Chapter 2194 Miraculous Operation (VI)

2195, Miracle Operation (VI)

Three days have passed, and the last discussion has not produced any results. Everyone expressed doubts or sneered at Shepard's judgment, but they had to admit that they had no better way.

Because the reality before them was that Krakuer and the Korok people were indeed the closest to Mungar-Mungar's core planet, Mug-Faro. Once this place fell, the long-distance raid on Mug-Faro would no longer be possible, and the confrontation with Mungar-Mungar would become a long-term war.

Moreover, Krakuer had been disconnected since two days ago and no longer responded to any messages. This made Shepard even more uneasy.

But now they could only wait, because only by guarding the super communication relay station on Ciara could they continue to communicate with Dawn, and once they left, Mungar-Mungar would definitely try every means to destroy this communication relay station, and then they would really be cut off from the rear.

However, in order to ensure the safety of Krakul, Lieutenant General He Ru, after discussing with Shepard, asked Huang Yehao to take the rest of the team back to Krakul on the Normandy. Ashley Williams and Kayden Alanco stayed with Shepard.

However, the hyperspace channel environment here has become very bad again. Even if the Normandy sets off immediately, it will take at least two days to return.

In this uneasy atmosphere, even Shirley Birkin did not continue to pay attention to Shepard and came to find fault with her. Obviously, she was also full of uneasiness.

However, hard work pays off. Finally, they waited for the latest news from Rafa V. This message was forwarded by Dawn and Levik before being sent in text form.

This message is mixed.

First of all, it is said that the Mind Harp can indeed be activated, because the last activation on Rafa V was incomplete and was destroyed by the reckless Wookiee, so there should still be some energy left in the Mind Harp. In other words, it can be used for at least one test to see if this thing can really block the control power of Mnggal-Mnggal.

In addition, they also gave a more accurate number. If the Mind Harp is activated once without a continuous energy supply, it can form a signal membrane that wraps the entire planet for 40 standard days.

However, although it is not necessary to activate the Mind Harp on the planet Rafa V, it must also be activated through the Saru people's own transmission tower. Now Dr. Yako-Vesti, an expert who has studied the Saru people for decades, is trying to find a way - the Principality of Dawn agreed to pay a lot of money and resources to support his research, so Dr. Yako betrayed the Galactic Empire without hesitation.

However, before Shepard and the others could discuss the results, the Normandy, which returned to the planet Kraku in advance, sent an emergency communication!

Kraku has been invaded by Mnggal-Mnggal! Not only that, there have been coups and riots on the planet! Obviously, this is a long-planned action by Mnggal-Mnggal!

The situation was urgent, and Shepard made a prompt decision, suggesting that Vice Admiral He Ru lead the Eternal supercarrier to Krakur planet immediately.

Vice Admiral He Ru left behind 5 Steadfast-class cruisers, 20,000 combat robots, and all the more than 4,000 unintelligent Lugubulas left before to continue defending the communication repeater of the planet Ciara, and then ordered the Eternal to set off immediately!

Although the remaining forces were not enough to resist the attack of the entire planet Monggal-Monggal, they could at least delay some time and maintain communication with the rear as much as possible in the future.

The Eternal supercarrier used a hyperspace engine with Forerunner technology, so even though there were hyperspace turbulence everywhere, it still arrived at Krakur planet within half a day.

The huge battleship immediately broke into the atmosphere directly, and its huge body descended over the capital of Krakur planet, and almost immediately controlled the situation in the capital.

Huang Yehao, who led the Normandy back first, reported what happened here.

It turned out that soon after they left, the Elders, one of the two major factions of the Korok people, immediately launched another war. In fact, the power gap between the Elders and the Pistols was already quite obvious before, so the weak Pistols took a gamble and first agreed to Shepard's proposal. In order to show their sincerity, they handed over all their ships that could travel in hyperspace to Shepard, a total of thirteen ships.

The reason why the Elders agreed the next day was because they understood the intentions of the Pistols. At that time, if they wanted to go against Shepard, then when Shepard found reinforcements, they would be the ones who would be unlucky, so after thinking about it for a night, the Elders agreed to the proposal and sent out twenty ships.

But it is obvious that the Elders have far more than twenty ships!

While Shepard and his team went to the planet Ciara and tried to communicate with the planet Dawn, they were also keeping in touch with the planet Krakul, so the Elders knew that things seemed to be encountering difficulties. Even the powerful Principality of Dawn in their rear said that the plan to eliminate Mnggal-Mnggal was unreliable.

And at this time, the Pistol Faction, which fully supported Shepard, was at its weakest, and the Presbyterian Faction saw the opportunity to unify the entire planet Krakul again. So they started an undeclared war, used their 15 hidden warships to bombard the city of the Pistol Faction, and sent a large number of Lugubras to attack!

The extremely angry Pistol Faction did not expect the Presbyterian Faction to be so shameless. They resisted desperately, but the power gap between the two sides was huge, and they were about to be completely wiped out.

Then the people from the Pistol Faction, with the idea of ​​​​perish together, directly put Mongar Mongar into the planet's defense zone! Mongar-Menggar naturally would not miss this opportunity. They proliferated in large numbers, devouring countless creatures on the planet, and expanded rapidly.

As a result, the situation on Krakul's planet became a mess. The two major factions and Mongar-Mongal were wreaking havoc and fighting everywhere, and the few cities on the planet were also severely damaged.

There is no need for analysis and statistics. A discerning person can easily understand at a glance that the planet Krakul is over and the Korok people are over!

This civilization has entered a countdown. Perhaps in a year at most, or in just a few months, this civilization will come to an end amidst infighting and the erosion of Mongar-Mongal.

Shepard's face was gloomy, and she slowly said to Lieutenant General He Ru: "Immediately intervene directly in the civil war of the Korok people! Arrest all the leaders of the two major factions, and then immediately establish a temporary military government with Vishal as the leader! No matter what, To ensure the safety of the planet! Send someone to find the Soul Harp immediately!”

Lieutenant General He Ru nodded and said: "Yes, this is the last resort. I will immediately send out the Marine Corps to occupy the major spaceports and supermaterial production factories on the planet. This is the lower limit. At least, we must retain The function of Planet Krakul as an advance base!”

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