The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2185 Absurd Possibility

2186. Ridiculous possibility

"She actually ran there?" Tang Xiao frowned, "No wonder we lost contact before. But... why are we in contact again now?"

"This is one of the messages she sent." He Ru said, "She is currently on a planet called Siara. This planet has been completely devoured by Mengal-Mongal, but the civilization of the planet Ciara, A huge hyperspace signal relay station has been built. Now Shepard and a small number of troops she brought from the planet Krakul are desperately holding on to the planet Siara, and she hopes that we can go to reinforce it as soon as possible. "

At this time, BIG-BOSS said: "But now there is a very real problem - how can you be sure that Shepard is not controlled by Mongar Mongar and then set up a trap to lure us over?"

Lieutenant General He Ru shook his head and said: "To be honest, I'm not sure. That's why I need to ask the Supreme Combat Command for instructions."

"If it's just a matter of reinforcements or not, are you kidding me when it comes to the Supreme Combat Command?" Army Commander-in-Chief Xian Hui said coldly, his expression not angry or intimidating.

Lieutenant General He Ru quickly expanded the sent coordinates and displayed the route data, "According to the coordinate data Shepard gave us, the Ciara planet where she is located cannot be reached by normal means. Even from where we are currently stationed To set off from Levik, the former capital of the Xilu Empire, in the unknown star field, hundreds of hyperspace jumps are required, and this number is still changing at any time.”

He continued to zoom in on the data, showing the complex environment around the Ciara planet, "let alone the Ciara galaxy. The Ciara galaxy is orbiting a supermassive black hole, and there are tens of thousands of people around it. The planned galaxy. That area is equivalent to a huge star system within the Milky Way. It is very strange and very dangerous. I can’t even understand how Shepard and his crew managed to get there.”

"What's the conclusion?" Xian Hui asked.

"The conclusion is that if we want to send reinforcements there, at present, except for the Eternal super aircraft carrier, there is no second spacecraft that can get there," He Ru said.

Everyone present looked at each other and fell into silence.

"Your Majesty, with all due respect, if only a super battleship like the Eternal can go to reinforce Shepard, the stakes are too high. We currently have no way of knowing whether Shepard is under control, and she sent it here The message is only text, not even sound," Navy Commander-in-Chief Matt Horner said to Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao pondered for a moment and said, "Is there any other news?"

He Ru nodded and replied: "In addition, Commander Shepard said that in the hands of the Korok people, the indigenous people of the planet Krakul, there is an artifact called the 'Soul Harp'. It is said that when this artifact is activated, it will generate a An energy field that can completely isolate all signals on a planet. She believes that this energy field can also completely isolate Mongal-Mongal's core from controlling all other clones. "

"Then why doesn't she use it?" Tang Xiao asked coldly.

"The Soul Harp is controlled by the Elders Council of the planet Krakul, and they refuse to lend it. At the same time, this artifact cannot be activated." He Ru said.

"This is simply ridiculous!" Volgograd-Kanidi couldn't sit still. "Since the artifact cannot be activated, how did she know the effect of this artifact? Did she experiment on Mongar-Mongar? "

Lieutenant General He Ru shook his head and said: "No. She also heard about the effect of the artifact. It was told to her by an old Korok man. The old man said that this artifact had been activated before and isolated everything including stellar radiation. Energy, judging from this, this effect may also be useful for Mongal Mongal."

"For such a baseless possibility, we have to board an Endless-class super aircraft carrier?" Volgograd-Kanidi said coldly, "This is ridiculous!"

Chief of General Staff Qi Jian asked: "So, what is Shepard's suggestion for this spiritual harp artifact?"

He Ru said: "Her suggestion is to send reinforcements as soon as possible. After receiving her, they will go directly to the planet Krakul. If the Elders Council does not cooperate, then seize the artifact by force. At the same time, since the artifact was last activated when pulling Planet No. 5 in the French Galaxy, so she hopes that we will immediately send an exploration team to the Rafa Galaxy to conduct research and find the secret of the Soul Harp."

Qi Jian asked again: "So assuming that everything goes well, our reinforcements arrive on the planet Siara, rescue Shepard from his predicament, and return to the planet Krakul to seize the mind harp, and at the same time find the soul The way the harp starts, what do we do?"

Speaking of which, He Ru's forehead was covered in cold sweat. He sighed and said: "Then, Shepard believes that we need to go directly to the core home planet of Mongar-Mongar, the planet Mugg-Faror. Defeat the ring of decay surrounding the planet Mugg-Faror, then activate the Mind Harp at the core of Mongar-Murghar."

Qi Jian was still very patient and continued to ask: "Okay, then let's not talk about this rotten star ring for the time being... There are still two problems to be solved here. First, are the coordinates of the planet Mug-Faro accurate? Second, even if we arrive at the planet Mug-Faro, this is a planet. We have to find the core of Mongal-Monggal on a planet? Can we locate it?"

He Ru shook his head and said nothing.

At this point, it's useless to say anything. This is simply a fairy tale... and there is no fairy tale in the real world.

Qi Jian also sighed, looked at Tang Xiao, shook his head and said: "Grand Duke, if things develop like this, I'm afraid we can't use words like "adventure", "gambling", and "all-in" to describe this matter. Apart from the myths and legends in the movie, what else can meet so many prerequisites at the same time, and then achieve the only possibility of success among countless possibilities of failure?"

Tang Xiao sat there, like a sculpture, cold and majestic.

After a long time, he slowly said: "How about letting your Eternal supercarrier set off immediately to reinforce Shepard on the planet Ciara. Then set up defenses on the planet Ciara to ensure smooth communication. Notify the Minister of Military Intelligence, Saratan Moss, to immediately organize the strongest intelligence force to go to the Rafa system for investigation."

"Grand Duke!"

"This won't work, Grand Duke!" Almost everyone around was horrified, and they hurried to stop it.

But Tang Xiao just said one sentence lightly, "Because, she is Shepard." (End of this chapter)

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