The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 224 Changes on Planet Naboo (Part 2)

222. Naboo Planet Changes (Part 2)

Darth Plagueis's tone was like the warm sunshine, but Veruna trembled violently, "Hei... Teacher Hei Ge... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

"It's not necessary, Your Majesty Veruna, it's not necessary. Do we need to talk about our friendship?" Darth Plagueis said with a smile, "After all, I also watched you walk up step by step Yes..."

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Veruna curled up wrapped in a quilt, not even having the courage to escape.

Darth-Plagues continued: "Actually, do you know? I used to be very optimistic about you. Because you are a very brave person who bravely faced your own desires, you told me directly, 'I want to be king, and I'm willing to give everything on Naboo for this'. You know, few people can say traitor so bluntly, but in my opinion, it's courage. Because, in fact, you don't have to Cover up your ambitions in front of me, I... can see everything..."

Veruna didn't dare to say a word, just trembling.

"So, I pointed out a way for you. The Trade Federation is very interested in the planet Naboo, and they are also rich, and they have the ability to help you get rid of those who hinder you. So, I introduce you to them, They also succeeded in making you king. As for the trade agreement, you should understand...everything has a price." Plagueis continued to speak cheerfully.

He looked as if he was catching up with an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time, and his tone was calm. As for the assassination, he didn't mention a word at all.

"I'm sorry...forgive me, forgive me..." Veruna murmured.

"Actually, I was very happy when you announced the development of the N-1 starfighter. Because it means that in my plan, your planet Naboo is becoming a more useful pawn. In fact, in Before my apprentice's Wraith fighter came out, I thought I could only rely on that clumsy robot fighter to fight against the Republic's air force!" Darth Plagueis suddenly laughed.

"Oh, by the way, are you wondering why I'm fighting the Republic? Oh, it's a long story. Let's start with... 5,000 years ago... that... Galactic Republic and Sith The war between the empires, hehehe." Darth Plagueis smiled sinisterly, "In this great and glorious victory of the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order, the Sith Empire was swept into the dust of history .”

Darth-Plagueis began to slowly tell his true identity, and the extremely dark grand plan to subvert the Galactic Republic, destroy the Jedi Order, and conquer the galaxy!

I don't know what Veruna was thinking after realizing that Hego Damask II in front of him was Darth Plagueis, but from his head covered in cold sweat and violently trembling body, it has already shown that his current mood.

Darth Plagueis waved at Tang Xiao to signal him to come over, and then said to Veruna: "Let me introduce you, my apprentice. The real owners of the Fourth Group, they developed the Ghost Fighter. Look at my apprentice. its not bad, right?"

Veruna couldn't say a word anymore. When he was working on the N-1 starfighter project, he inevitably compared the existing starfighters in the Milky Way, and he naturally knew the famous ghost fighter in the black market.

That is to say, not only the old powerful forces such as the Trade Union, the Interstellar Banking Association, and the Enterprise Alliance, but also the newly emerging fourth group, are they actually pawns of the dark lord in front of them?

It was such a person who I was so proud of and wanted to assassinate! ! If he was given another chance, not to mention the assassination, he swore that he would not even dare to look Hei Ge in the eye!

"Come on, Tang Xiao, do you still remember the Force technique I taught you last time? His Majesty Veruna's body is dying, you need to hurry up." Darth Plagueis greeted politely.

Tang Xiao smiled slightly, came to Veruna, and gently held his cold palm.

Since the data of the Ragnalov-class Titan battleship appeared, Darth-Plagueis has completely let go of his guard against him. Teach Tang Xiao about it.

Tang Xiao also understood his thoughts, because another apprentice of Plagueis was busy with politics, so he didn't have the time to inherit his mantle, and Tang Xiao was the best candidate to inherit what Plagueis had learned.

Therefore, under his teaching, Tang Xiao also learned a lot of Plagueis' Force skills.

For example...

Veruna's breathing began to become short, and his expression was distorted, as if he was in great pain!

"Yes, it seems that you have mastered it well, Tang Xiao. Use the force to directly create germs, and then slowly devour his vitality. But this is not enough, what you create is not life, because you have left Your force, it's just some incomplete strains, you should operate like this..." Plagueis very patiently explained Tang Xiao's shortcomings.

The master and apprentice used the body of Als Veruna to conduct experiments here. Tang Xiao created countless germs and grew in Veruna's body. The great pain prevented him from even screaming.

"Look, Mr. Veruna. You think I'm just a rich man behind the scenes, but in fact... I am the... shepherd who brings death. Hehe, yes, death is in my hands, just Like little sheep. And you, one of them... You will walk through the gate of death in my hands, and I don't think we will ever meet again." Darth Pu Regus said very kindly while torturing Als Veruna.

But at this moment, Veruna, who was constantly tormented by pain, seemed to be unable to hear anything except a low scream.

Using the Force to create life is not simply used for combat or killing, but a direction to explore the essence of the Force. Tang Xiao was also very happy to experiment on the former king of Naboo, because this guy really deserves no sympathy.

When the sky was getting brighter, the shuttle took off and flew away from the planet Naboo.


On the other side of the planet, in Sid City, the human capital of Naboo, a gathering that was not grand but of high standard was being held in Sid Palace.

A beautiful young girl stood in the center of the venue, receiving congratulations from the nobles and ladies around her. Even though she looks only about 13 years old, she is still graceful and graceful surrounded by everyone, like a shining star, beautiful and eye-catching.

The representative of the planet Naboo in the Galactic Council—Sif Palpatine was also among the participants. He smiled and handed a bouquet of flowers to the girl, and said kindly: "Congratulations, Padmé Nabeli Miss (Padmé Naberrie). From today onwards, you will officially be Princess Amidala and may also serve as Mayor of Theed."

The smile on the beautiful girl's face is like a flower, her beauty is even inferior to the bouquet in her hand, "Your Excellency Palpatine, thank you for your teaching and support all the time, I am willing to dedicate myself to the people and the planet Naboo." out of my life."


[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: Padmé Naberrie (Padmé Naberrie). 】

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