The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2173 The King of Crime (Part 1)

2174, The King of Crime (Part 1)

Felucia, Imperial Prison.

This prison is one of the largest prisons in the Eastern Region of the Milky Way, because it was once one of the important planets of the Independent System Confederation, and the Commercial Guild once set up its headquarters here.

After the collapse of the Independent System Confederation, the Galactic Empire transformed a huge storage center of the former Commercial Guild into a large-scale prison. It doesn't matter, it's the principle of proximity.

Almost all the arrested remnants of the Independent System Confederation are imprisoned here, so in order to ensure that these dangerous elements will not make trouble again, Felucia Prison has adopted the highest security facilities.

The floor of the entire prison is made of metal, and all prisoners are required to move barefoot. As long as the warden is willing, any area of ​​the prison will immediately be connected to high voltage electricity, and the voltage can be adjusted, from paralysis to fainting, to terrible pain and torture without death, or instant death.

And at night, the entire prison floor will be electrified, and no prisoner can walk out of his small cell.

On the contrary, the prison guards all wear insulating shoes, so they can move freely in the prison even when the power is on.

At the same time, the prison is located above a large area of ​​primitive jungle. It is supported by thousands of huge metal pillars hundreds of meters high, far away from the ground and the towering primitive trees. If someone is lucky enough to escape from the source, what awaits him will be the desperate environment of the primitive jungle, poisonous insects, miasma, swamps, and beasts.

The commercial guild uses such a structure to build warehouses, and the original purpose is to store some of their own illegal smuggled materials.

And don't expect the prison to store any materials that are helpful for living in the primitive jungle, including anthelmintics, protective clothing, malaria drugs, etc., there are none, you can't grab them even if you want to. As long as you stay in the isolation shield of the prison, you are still safe. Once you leave, if you want to or walk out without the necessary tools, I am afraid that even the Injori people can't do it.

As for spaceships, there are none here. There is a powerful fleet of 40 battleships on the periphery of the planet Felucia, including Victory I-class star destroyers and Hunter-class battlecruisers. Although these old-fashioned warships have been eliminated, they are still a dimensionality reduction attack for those small fleets that have infiltrated.

In addition to the powerful air defense system, the prison itself will never have spaceships coming here at ordinary times. All the transportation of materials and prisoners is completed by four sets of tractor beams installed above the prison building.

The spacecraft will only hover in the air 1,000 meters above the prison, and then use the tractor beam to tow the cargo hold or passenger cabin to complete the material exchange. The entire exchange process will last for 10 minutes. During these 10 minutes, if any problems occur, the firepower on the spacecraft or the prison can instantly destroy the cargo hold and passenger cabin.

Such security measures allow the prison on the planet Felucia to claim that it can hold the entire Jedi Order.

At the same time, since the people imprisoned in this prison are basically forced to work until death, they naturally never see the hope of getting out. Thousands of prisoners have been detained here for a long time, and naturally a small society has been formed.

Today, a heavyweight prisoner came to Felucia Prison.

Tiber Zane!

In the past few years, Tiber Zane has almost become a rising star in the underground world. He is vicious and cruel, has no bottom line in his style of doing things, and will do anything to achieve his goal. He has never even followed the basic principle of the underworld, which is not to harm his family.

Under such means, the Zane Group rose rapidly and its strength continued to grow. In this process, how many families were broken up, how many people lost their homes and fortunes, and how many people lost their homes and fortunes, it is impossible to count them all.

Tiber Zane was handcuffed and shackled, and walked through two rows of cells under the escort of guards.

Among the prisoners, many were Tiber Zane's enemies. They either lost in the turf war, or lost the black-eating-black, or were sent to prison by false accusations. And now when they see Tiber Zane again, they all go crazy!

"Taber-Zane!! Wash your ass! I'm coming to you soon!"

"Taber-Zane! Hahahaha! So you have come to this day!"

"Hahahahaha! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

"I'm going to cut off your flesh piece by piece!"

However, facing this overwhelming roar, Taber-Zane showed a hideous and terrifying smile. He looked to the left, then to the right, without saying a word, and continued to move forward.

A muscular prisoner slapped the fence and roared loudly: "Taber-Zane, wait for me! My brother's revenge, I'm going to pay you with blood..."

However, before he finished speaking, he felt a pain in his waist, and then a hand in the crowd reached out and covered his mouth silently. He wanted to struggle, but the blood gushing out of the wound on his waist took away all his strength, and he could only fall to the ground in despair.

There were also several other prisoners who made the most trouble, who were killed by the killer hidden in the crowd without anyone noticing.

Gradually, the prisoners began to realize that something was wrong. The crazy prisoners gradually calmed down. They looked at the five bodies that had been killed at some unknown time with horror.

When Taber-Zane completed the prison admission procedures, put on an orange prison uniform and was escorted back, the prisoners were already silent. Everyone looked at the king of crime with a horrified expression.

Taber-Zane came to his cell, and the prisoner who was locked up with him huddled in the corner and trembled, not daring to say a word.

Soon, the guards found the five prisoners who were killed. They were furious and dragged all the prisoners in this area, including Taber-Zane, to the square for body search, and thoroughly searched all the cells in this area.

But they found nothing. They couldn't find the murderer or the murder weapon at all. They could only put them back in the cell and announced that their exercise time for the next week would be cancelled.

Taber-Zane returned to his cell. I don't know when the prisoner who was in the same cell with him had been replaced by a black man. He exchanged glances with Taber-Zane, and then stood at the door of the cell, standing there like a mountain, motionless.

At this time, the prisoners, including some prison guards who were unaware of the situation, discovered what kind of existence had entered the prison.

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