The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2163 Tang Xiao's Report (Part 1)

2164, Tang Xiao's report (Part 1)

Actually, Orega didn't go far. He just didn't want to talk to Tang Xiao yesterday.

However, when he drove the tattered Revenge-class destroyer to receive Tang Xiao's gift, Tang Xiao almost laughed out loud when he saw the miserable Revenge-class destroyer.

He didn't know what Orega had encountered, but it was obvious that his journey to this universe didn't seem so pleasant.

However, Orega was very satisfied with this flagship model of the Providence-class destroyer/aircraft carrier. This is definitely much better than the Revenge-class destroyer he had robbed in the Endor galaxy before. At least it doesn't have to shrink in the cargo hold because of its large size.

Before leaving, Tang Xiao asked Orega again, "Dream Sisters, what is their status on Harunkar planet?"

"If you don't want to die, you'd better not go there. Even for me, it will be very dangerous to go there before I really return to my peak state." Orega got a new battleship, and his mood improved a lot. He patiently explained to Tang Xiao: "They have fallen into the planetary will of Harunkar planet and can't extricate themselves. It was they who called me to find you and then find the son of Harunkar. Only in this way can they be freed. After I find the son of Harunkar, I will come back."

Tang Xiao nodded and said: "Although our power near the Yawen galaxy is very weak, it can't be said that we have no power. I will try my best to help you."

In his heart, he was thinking, I don't know what conditions the Dream Sisters gave Orega to make Orega so attentive to them.

"You are very valuable, yes." Orega still looked high and mighty, not only because of the arrogance of the Protoss, but also because of the arrogance of being the strongest person at the top, although he looked very miserable now.

"Give up all your fantasies about the Kal'ai Protoss as soon as possible and join forces with me." Orega said, "You'd better cherish the opportunity to have an equal dialogue with me! When I regain my lost power, you will be nothing in front of me!"

After that, his figure disappeared directly, and he should have gone directly to the bridge of the battleship.

Tang Xiao shook his head, his face extremely solemn.

He naturally knew what Orega meant by the peak. Orega, formed by the combination of seven dark templars, possessed power close to that of a god. Even in the later stages of the plot of "StarCraft", when super-powerful beings such as the god-level creature Xel'Naga, the Fallen Amon, and the Xel'Naga version of Kerrigan gathered, Orega, even if slightly weaker, had enough power to compete.

If he could choose, Tang Xiao would never awaken an existence like Orega. Not only because of his powerful strength, but also because Orega is an unreasonable madman who only wants to take revenge on the Kal'ai Protoss. Even in the plot, Zeratul and others persuaded him earnestly, but he did not change his mind at all.

Zerg invasion? World-destroying disaster? In his opinion, it is not as important as revenge on the Kal'ai Protoss.

Moreover, Orega, who is seven in one, has an unimaginable ability to control his mind. The mind control of the Protoss is different from that of the Grisks. The control of the Protoss is more thorough, almost changing a person's appearance and making him their loyal slave. But the disadvantage is that it can only be controlled one by one, and it is impossible for a few people to control a planet like the Grisks.

So once Orega is allowed to wreak havoc in the galaxy, he will definitely be able to pull out an extremely loyal and powerful legion. This is not the most terrible sin. The most terrible thing is that once he starts to act, it is possible that everyone around him will become untrustworthy.

Because even if he was a loyal old minister before, he might be controlled by Orega one day later and become a spy without any bottom line.

But Tang Xiao could not control Orega's awakening.

He had learned about the "prisoner" level from the main brain. People at the prisoner level were all people who were forcibly imprisoned in the mothership's hibernation chamber because they were very powerful and difficult to control. There were no more than 50 such people in the entire hibernation chamber, and each of them was a disaster at the galaxy level.

Unlike the previous ordinary, elite, and master levels, as long as the conditions they put forward before boarding the ship were met, they could be awakened. The legendary level requires some communication and negotiation, but there will be no obstacles.

The legendary level is a little more difficult because it is impossible to know who can be awakened. Anyway, as long as the conditions are met, they can be awakened. Tang Xiao judged that setting this rule similar to card drawing is not for boring things like randomness, but on the contrary, it is a more rigorous screening.

Because the conditions of those legendary-level characters cannot be seen, there is no way to meet them in a targeted manner. Legendary characters are extremely powerful, and their requirements are naturally more stringent, so you need to make targeted preparations. Even if they are awakened, maybe your conditions are met, but the overall environment is not what the other party wants, then the result will naturally be a breakup or even a life-and-death struggle, which is not good for anyone in the end.

So if the conditions for legendary characters are not seen, then those who can meet the awakening conditions are those who can accept the current status of the Principality of Dawn. In other words, Tang Xiao absolutely does not expect some powerful and lawful characters to appear in the awakening list - such as Superman. Maybe if the old man can wake up, the first thing he will do is to fight with himself, the "dictator of the evil empire".

But the prisoner level... is completely different.

In the previous levels, no matter what, at least the most basic point is to be loyal to the Fourth Civilization, and at least they can agree and have a good impression. As long as the person can be awakened, they can more or less negotiate the conditions. At least the other party will also hope that the Fourth Civilization will become better, and then they can benefit from it.

But the prisoner level has no such restriction at all. Every person at this level can become the final BOSS in any worldview. They can't have any recognition and good impression of the Fourth Civilization. With their power, everything in front of them is the object of their control, demand, and rule!

For someone like Orega, even if Tang Xiao hadn't heard the report from the Dawn Planet, just looking at the battered Revenge-class destroyer, it was not like he walked out of there calmly.

Moreover, for a prisoner-level character, awakening is not controlled at all. This awakening, in the words of the main brain, is closer to "resonance", and this resonance is more in Tang Xiao himself.

Orega was awakened not because two dark Jedi Knights merged to become the Dark Archon, but because the Dark Archon recognized Tang Xiao and chose to merge with him in order to save Tang Xiao and solve the crisis at that time. Tang Xiao, who possessed part of the power of the Dark Archon, resonated with Orega, so Orega was able to break free from the shackles of the mothership and finally escape.

So, this is the problem we are facing now.

Orega has appeared, and there is no doubt that he is out of control. He even wants to control Tang Xiao and the Principality of Dawn in turn. And the request he made is also something that Tang Xiao would never agree to. Destroy the Kalai Protoss? Tang Xiao is not that stupid.

Let alone the fact that the Protoss now have no difference between Kalai and Nerazim, the Protoss now are playing an increasingly important role, and this time in the war between the Unknown Star Region and the Grisk Hegemony, the Protoss warriors who are loyal and powerful also left a very deep impression on Tang Xiao.

It is impossible for him to give up the Protoss in exchange for the so-called alliance of the madman Orega.

But at the same time, he can't turn against Orega now. Even if Orega is not in his peak state now, it is extremely difficult for him to kill Orega... Let alone other things, just looking at his current short-distance warp, you can see that Tang Xiao can beat him now, but it is basically impossible to kill him.

Moreover, the Dream Sisters are also in danger. They don't know how they sensed Orega's existence and asked him for help. This shows that they think that only Orega and Mace Windu can help them now.

In such a thinking, Tang Xiao returned to the Dawn Planet.

The return of the Grand Duke of Dawn excited the entire Principality of Dawn. This was especially true for the Regency Committee headed by Edel Ulan, because they knew that Tang Xiao's disappearance was a secret that they had strictly kept, but in this way, almost the entire Principality of Dawn was under pressure from them. And they lacked Tang Xiao's power and prestige, and it was difficult to carry out various tasks.

Edel Ulan was caught between Helmut Zemo and Francis Underwood, and was overwhelmed by the open and secret struggles between the two factions.

So when Tang Xiao secretly returned to the Dawn planet, he immediately received the warmest welcome - a mountain of decisions and documents.

Tang Xiao couldn't rest either. He first convened a summit of the top core leadership of the Principality of Dawn, listened to reports from Helmut Zemo and Francis Underwood, and some confidential events, including the awakening of Orega and the disaster in which he almost occupied the Glory mothership, as well as the sudden determination of the Galactic Empire to take action against the Trade Union. The two sides were engaged in a brutal tug-of-war.

The next day, Tang Xiao convened the Principality of Dawn's Galaxy Council. While making a public appearance, he announced to everyone the success of the Principality of Dawn's exploration of the unknown star field, confirmed that the Chiss Territory was officially incorporated into the Principality of Dawn, and announced that the Principality of Dawn had won a decisive victory in the war against the hegemony of Grisk.

At the same time, he also announced a series of cooperation between the Principality of Dawn and the Chiss Territory. This includes sending officers to the Chiss Military Academy to study, helping Chiss build a more advanced industrial system, and even allowing Chiss officers to serve in the Navy of the Principality of Dawn. The first batch of Chiss officers has 150 people, including 2 deputy commanders of the squadron, 20 captains of the main battleship, 50 captains of the cruiser, and the rest are military staff.

In addition, the Chiss representative Iliz-al-Alani-Chiara issued a joint declaration with the Principality of Dawn on behalf of the Chiss. The declaration stated that Chiss will advance and retreat together with the Principality of Dawn, share honor and disgrace, fight to the end to build a more prosperous home, and protect their country from invasion. At the same time, the declaration also pointed out the dangers of the Milky Way such as the Grisk hegemony and Mnggal-Mnggal, which must be completely eliminated from the perspective of intelligent civilization.

These collaborations were previously conducted in secret, but now they are openly publicized, which is also to build momentum, demonstrate to the Galactic Empire, and warn them that the Principality of Dawn has pulled itself out of the quagmire of the unknown star field. No one can predict what will happen next.

However, on the surface, the Principality of Dawn still issued another statement regarding the conflict between the Galactic Empire and the Trade Union. In the statement, the Principality of Dawn expressed regret for both sides of the conflict and hoped that both sides could find a peaceful solution and sit down for negotiations. At the same time, it also stated that in view of the expansion of armed conflicts, the Principality of Dawn will partially open the border of the planet Rendili to accept war refugees from the core circle of the Milky Way.

The most important information in this statement is about the planet Rendili opening its borders to accept war refugees. This is equivalent to allowing the Trade Union to transfer their own industries and wealth to the planet Rendili under the pretext of transferring refugees, and then find a way to transfer them to the new headquarters of the Northern Trade Union.

If the Galactic Empire wants to attack these "refugee ships", it will at least be morally unacceptable. Of course, the Galactic Empire can also say that there are military personnel on your refugee ships, so you deserve to be beaten. This is the battle between the two sides in the battlefield of public opinion.

The series of actions of the Principality of Dawn are very proactive and high-profile. In fact, they are also announcing Tang Xiao's return to Palpatine, the Emperor of the Galactic Empire. This may make Palpatine restrain himself in the next military action because of Tang Xiao's actions, which can help the Trade Union to reduce the pressure on the front battlefield.

At the same time, Tang Xiao was already sitting in the conference room of the Prime Minister's Office of the Principality of Dawn, discussing what had just happened in the Principality of Dawn and what was about to happen.

"First of all, it's about the Grisk hegemony." Tang Xiao sat on his throne and turned his head to the representative of the Chis Territory, Admiral Chiara, who was attending the meeting, and said: "Leave this matter to the Chis Territory. Go back and tell Governor Sheen-Morabito that if there is any military action related to the Grisk hegemony, it must be handled with the highest priority."

"Yes." Admiral Chiara nodded.

"The Grisk Hegemony has not perished, and I think they are still a very deadly potential threat." Tang Xiao said, "The only thing I can be sure of in this battle with them is that one of their top leaders, Black Star, has been killed, so they should be quiet for a few years. But we must be prepared for their comeback."

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