The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2164 Tang Xiao's Report (Part 2)

2165. Tang Xiao’s report (Part 2)

Ling Liang frowned and said: "If that Black Star is indeed one of the top leaders of Grisk's hegemony, they are unlikely to let it go. Are you sure they won't come for revenge?"

Tang Xiao shook his head and said: "The organizational structure of Grisk Hegemony is different from what we imagined. Originally we thought they formed a terrifying existence similar to a unified consciousness on their home planet, but after fighting against Black Star , I found that they have not evolved in that direction. The main political system of Griske's hegemony is similar to an oligarchy, but their oligarchs are the top ones who are at the top - the supreme."

"So... Black Star is one of them?" Ling Liang asked.

"That's right." Tang Xiao nodded and said, "In fact, some information about the Grisk hegemony was found by the Dark Templar Sora-A and Aura Khan. They found the suspected origin of the Grisk people. The ruins, but they were attacked by Black Star there and were almost controlled. Fortunately, at the last moment, they escaped into the void, temporarily preventing Black Star from controlling their minds. Later, when I found Black Star and fought with him, the two of them lost control. Only a Dark Templar used his last strength to break out of the void and help me."

He continued: "So, part of the Dark Archon's power merged with me. Now I'm not sure what state my body is in, but I need some time to meditate and understand."

"Your current state is better than ever... my lord." Adele Ulan bowed and saluted.

"You are not controlled by the rage of the dark side now, which is a good thing for you and the Principality of Dawn." said the priestess who participated in the meeting remotely.

However, Tang Xiao waved his hand impatiently and snorted: "Huh! That's nonsense!! I have never been controlled by the dark side! I have always remained awake in my heart, except for the time when I was affected by the Black Star. outside!"

The priestess wisely shut up and never mentioned this matter again.

"What is that relic you mentioned just now?" Chief of General Staff Qi Jian asked.

"An altar." Tang Xiao pondered, with a solemn expression. "That altar can directly extract the user's spirit, and then amplify it dozens of times, giving his spirit the power to directly communicate with the world of the Force. According to Aura - According to information from Khan and the others, this altar was used by the Grisk people in ancient times to communicate with the gods... But over the incalculable long years, the voices of the gods gradually disappeared, and the Grisk people simply regarded these altars as They are used as spiritual amplifiers, and their power of mind control is also related to these altars."

"Could it be that the person they sacrificed was Tai Ren?" the priestess said in surprise.

Tang Xiao shook his head and said: "I am with Taiyi this time. I believe they don't know about the Grisk people. So my judgment is that the Grisk people are not worshiping Taiyi, but the gods. . In myths and legends, the gods who created countless lives in the galaxy will disappear, and these altars will naturally not be able to hear the gods’ voices.”

"But this doesn't explain why Grisk's hegemony will not come back in a short time?" Admiral Chiara said.

Tang Xiao said seriously: "Every supreme person in the Grisk Hegemony controls an altar ruins. The power radiation range of the altar ruins is the sphere of influence of their supreme leader. Once Black Star dies, the fleet of the Grisk Hegemony will They retreated immediately because their master is gone. What we have to do is to send the fleet to destroy or control the ruins of the Black Star altar to prevent the expansion of Grisk's hegemony."

"Is it too late to go now?" Matt Horner said.

A sneer appeared on Tang Xiao's lips, "If the Grisk people were not stupid, they would never want to forcefully occupy the altar under such circumstances and then confront our main fleet head-on. In fact, even if Black Star is still there, they I don’t even have the guts.”

He looked at Admiral Chiara and said: "Leave this matter to you. Send a fleet to patrol around the altar ruins and build a hyperspace outpost. Then move a group of Kilik swarms to nearby planets and become The barrier between us and Grisk’s hegemony. Now we don’t know the extent of their sphere of influence, so we still need to be as cautious as possible.”

General Chiara nodded, made a military salute and said, "Yes! I will arrange this matter immediately after consulting Governor Sheen Morabito."

Tang Xiao nodded.

The current administrative structure of Chisland is probably the dual structure of Admiral Chiara and Governor Sheen. Among them, General Eliz Al-Alani Ziara, as the highest military commander of the Chisland and the representative of the Chisland, is responsible for the military, political and other administrative management of the Chisland. At the same time, she will also establish His own committee, just like the previous family cabinet.

In fact, although the Duchy of Dawn has now triggered an uprising among the lower class people in Chisi, after the uprising subsided, power was redistributed and the major trade unions formed were actually, to some extent, still different from the previous family politics. It's not big, it just provides some more ways for people at the bottom to rise.

Therefore, the Chiss Committee established by Admiral Chiara is still composed of the leaders of the major guilds.

Then there is the governor of Chisland appointed by Tang Xiao, Sheen Morabito. He does not have real power in Qisi Territory, but he can be said to be the representative of the Principality of Dawn. His proposal will be given priority in the Parliament of the Principality of Dawn, and he can report directly to Tang Xiao.

In other words, as long as the Chiss Territory is still under the rule of the Dawn Principality, Xian Morabito controls the power to kill and seize the Chiss Territory.

Therefore, Admiral Chiara can indeed execute his administrative instructions without asking Sheen Morabito, but if these matters involve the Principality of Dawn, then he must go through Sheen. As long as Sheen is willing, he can also intervene in any affairs of the Qishi Territory in the name of the Principality of Dawn.

On the surface, Sheen Morabito is just the governor of Chisland. In the eyes of the people, he is equivalent to the representative of the Dawn Principality.

Therefore, this kind of political power structure basically still has the Chiss ruling the Chiss on the surface, but it has installed an actual underground emperor.

Tang Xiao then said to Admiral Chiara: "Then you give my order to Xian Morabito - the mother nest of the Torgt swarm has died, let Abathur re-cultivate a new, more mature one." The powerful mother nest. We will also suspend the advance to Kilik’s core nest and give priority to breeding on the border of the Grisk Hegemony’s control area, becoming our barrier.”

"Yes!" General Qiara gave a military salute.

For her, the Chisi Territory cannot resist the Dawn Principality with its Star Gate, so it will fall sooner or later. Although she was not willing to betray her country and race, she also knew that forceful resistance would only bring more cruel and bloody consequences.

Therefore, the only thing Admiral Chiara can do is to make the people of Chisland live a better life as much as possible under his own rule.

At least for now, the Principality of Dawn is also moving in this direction. And although the new trade unions are not much different in essence from the major families in Qisi Ling, at least in the current start-up stage, they are still determined to make progress.

I hope Chisland can develop better... Admiral Chiara sighed in her heart, but her expression remained meticulous. After giving a military salute to everyone around her again, she left the conference room.

What was discussed next was not something she was qualified to participate in.

Tang Xiao cleared his throat and said: "Then, there is a question about Orega. I have probably read your report. Does it mean that Orega suddenly woke up and took control of the entire mothership in a very short time?"

"Yes, Lord Grand Duke." Qi Jian nodded and said, "The situation at that time was very critical. If the priestess hadn't come with Phoenix, the guardian of the temple of the protoss, maybe the mothership would have fallen."

Tang Xiao nodded solemnly and said: "This is a coincidence. When Orega woke up, I was not even in this universe."

"I'm curious about what happened that made you go to Taiyi's home." The priestess asked.

"To put it simply, because the confrontation between me and Black Star has reached the point where both sides are hurt. At that time, my will and several other wills were fighting for control of the body, and everything was a mess. Sora-A and Ola-Khan At that time, he merged and became the Dark Archon, and used his extremely powerful mental power to dispel the will of Black Star and Torgat's Brood. However, in the process, the void energy explosion he triggered was too powerful, causing us to fall into the void. Among them." Tang Xiao described what happened at that time as briefly as possible, because it was too confusing at that time and he didn't know much.

"After that, perhaps in the void, Taiyi's 'father' discovered me. Although he couldn't interfere in the real world, he could do it in the world of the Force. So when I woke up, I was already there. It’s home to one person, Mortis,” he continued.

"Sounds like a fairy tale..." Adele Ulan said.

"This is how the world of the Force is. This is originally a supernatural power." Tang Xiao said, "But this is not something you need to worry about. Tai Ren's matter cannot be solved by the power of the real world. No matter how powerful our fleet is, it can't be solved." . So, it’s okay for you to listen to it as a fairy tale.”

The priestess said: "Phoenix and Judgment are chasing Orega. Do we need to send some more forces there now?"

Tang Xiao shook his head and said, "Let's find an excuse to bring the trial back, and then find a way to mislead Phoenix's investigation so that he can't find Orega for the time being. I'm still useful to Orega."

"But because of him, all the more than 400,000 sailors on the mothership died, a large number of combat robots and mothership facilities were destroyed, and the economic loss exceeded 2 billion. Is this the end of the matter?" Qi Jian said.

Tang Xiao smiled coldly and said: "He is still useful to me now. Sooner or later, I will make him spit out these things twice as much!"

"What about your soul-stealing sword? It was also taken away by Orega." The priestess asked.

Tang Xiao's expression changed, "Orega took away my soul-stealing sword? Why didn't I sense the existence of the soul-stealing sword on him at all?"

The priestess sighed and said: "If you want to talk about the situation of the battle between us and Orega at that time, I can only say... Marka Ragnos suddenly ran out, scolded Orega, and then The shadow formed into a body and fought with Orega."

"Maka-Ragnos... So this guy is the one who is causing trouble." Tang Xiao's face darkened. "It seems that he took the initiative to block my perception, and he seems to be determined to stay with Orega."

"Is he going to recognize Orega as his master?" asked the priestess.

Tang Xiao laughed dumbly and said, "How is it possible? You underestimate the pride of this Sith king. The only reason he did this is that he wanted to regain his freedom through Orega. It doesn't matter. Sooner or later, I will deal with Orega, and then I will solve the matter of Maca-Ragnos."

He has made up his mind. After solving the remaining things here, he will immediately set off to the planet Harun Kar to meet the Dream Sisters.

Although Orega reminded him that the planet Harun Kar is now a deadly and terrible trap, Tang Xiao believes that since the Dream Sisters want Orega to find them, it means that they have not been completely swallowed up by the will of the planet, and he can still do something.

Adele-Ulan stood up and said, "My Lord, then about the Trade Union..."

Tang Xiao waved his hand and said, "I have read the report. You handled the Trade Union very well. This fully proves the independence of our ruling core and shows that our current operating mechanism is correct. You can practice Tang Yun more in the future. If I am not here, you can set up a Regency Committee with Tang Yun as the core, just like this time. Very good."

Adele-Ulan bowed her head deeply, "I will obey the Lord's command..."

Although her expression was calm, her heart was beating violently uncontrollably. This was Tang Xiao's recognition of Tang Yun! It was also her recognition of her daughter! And the most important thing was that from this moment on, the heir of the Principality of Dawn was truly established-Tang Yun!

As for Tang Xing, Tang Xiao actually didn't like this introverted and cowardly son very much. When he was in Chis Territory, although Tang Xing was very calm in the face of the drastic changes, Tang Xiao just thought he was scared. Because Tang Xing is usually such a person.

Tang Yun who was terrified? That was just the normal reaction of a child. I still need to exercise more, but there is nothing to worry about.

Then, Francis Underwood stood up and said, "Grand Duke, I will report to you about the Principality of Dawn..."

Before he finished speaking, he only saw Tang Xiao's back leaving the meeting room.

Francis was stunned.

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