The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2198 Thrawn's Plan

2199. Thrawn’s plan

"Stupid decision? What are you talking about?" Gilad Perrine was confused.

Thrawn just smiled slightly and said, "You will know soon."

Before Girard Perrine had finished his second glass of wine, Dunn Wessex's message arrived.

In the holographic projection, Dunn Wessex was full of ambition. He waved his hand and said loudly: "It's time to show the Principality of Dawn a little color! Now that they have left the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier stationed in Chiss Territory, Chis Si Ling loses control, this is a good opportunity to subvert Chis Ling! Major General Thrawn, you should make a battle plan immediately, Pellaeon, you will be in charge of this battle!"

Gilad Pellaeon was stunned. He glanced at Thrawn, then at Dunn Wessex, and asked: "Your Majesty the Governor, even if the Eternal has left the Chiss Territory, but now the Principality of Dawn There is still a strong force there. According to previous reports from our informants, there was once a red Rookery Hook-class battleship that was much larger than normal and nearly 5,000 meters in diameter. It was also in Hiss, the capital of the Chiss Territory. The planet La appeared."

Dunn Wessex waved his hand and said: "No matter how big the size is, the Rookery Hook class is just the Rookery Hook class. This kind of cargo ship-converted warship is nothing to be afraid of! I have already thought about it. This battle will be carried out with the Seventh Army as the main force, and all the people who are familiar with the unknown star field will be organized, and the main purpose will be internal subversion, so that the people of Chisi Territory will rise up against the tyranny of the Dawn Principality! I authorize you to use 1 billion! I have a fund reserve of credit points, so all the informants can use it!”

Gilad Pellaeon thought about it and was about to refuse, but he felt Thrawn kick him from below, so he nodded and said: "I will organize the staff to formulate a combat plan immediately, Your Excellency Governor."

"Very good, I will see a mature plan within three days! Then the operation can start now. Let the people in the Intelligence Department work harder for me!" Dunn Wessex said, closing the communication .

Gilad Pellaeon looked at Thrawn and asked in surprise: "How did you know they were planning to attack Chiss?"

Thrawn looked at the direction where the holographic projection disappeared and smiled coldly and said: "This is not surprising. You also read yesterday's military order message. The Dawn Principality's fleet has been greatly mobilized. Not only is the Eternal Ship of the Chiss Leader returning to the Dawn Planet The Infinity in the Mandalorian sector also broke through our borders and rushed into the Rafa system. Moreover, the Dawn planet also announced that it would block the entire Endor system for military exercises. The offended Imperial Navy would not be willing to be slapped like this. Slap, so I will definitely find a way.”

He tapped the table with his knuckles and continued: "But now that it is involved in the Trade Alliance, the Imperial Navy does not have the strength to directly attack several fortress planets of the Principality of Dawn. As for other directions, tell them to provoke the Mandalorian sector. The ferocious Severance Tann seems to have no guarantee of victory, so she can only think of a solution from the direction of Qisi Ling.”

Gilad Perrine said in a deep voice: "But you think this operation is very stupid..."

"Isn't it?" Thrawn asked.

Gilad Pellaeon pondered for a while, shook his head and said: "Indeed, this operation was too hasty and too hasty. Even though a large number of informants have been deployed and instigated, we don't know much about the situation in the Chiss Territory. ...Especially to the extent that it can subvert the political power and trigger a civil uprising. But...I still want to hear your thoughts, Thrawn."

Thrawn's expression suddenly became serious. He raised his hand and turned on the projector through the remote control system to play a piece of beautiful music. This piece of music is soothing and gentle, as if it is telling a sweet love and a beautiful life.

Gilad Pellaeon, who acted like Thrawn, could only sigh at this moment and feel with his heart the insights this music brought him.

After a long time, Thrawn asked: "This piece of music was once the most popular among the upper class in Chisling. How do you feel about it?"

"It does... it sounds good, and the rhythm is slow, it doesn't look like a work from the war years..." Perrine said.

Thrawn continued: "Then the Ranchel craft beer just now is also one of the best wines among the upper class in Chisland. However, the yield of Ranchel berries is very small, and to get the best taste, growing A constant temperature of 46°C must be maintained at all times, and the exposure to ultraviolet rays must also reach a moderate level.”

"In other words, it must be cultivated artificially?" Pellaeon asked.

"Complete artificialization is not possible, because it requires natural pollination by several types of insects and other harsh conditions. On the planet Shisla, the way to cultivate Lanshel berries is to build a spacecraft with a planting field on board. There is a complete plant ecology in the planting field, and the spacecraft must always adjust its height under computer control to ensure that the sunlight is sufficient but not excessive. It must also chase the rotation of the planet, avoid clouds, and maintain light at all times... The difficulty is to ensure the growth of insects while maintaining a constant temperature in the plant growth environment. After all, 46°C is not a friendly temperature for insects on the planet Hesla," Thrawn explained in detail.

Only then did Gilad Pellaeon understand what Thrawn meant, "Wait a minute, I remember that the planet Xisla was in the Great Ice Age. The temperature continued to drop, and the living environment became increasingly harsh. Moreover, due to previous over-industrialization, large giants in the sky were It’s shrouded in smog most of the time! It’s almost impossible to meet such harsh growing conditions! If so, the cost of this kind of Lanshel berry is… scary!”

Thrawn nodded and said easily: "That's right. Those two drinks just now, you drank a cruiser."

Pellaeon's expression became solemn, "The so-called upper class society in Chisling once tasted such expensive wine and listened to such soothing and peaceful music... But at the same time, the environment of the planet Xisla is constantly changing. It’s so bad that people’s lives can only be imagined.”

His eyes suddenly widened and he took a breath and said: "In other words, the Dawn Principality is the liberator! And if we enter the Chis Territory at this time... we will be the invaders!!"

Thrawn continued: "Furthermore, since the Eternal super aircraft carrier can reach the Chissland from the Chiss Land within two days, it can naturally return to the Chissland from the Dawn Planet within two days. Such a huge strategic mobility advantage , the Dunn-Wessex gang probably had nothing more than a sigh, right? They didn't even think about the devastating pressure that such a strategic maneuver would bring to us, but all they could think about was how to please. Your Majesty, do you think... this plan is stupid?"

Gilad Pellaeon nodded solemnly, "Indeed. If the Principality of Dawn had faced simultaneous attacks on the two battlefields of the Model Sector and Yago-Dur during the Clone Wars eight years ago, At that time, if they had such strategic mobility... they could assemble all the main fleets, defeat one of the Republic fleets, and then return to defeat the other fleet. Then even with the same force, the result might change from a tragic victory to a victory. Crush..."

"Now that you know, let's make a plan." Thrawn said.

Gilad Perrine said: "But what I am more concerned about is that you actually knew about it before it happened? Did you even know that Dunn Wessex was trying to please the emperor?"

Thrawn said calmly: "After a comprehensive analysis of the overall strategic situation, intelligence information, character, and interest orientation, this battle is almost the only result. So I also remind you not to refute Dunn-Wessex's meaning. , which will do nothing except make him hate you."

"I can't make a plan under such circumstances!" Gilad Pellaeon said seriously, "Thawn, you must help me this time... No one knows the Chissland better than you!"

Thrawn showed a smile that said, "What did I say?" and said: "Actually, as long as we lower the combat goal, it is not impossible to gain some local advantages and return quickly. After all... Although the Chiss leader The people are currently very supportive of the Dawn Principality, but it is still possible to break this expectation. In addition, the elders of those families still have some strength. "

"What are you going to do?" Pellaeon asked.

"All the deterrent power of the Dawn Principality in the Chisland comes from the military level. In fact, even if they have established those so-called trade unions, the people of the Chisland still have a doubtful attitude. And the reason why they will not stand The reason for coming out to oppose the Principality of Dawn is military power... Ever since the fleet of the Principality of Dawn arrived in the Chis Territory, they have been the invincible force around the Chis Territory, and we need to break the myth of the invincibility of the Principality of Dawn fleet..." Thrawn said.

"This is not easy. The warships of the Principality of Dawn have very good performance, and their commanders are also experienced." Gilad Perrine said, "Without local support, we dispatched an expeditionary force I can't think of any way to defeat their fleet in Chisland."

"Of course we can't win a big victory, but many small victories are still possible. Our purpose is to crack down on the psychology of the people of Chisland, not the fleet of the Dawn Principality. And our strategic goal is to take advantage , write a beautiful battle report and ask our governor to go to the emperor... If we grasp this, our plan will be clear," Thrawn said with a smile.

Gilad-Perrine nodded.

At the same time, the planet Krakul.

The 'Elders' faction that launched a new round of civil war has been completely defeated by Shepard and the others. Under the force of the Eternal super aircraft carrier, any resistance is in vain. The spaceships hidden by the 'Elders' faction were all destroyed in less than ten minutes. Then the Viking fighter formation conducted a round of bombing, and the Koroks completely collapsed.

First, the elders of the combat creature Lugubra came to find Shepard and said that Lugubra would no longer fight for the 'Elders' faction, and they were willing to devote all their strength to the battle against Mongar-Mongar.

After that, internal strife also broke out among the leadership of the 'Elders' faction. They arrested all the warring factions who proposed to raid the 'Pistol' faction, and took the initiative to hand them over to Shepard to wait for his fate, and then surrendered unconditionally.

Although this short civil war ended quickly, the blow to the Korok people was devastating. Almost all of the 'Pistol' faction was killed, and many Koroks were killed during the riots. Most importantly, this destroyed the last social order of the Koroks.

Originally, the Korok people were an extremely selfish race and society full of intrigue. After all, how high can you expect a race that creates illusions to bluff people wherever it goes to have high moral standards? And now, they all no longer believe in any so-called administrative agencies.

Therefore, even if the Eternal super aircraft carrier is here, the Korok people are unwilling to obey management.

Vishal formed a temporary military government, but the evaluation he received was just one sentence - just a running dog of mankind. It will be a long process to reorganize the Korok people.

This makes the situation more critical, because the collapse of social order has almost brought industrial production on the planet Krakul to a standstill, and the supplies needed to support the operations of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier are very huge.

The end of the planet Krakul's demise is almost imminent when the fleet of the Principality of Dawn runs out of ammunition and food and is forced to retreat.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the Mind Harp was finally obtained and intact.

Shepard looked at the artifact in front of him, which was more than one meter high and looked like it was made of metal, but its shape was constantly changing. He nodded and said, "Next, it depends on whether the rear can find the method to activate the mind harp from the ruins of the Saru people."

As time went by, the situation became worse and worse. Industrial production on the planet Krakuer still could not be restored, and social order had almost disbanded. In the direction of the planet Ciara, the endless Mnggal-Mnggal finally broke through the defense line, destroyed the remaining robot army, and the super communication repeater was also destroyed by Mnggal-Mnggal.

They were completely disconnected from the rear, and Lieutenant General He Ru could only find a way to get close to the star in the Krakuer system, hoping to send communications through the magnetic field of the star. But this place is too remote, and the astronomical environment is too harsh, so communication has never been established.

But finally, the Dawn planet did not let them down after all.

About thirteen days later, a dazzling white light flashed, and an extremely huge behemoth appeared in the star field near the planet Krakuer.

This is a spaceship! No... It's a super battleship! And it was so huge that the Korok people who saw this scene on the spaceship were speechless!

Because this cylindrical warship with a very wide bow has an extremely terrifying size! The sensor shows that the length is as long as 13,774 meters! !

Thanks to Xingchen Love Novel for the 100 Qidian coins reward! !

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