The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2233 The End of the King of War (Part 2)

2234, The End of the Lord of War (Part 2)

"Newt Gunray, this idiot!" Tang Xiao gritted his teeth, but he also knew that Yuri Orlov's sacrifice could not be blamed on the Trade Union. In fact, in the final analysis, Yuri died for the Fourth Civilization.

If it weren't for the strategic pattern of the Fourth Civilization, with Yuri Orlov's shrewdness, he would never touch the hot potato of the Trade Union. It can even be said that if Yuri Orlov hadn't provided a large amount of weapons and equipment to the Trade Union, the Trade Union trapped on the Fortune Planet might have been defeated by the Galactic Empire in one landing.

Tang Xiao rubbed his forehead, and at this moment he was full of emotion in his heart, and even a deep sadness surged.

Yuri Orlov was one of the first people he awakened, and he was only a little later than Cun Te among the legendary figures. When he wanted to awaken him at that time, Tang Xiao felt extremely daunted, mainly because he was worried that Yuri Orlov lacked a sense of belonging to the Fourth Civilization-businessmen are profit-seeking, and the Fourth Civilization at that time obviously did not have this.

After that, many things happened, and Yuri Orlov had been secretly supporting them. From supporting Gadulla Besadi in resisting Jabba, to later triggering the civil war on the planet Selia, and then to the battle on the planet Tis, Yuri Orlov played an important role in them.

Yuri Orlov's arms trade network started by selling the backward live-fire assault rifles of the Fourth Civilization to chaotic planets such as Tatooine, and then went to industrially developed places such as Corellia to purchase more advanced equipment. Gradually, he established the arms trade system of the Fourth Civilization.

It can be said that when the Fourth Civilization first started to develop, many of its weapons and equipment were brought by Yuri Orlov.

Even later, when the Fourth Civilization's industrial system was established and its weapons and equipment were self-sufficient, Yuri Orlov still played a significant role. His arms trade brought additional income to the Fourth Civilization, solved some of its backward and redundant production capacity, and played a role in balancing the power of the warring parties in some conflict zones in the galaxy.

Later, he dealt with those retired and obsolete equipment. In addition to generating income, it also saves maintenance costs. More importantly, the more weapons flow into the black market, the more unstable the political situation in the Galactic Empire will be.

Even now, Yuri Orlov is more providing weapons support to the rebels in various places. For example, he provided at least 100,000 blaster rifles to the uprising on the agricultural planet Rafa, which was very serious last year.

It can be said that although Yuri Orlov claimed that he had different ideas from the Fourth Civilization and Tang Xiao and insisted on leaving, in fact, he never left.

Under that bohemian and cynical appearance, there is a heart with clear goals and firm will.

"I will avenge you, Yuri..." Tang Xiao whispered, his eyes flashing with golden light, the power of the dark side became stronger, and the dark smoke on him could almost be seen with the naked eye, "Hehehe... Arden Lin, no matter what her purpose is in getting involved in this matter, she must be buried with you!!"

His laughter was full of darkness and extremely terrifying.


The capital of Mandalore, Sundari City.

In a hidden residential building, Vitaly Orlov stared at the communicator in his hand in a daze. He kept this posture for half an hour.

Unconsciously, tears were already hanging on his cheeks.

"You are really... a fool, brother..." Vitaly Orlov murmured.

"What happened?" A female voice came from behind him.

Vitaly Orlov wiped his tears and turned back. Standing behind him was Bo-Katan Kryze! The sister of the former Grand Duke of Mandalore, Satine Kryze, the leader of the Night Owls, a branch organization of the Death Watch, and now nominally, she is also the current Grand Duke of Mandalore.

However, Bo-Katan Kryze is still wearing the combat armor of the Night Owls, and hiding in this narrow room with several confidants including Vitaly Orlov. It is obvious that she is not enjoying the status and power brought to her by the Grand Duke of Mandalore.

"My brother... Yuri Orlov was killed by the Galactic Empire." Vitaly Orlov said.

Bo-Katan Kryze's face changed slightly, and then he sighed and said, "I'm sorry, Vitaly. Don't worry, we will all stand by you..."

"I think I need to leave Mandalore for a while." Vitaly Orlov said.

Bo-Katan Kryze frowned, "Leave now? Vitaly, we need you here. You used to be my sister's advisor. She recognized your ability very much. Moreover, we are now in the midst of internal and external troubles, and your organization and activities are indispensable."

Vitaly Orlov shook his head firmly and said, "I must leave. I will go to Tatooine first. Although my brother was killed, the things he left behind are still there. I need to go and see what I can do..."

"Do you want to inherit your brother's career and become an arms dealer?" Bo-Katan asked.

Vitaly Orlov shook his head again, "I will not participate in arms trafficking. I am very sure of this. But if I have learned anything during the years I followed Grand Duke Satine, it is peace without arms. They are all false. We have also received weapons and equipment from my brother before, although it is not much, but it is also an important source. But now, what I need to ensure is that this supply line will not be cut off. "

Bo-Katan thought for a while, finally nodded and said, "I understand. You can go deal with your brother's affairs. If you need my help in any way, just ask."

Vitali forced a smile and said: "No need, you, the Grand Duke, are the one who is under the greatest pressure. Chao Chao Vizsla is going crazy now, and the actions of the super soldiers of the Republic of China Army in recent months It is getting more and more rampant, and the next civil war on the planet Mandalore is not far away, and what we have to do..."

Bo-Katan nodded, interrupted Vitali's words, and said the second half of the sentence for him, "...What we have to do is to find out who the enemy is. Only by finding the right enemy can we find the right friend, the planet." The fate of the country will be left to the people to choose.”

Vitaly Orlov took a deep breath, raised his hood to cover his face, and walked out quickly.

Bo-Katan Kryze returned to the house and said to those who were discussing: "Okay, let's make a long story short. Vitali Orlov will leave us temporarily, and he may go to Hutt space. And we The established policy remains unchanged, secretly strengthen the forces, and do not participate in the struggle between the Mandalorian Restoration Army and Chaozhou-Vizla. "

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