Chapter 2188: The catastrophe a hundred thousand years ago

2189. Catastrophe one hundred thousand years ago

"You...who are you?" Dr. Yaco Vesti was stunned.

"What happened?" A young man pushed the door open and came in, but was also immediately restrained by the ghost agent.

"A little brat. Of no value. He probably didn't participate in the research." A ghost agent said coldly.

Seeing that the ghost agent was about to pull the trigger of the pistol in his hand, Dr. Yaco Vesti said loudly: "Please don't! He is my son! I will cooperate with you in whatever you want... Just please don't hurt us. !”

"Very good, be obedient, then there will be no problem. Gather all the researchers together. If one is missed, then you may only be able to see your son for the last time in your life." The ghost agent said coldly.

Dr. Yaco Vesti could only do as he was told.

Due to financial constraints, there were only eight researchers on their project. They were all quickly called over and then completely controlled by several ghost agents in the conference room.

"You... what do you want to do? We are just an archaeological team, and our project has nothing to do with military purposes." Yaco Vesti said.

"Tell me all the information about the Soul Harp." The ghost agent said coldly.

"Soul Harp?" Yaco Vesti's mind was full of questions. He had never heard of this thing.

"Don't play tricks on me. If you think you can get away with it, you may regret it." The ghost agent grabbed Yaco's son and threw him to the ground.

His son was tall and powerful, but he was manipulated by the ghost agent as easily as a chicken.

The pistol was pressed against the back of the young man's head again.

"No! We really don't know what the Mind Harp is! If you don't believe it, you can check all our information right now, I swear! If you can tell me what it is, I will be happy to tell you everything I know!" Yaco Vesti raised his hands and said loudly.

The ghost agent turned his head and looked at him, the scarlet tactical goggles covering his helmet were like a pair of evil ghost eyes, making people feel extreme fear from the bottom of their hearts.

From Yako's shallow consciousness, the ghost agent discovered that he seemed not to be lying, so he raised his wrist and called up a computer-generated picture from the universal tool, which showed a strange-shaped object. This object has a polygonal base with a fork-shaped metal structure on top, and this metal structure is constantly changing. Sometimes it is U-shaped, sometimes it is three-pronged, and sometimes it is eight-pronged. It is completely impossible to understand the principle of this change.

This dynamic picture was synthesized using a computer based on the description of the old man from Korok.

"Is this...the Soul Harp?" Dr. Yaco Vesti looked at the dynamic picture in confusion.

"The energy explosion a hundred years ago originated from this thing. At that time, it was placed on the top of a pyramid on Planet 5." The ghost agent said.

Yaco Vesti stood up suddenly and shouted: "What are you talking about!! This thing is the truth about the energy explosion a hundred years ago!!!"

As soon as he stood up, he was pushed back to sit down, but he still said with great excitement: "This is the soul harp? We have been searching for the truth for a hundred years!! Please, please let me see this thing ! I’ll give you whatever you want!”

"You can't reach the current location of the Soul Harp. And this thing is all I can give you now. What you need to do is tell me how to activate the Soul Harp." The ghost agent said coldly.

"You just give us a picture and ask us to figure out how to activate it? This is impossible!" another scholar said loudly.

"If you think it's impossible, then you are worthless." The ghost craftsman pointed his pistol at his head.

"Wait a minute! Yes! Yes!!" Yaco Vesti said loudly, "We can try! Just please don't hurt us! This mind harp is also crucial to our research, no matter what we We will all help you!”

The ghost agent nodded and said coldly: "Then as soon as possible, I will only give you three days at most."

"Let's go to Planet Rafa 5! That's what we were talking about just now!" Yako said.

"Act immediately." The ghost agent picked him up.

The scholars here were all caught in a stealth spacecraft owned by the Ghost Agent. They found that in addition to the crew, there were more than a dozen archaeologists inside, who seemed to be here for the Sarru civilization.

Handing Dr. Yaco and the others over to the scholars from the Dawn Principality, the ghost agent left one person leaning against the guard at the door, while the others returned to the planet to destroy surveillance, cut off communications, and collect intelligence.

Dr. Yaco began to describe his research to these scholars from the Principality of Dawn, "According to our research, the Saru people are a very reserved race, and they have a high probability of possessing powerful telepathic abilities, but they are rarely aggressive. Sex. We continue to study the remains left by the Saru people, and there are many murals and records on them. According to this information, they claim that they were created by a starfish-shaped creator about one million years ago. "

"At the same time, in the records of the Salu people, there are many references to information about the 'gods'. It seems that they once lived with the gods. Moreover, the technology of the Salu people was very advanced, although they originated from a place like the East. A remote planet, but it once extended its sphere of influence to the planet Aargau in the core area. However, the planet Aargau at that time was far from its current status as a financial center. It was just a desolate planet full of dangers. Primitive creatures. But even if calculated this way, the Sarru people once ruled at least a quarter of the Milky Way!"

"The biggest doubt lies in a major event recorded by the Salu people, which happened one hundred thousand years ago." Dr. Yaco said seriously: "The Salu people believed that they were about to face a crisis of genocide at that time. They did not say clearly what this crisis was, but the whole family regarded this crisis as the most important thing to deal with, and they believed that this matter had something to do with the gods. "

The scientists in the Principality of Dawn frowned, and a paleontologist pondered, "The cataclysm a hundred thousand years ago? How come I seem to have heard of this thing..."

Dr. Yako reminded: "You don't have to hear it... We have reviewed countless information, and there is only one race that can be linked to this time - the Kilik people!"

The paleontologist's eyes lit up and he said loudly: "That's right! The Kilik Swarm!! The Kilik Swarm also began to degenerate into a group of intelligenceless insects one hundred thousand years ago!! The entire degeneration process lasted for several Tens of thousands of years, even the Kilik people who once created a glorious civilization could not stop the coming destruction!"

Dr. Yaco said in a deep voice: "And we just came to a surprising conclusion today... We have been studying the writings of the Salu people. Before, we only knew the meaning of these writings, but in recent years, we have been bored out of our minds. When we began to explore the pronunciation of these words, we found that many of the syllables in them cannot be pronounced by human vocal organs. However... the Toka people living on Planet 5 can perfectly pronounce all the syllables of the Salu language! "

The geneticist just now added: "The Toka people are a humanoid race that have always lived on Planet 5. They are only from the Neolithic Age at most. They are basically a group of primitive people."

"You mean, the Toka people may be the descendants of the Salu people?" the paleontologist from the Dawn Principality asked.

"I think it's more than that. If we refer to the ending of the Kilik swarm, we can even think that the Toka people are the Salu people after their intelligence has degraded!" Dr. Yaco said loudly.

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