Muuns are taller than the standard, and their center of gravity is relatively unstable..." Hei Ge said lightly, "So the conclusion is that if large-scale cloning is to be done, human beings are indeed synthetic. The sexiest race."

Master Dooku also nodded, "Humans may not be as good as the Quarren in the underwater environment, and not as good as the Nikto in the hot environment, but correspondingly, they can adapt to various environments. This is what this army will face in the future. The characteristics required for multiple types of combat environments, so it is not unreasonable that humans are the most widely multiplied race in the galaxy."

When he said this, his tone was quite proud.

Seve-Dias took a deep breath, as if he was still a little uneasy, "In other words, it's confirmed? It's human?"

"The Primarch still needs further investigation, but I've locked on Jango Fett for the time being. His genes can be said to be the most outstanding among humans." Master Dooku said.

Seve-Dias clenched his fists at this time, and as the plan got closer and closer, he became more and more uneasy, "But building an army under the eyes of the Republic..."

"This is the army of the Republic, there is no doubt about it." Master Dooku said, "We have seen it clearly, Master Cypher. The dark ages in the ancient prophecy have come, look around you! See what is happening And what has happened! The tragedy of Planet Marathal will continue to repeat itself! The Republic is heading for a war, and it needs a war."

"After the Rusan Conference, the Republic went down a wrong path. At that time, the Galactic Council intended to let the trillions of people in the galaxy enjoy a peaceful life, but the people's life did not improve, and all the wealth was plundered by business giants Exhausted, the people did not see the benefits of unifying the galaxy, but the business giants have grown into an existence that even the Republic dare not provoke." Master Dooku glanced at Cypher and said.

"In order to show that it does not support the attitude of Phoenix-Valoren, the Judicial Fleet even turned a blind eye to the armed conflict on the planet Marathal, which is unimaginable and unforgivable for a state machine Yes! Today, the Judicial Fleet can refuse to send troops because they do not support the Speaker, and tomorrow, the Judicial Fleet can surround Coruscant in order to support a new Speaker!" The more Master Dooku said, the more excited he became, and his voice gradually became louder.

Then he pointed the finger at Tang Xiao again, "And don't think that I don't know about the shitty things about your fourth group, you just use the battle video of the Battle of Malastal Fjord to advertise! Use the blood of the soldiers of the Republic to As the background image of your wealth!"

"The current republic is not worthy of my respect. We long for an efficient and powerful government, which is why we support Teacher Hei Ge's plan—even if this plan will cost us many privileges." Tang Xiao lowered his head and said.

"I'm afraid we still need to discuss this matter in the long run." Seve-Dias sighed, "I need to go to Master Windu and Master Yoda to discuss it again."

"I have long since lost hope in the Jedi Order. Master Yoda may have seen the dark future, but he pinned all his hopes on finding the vain Chosen One! Besides, I even watched The Jedi Knights did not take any action to restore it. They used their clumsy political tactics to sway in the Republic, lost their due position, and lost the reputation accumulated over thousands of years." Master Dooku's tone gradually improve.

"I believe in the wisdom of Master Yoda, and I hope he can give an answer." Seve Dias said.

"I will no longer exert my power in the Jedi Order, and I will live on the planet Sereno for the rest of this time. Therefore, Master Cypher, if you want to exert influence on the Jedi Order, only you Yes. Among the top twelve members of the Jedi Knight Council, only you can see far enough and are willing to contribute to the future of the Republic." Master Dooku nodded.

Seve-Dias sneered, "I don't think Master Windu will let me continue to stay in the Supreme Council of Twelve, he will not tolerate anyone who disagrees with him to stay in the Supreme Council. The Jedi Order, the only wise man right now is Master Yoda."

"Master Windu's position is in the Republic, not the Jedi Knights. This is the biggest reason why the Jedi Order has lost justice in recent years. He knows that Phoenix-Valorum is no longer able to lead the Republic forward, but he still firmly supports him— —Even if this kind of support is not allowed by the creed of the Jedi Knight." Master Dooku shook his head, his tone was also very cold.

"In short, I will do my best in the Jedi Knights. Things are not irreversible. I still don't want to build an army privately, even in the name of the Republic." Seve-Dias said.

Heige, who hadn't spoken for a long time, spoke at this time, "Time is running out, Master Cypher. You must understand that when war really breaks out, the judicial fleet alone cannot defend the Republic. We must prepare a usable army for the Republic , otherwise, think about how long it takes for an army to be established, trained and formed into an army? We can wait, but the Republic cannot wait.”

Seve Dias took a deep breath, then nodded to those present, put on his cloak and left the drawing room.

"Then, our plan will not stop. The Fourth Group will immediately start producing related equipment, and the Damask Holding Group will also start raising funds. Master Dooku, this is for the future of the Republic." Hei Ge said slowly.

"Master Cypher is already the closest person I can find in the Jedi Order to our ideas, but he is still indecisive. Maybe Master Qui-Gon King will agree with our ideals, but he is also excluded in the Jedi Order Otherwise, with his qualifications, he would have been eligible to join the Supreme Council of Twelve." Master Dooku said.

"Sev Dias can help us. If he can't do more, then he can at least completely cover up this matter in the dust of history... together with himself..." Hei Ge said.

Master Dooku didn't speak, but his gaze gradually turned cold.


[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: Master Seve-Dias, the blame man of the clone army. 】

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