239. Busy time

The preparation of the Eliadu business summit immediately became the core event of the entire galaxy, because since the Galactic Republic completely defeated the Sith Empire 1,000 years ago and the Ruusan Conference was held in Ruusan, the Milky Way has never held such a large-scale conference. Big Business Summit!

Organizations that have been confirmed to participate in the summit, including the Trade Federation, the Enterprise Alliance, the Interstellar Banking Association, the Technology Alliance, the Merchant Guild, the Senate of the Galactic Republic, the Stark Veterans Assembly, and the representatives of the Republic Judicial Fleet, almost cover the military, All walks of life from business to people's livelihood.

In addition, these planets including Kuat, Corellia, Rendili, Macchito, Cato-Nimoidia, Alderaan, and Murkana Representatives of planets with developed economies and great influence will also participate.

In addition to these political and economic entities, many senior officials of the Galactic Republic will also participate in the meeting.

It can be said that the most powerful group of people in the entire galaxy will gather on the Eliadu planet in 2 months! And every decision made in this meeting will determine the future of the Galactic Republic!

Many organizations and individuals have sharpened their heads and want to join, because even just stepping into the venue means a great improvement in political status, let alone showing their faces in front of the real high-ranking officials in the galaxy. It looks familiar!

But precisely because the level of the meeting is so high, it also puts forward extremely high requirements on the security measures of the summit.

As for security measures, there is also a game behind the scenes. This game was secretly led by Francis Underwood. He flexibly moved among the many congressmen and won enough support. In the end, he secretly handed over the bill to the leader of the Ring faction— Reynolds Planet Councilor, Orn-Free-Ta Councilor.

Then, Congressman Orn Free-Ta formally proposed a motion to the Galactic Council, requiring the participation of the Jedi Order in the security measures of the Eliadu Business Summit. Not only that, he also hinted at the name of Master Ki-Adi-Mundi. Councilor Orn-Free-Ta pointed out rather eccentrically that the affairs of Planet Ceria were handled very well by the Jedi Knights, which is worth learning from.

The rigid political mind of the Jedi Order did not take this sentence seriously, but when the crisis on Planet Seria detonated again, they would find that the groundwork had already begun at this time. But that's another story.

However, the Jedi Order also attaches great importance to the security of the Eliadu Business Summit. Because the Milky Way is really not peaceful recently, and many disputes continue to detonate. At this time, if there is any problem in the business summit, maybe the Galactic Republic will really fall into a situation of irreparable doom.

Therefore, after deliberations by the Jedi Supreme Council of Twelve, it was decided that Master Ki-Adi-Mundi would lead a team of Jedi Knights to participate in the security work of the business summit.

Everything was in the midst of intensive preparations, but at this time, no one paid attention to a very inconspicuous appointment before.

Wilhuff Tarkin was transferred to the vice-governor of the Sesvenna sector half a year ago, and the planet Eliadu is located in the Sesvenna sector!


At this time, the Fourth Civilization is also busy.

Because the proposal for Dawn Planet to join the Galactic Council has been put on the agenda, the planet is busy up and down. Because this will involve the issue of being in line with the Galactic Republic in politics, and Francis Underwood, who has already been identified as the Dawn star member candidate, also needs to further clarify his position of authority.

And after Dawn Star joins the Galactic Council, Tang Xiao's name will also change. He will no longer be the administrator, but the governor of the planet. And with the continuous development of Dawn Star, his title will also increase accordingly. After all, if it is now, it would be a bit ugly to say it directly in a small colony with a population of hundreds of thousands.

Tang Xiao is also running at both ends now. In addition to handling government affairs on Dawn Planet, Darth Plagueis will often throw him a coordinate, and then ask him to destroy that place with his own hands. These coordinates are basically some strongholds of the Black Sun, and sometimes they belong to Bando-Gossa. Tang Xiao needs to put on a black cloak every time, and use the blue lightsaber Plagueis gave him to create a battle. killing.

In the constant killing, Tang Xiao's temperament also gradually changed, the aura around him became extremely cold, and his gaze also made people shudder.

In fact, this also shows that his cultivation in the Force is far inferior to Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious. Because whether it is Hego-Damask II or Heev-Palpatine, in the eyes of the people around them, they are generous, wise, and respected elders, even if the person who died under their hands may be Tang Xiao's ten-year-old. More than double.

Tang Xiao can only continue to strengthen his practice of the original force, the main method is to meditate and let himself blend into nature. He also found that the effect of his meditation on Dawn Planet is better than other planets. When he meditates on Dawn Planet, he can always feel many things... the rhythm of life, the pulse of the planet, these It will further wash away the killing spirit on him.

Now the Fourth Civilization has suspended the research and development and construction of all large warships under Tang Xiao's order, but the technical reserve has not slowed down at all.

The large-scale scientific research space station that Professor Chi Jianjun is very eager for has also been officially completed. This is the scientific research space station in "Original Sins of a Solar Empire", which contains a large number of scientific research equipment to meet the needs of various experiments.

With the help of a large scientific research space station, Professor Chi Jianjun's goal is to complete the development and application of the antimatter engine within the next two years.

Because in the technology tree of "Original Sin of a Solar Empire", the antimatter engine is a very key technology, and at the same time, the technology tree of "Stellaris" also contains the relevant data of the antimatter engine, so Professor Chi Jianjun started from several aspects at the same time, and strived to Conquer this scientific research project as soon as possible, which is far beyond the current scientific and technological level of the fourth civilization.

In addition, Xiao Guanghua, commander-in-chief of the army, is very excited that the Army of the Fourth Civilization finally has its first batch of armored units! A total of two armored units were put into use - the Vulture Hoverbike, and the Giant Mech!

The main purpose of investing in these two types of units is to make it easier to maintain the security of the planet. After all, with the increasing number and size of cities, the Army also needs more flexible equipment to meet its needs. But even so, Xiao Guanghua was extremely excited.


[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: "Original Sins of a Solar Empire" civilian scientific research space station. 】

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