The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2175 The Legacy of the Ancient Sith (Part 1)

2176. The Legacy of the Ancient Sith (Part 1)

"Secure the door! Send someone to restore the power supply! Quick!!" Warden Bern-Schmidt shouted loudly.

"There is chaos everywhere now! Things are out of control... There is no surveillance signal at the prison gate now!" The adjutant was also going crazy. He almost went crazy looking at the chaotic surveillance screen.

"Asshole!! I'm talking about guarding the door here, you idiot! Send someone over quickly to block the office door!!" Bern-Schmidt pointed at the door and roared.

"But the prison is out of control!" the adjutant said, pointing to the surveillance camera.

"Has the report on the last additional robots been typed in?" Bern-Schmidt asked.

"Fighted," the adjutant replied.

"Then it's none of our business! Tiber Zane's riot was all because those robots weren't in place! Now hurry up and send all the people who can still move over here and close the door!!" Byrne-Schmidt Very loud.

While the warden and dozens of prison guards began to block the door, a strange order gradually began to appear inside the prison. Many prisoners began organized actions. Under the arrangements of the commander who blended into the crowd, they began to capture the armory, the control room, the energy center, and most importantly, the control center that controlled the high-voltage power on the ground.

This operation was planned as early as a year ago, and many people were arrested on purpose, just waiting for this day to come. Moreover, many of the prison's several personnel changes and even the introduction of robots had been arranged long ago.

All the prisoners who were still thinking about revenge against Tiber Zane shut their mouths one by one and obeyed the arrangements obediently. The reason is simple, everyone who didn't shut up has now turned into a corpse lying on the ground.

But of course someone will arrange these things.

At this moment, Tabor Zane, escorted by several strong and heavily armed prisoners, arrived at the deepest part of the prison - the area code-named District 9.

Standing in front of the heavy metal gate, I could only see a light blue light curtain shrouding the outside of the gate. Energy shield!

The black prisoner said to Tiber Zane very respectfully: "This is it, District 9. Usually this place is completely protected by an energy shield, and it uses an ion shield. As long as people touch it, it will Burnt to ashes by the high temperature of the shield."

"Open it. I hope these people inside can meet my requirements." Tabor Zane said coldly.

The black prisoner took out his communicator and said, "We can cut off the power to District 9."

After a moment, there was a buzzing sound, and the light blue light curtain disappeared without a trace.

"Open the door!" said the black prisoner.

The two people next to him immediately stepped forward and began to connect two wires to the metal door, then attached a magnetic device to it, and then connected the wires to a destroyed energy relay device at the back.

With a click, a prisoner turned on the switch, and the ring-shaped magnetic device immediately sent out a burst of very strong current. This current directly melted a big hole in the metal door!

Tabor Zane waved his hand, and a prisoner walked directly over and entered the cell in District 9 through the big hole.

However, a few seconds later, there was a scream from inside!

Tiber Zane smiled coldly and said to the big hole; "Okay, come out! I don't have time to waste time with you. The Imperial fleet is entering the atmosphere now. If you don't want to be blown to pieces by orbital bombardment, then follow me Cooperate and I can get you out."

After a brief silence in the cell, a person walked out, a scantily clad woman.

To be more precise, the dress that this woman made from the standard prison uniform in this prison was changed into a short skirt because of insufficient fabric.

However, her face makes people shudder!

It's not that she is ugly, on the contrary, this woman is very beautiful. But what is truly frightening is her pale skin and the bright red war lines on her face.

This kind of appearance only represents one type of people in this galaxy - the Night Sisters!

The night sister arranged her messy long hair at will, came to Tiber Zane, and said viciously: "What do you want to do after you go to such trouble to get me out?"

"Of fight the Galactic Empire." Tiber Zane said calmly.

"Ha! Join the Galactic Empire? I'm interested!" The Dark Night Sisters laughed, their expressions gradually turning ferocious, "But this alone is not enough."

Tiber Zane curled his lips and said: "Then if there is another reason... the Queen of the Night wants to see you."

As soon as she heard this word, the face of the Night Sister suddenly froze. She took two steps back and asked warily: "Queen of the Night? Humph! In the red light district of Nashada, there are not even a hundred thousand but tens of thousands of madams who claim to be the Queen of the Night. What do you think? Which one is it?”

"Of course...the one named Geszerion." Tiber Zane showed a weird smile.

The next second, the Night Sisters appeared in front of Tiber Zane, their sharp nails turned green, and they were less than one centimeter away from his eyes!

She gritted her teeth and said: "If you can't give an explanation within ten seconds, just because you say this name, you will be killed by me here!"

"If you really kill me, then Guszerian will really come to you." Tiber-Zane raised a finger, gently pushed away the hand of the Nightsister, and said lightly: "Since I said this name, it must have a meaning. How about it? Go to Dathomir?"

The Nightsister said viciously: "I will never go to Dathomir!"

"Then consider my other proposal - cooperate with me. Although I do have a connection with Guszerian, it does not mean that I have to let her know about everyone." Tiber-Zane said.

"Who are you...?" The Nightsister looked stern.

"Someone who shares common interests with you." Tiber-Zane said, "I know you are one of the few people among the Nightsisters who has studied the ancient Sith culture. I need you to help me analyze a storage device of the ancient Sith Empire."

The Nightsister said coldly, "Humph! The ancient Sith Empire's writings have not been completely lost, and there are still many people studying them, especially those hidden Sith Lords, who have been studying the relics of the Sith Empire for a long time. You don't have to come to me at all."

"Of course I have to." Tiber-Zane said, "More than four thousand years ago, a branch of the Sith Empire had a close relationship with the Nightsisters. Although this cooperation was soon stopped, an inconspicuous subculture emerged in a branch of the Nightsisters. And you are the heir of this subculture."

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