The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2154: Escape from Mortis (Part 2)

2155, Escape from Mortis (middle)

The son looked at Tang Xiao, his eyes were full of coldness. And unlike the golden eyes of other dark side force users, his eyes were blood red.

He said coldly: "If this is all you can do, then I think you'd better die."

As he said that, he raised his hand and pushed gently. It seemed to be a light statement, but Tang Xiao felt as if he was hit head-on by a train. With a bang, he was directly knocked out and hit the wall behind him.

"Don't... go too far!" Tang Xiao roared, and blood-colored lightning began to condense in his hands.

"Oh~~ This is interesting." The son raised his eyebrows and looked at Tang Xiao with interest.

The extremely powerful blood-colored lightning appeared, and even the sky was darkened! Tang Xiao pointed at his son, and the blood-colored lightning shot out instantly!

Crack! ! Boom~~~~~! ! !

There was a dull explosion, and even the tower was shaking under the collision of powerful forces. At this moment, it seemed that all the light was completely swallowed up. In the darkness of that moment, nothing could be seen around.

However, immediately afterwards, this endless darkness was torn apart by blood! More blood!

The blood-colored lightning that struck his son had disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by two more powerful and terrifying lightning balls in his hands.

Blood-colored, lightning balls!

"I am very pleased that you can touch a little bit of the essence of the dark side. Servant." The son grinned and pushed hard with both hands!

Blood-colored lightning, countless blood-colored lightning intertwined into a net and was triggered from the son's hands!

There was no way to resist it!

You must know that the blood-colored lightning was invincible in Tang Xiao's hands, killing countless powerful enemies including Master Plo-Kong. And such a powerful lightning, even Tang Xiao can only trigger one at a time.

But the son directly triggered hundreds of them! This is obviously showing off.

Crack! Crack! Crack! ! Countless blood-red lightning struck Tang Xiao, his death force was split, his force barrier was shattered, and even his body was pierced by lightning!

Tang Xiao was directly knocked away again by this extremely powerful force, and fell to the ground more than ten meters away, with smoke all over his body. He only felt that his body seemed to have lost control, and almost every cell in his body was in severe pain, as if his body was disintegrating at the cellular level!

The son came to Tang Xiao, looked down at him, looked at Tang Xiao struggling in pain, and said coldly: "Now, you should know who you are loyal to, right?"

"Hehehe..." Tang Xiao couldn't move at all, but he still laughed shrilly with his broken throat while lying on the ground, "I agree to help you, son."

Although he was beaten up, he still felt that he had taken a lot of advantage in the name.

Tang Xiao panted violently for a while, and his lungs made a sound like a bellows. He used the life force to heal himself. Since his death force was perfected, he hasn't used the life force for a long time.

"Interesting." The son watched Tang Xiao use the life force and nodded with a sneer.

Tang Xiao finally recovered a little, and he also knew that his son was showing mercy. Because of the nature of the blood-colored lightning, if his son wanted, the wound caused would be impossible to heal. Not to mention that he must have reduced his strength, otherwise, with so many blood-colored lightnings, Tang Xiao would have been wiped out.

This is the power of Taiyi... Although Tang Xiao was prepared, he was still shocked.

Although they are not gods, they undoubtedly have the power of gods!

"I am willing to help you, from my personal point of view." Tang Xiao panted and said, "You do have powerful power, so I will agree to what you ask me to do. But that's all... Hehehe..."

"What else do you want?" The son suddenly felt very unhappy, snorted coldly, and stepped on one of Tang Xiao's hands.

However, such pain is nothing to Tang Xiao, and his son wants to humiliate him more.

Tang Xiao sneered: "It's very simple. I have my country and my people. If you want them to submit to you, you need more direct benefits. You are indeed very powerful, powerful enough to kill all of us. But if there is nothing in exchange, we will not submit. At worst, you can kill us all, and you will rule this empty galaxy... Hehehe..."

"You dare to negotiate with me?" The son was even more unhappy.

"Ruling by fear will sooner or later be backfired. Don't you understand the ending of the Kilik Swarm? You destroyed the swarm, but what did you get? You got a destroyed swarm. Then what?" Tang Xiao asked back.

Although there are many mysteries about the decline and demise of the Kilik Swarm, since the son just admitted that he did it, it is not difficult to guess what happened.

"Only the binding of interests can be a long-term solution. Everyone worships you as a god and offers you everything they have. And the god will respond by granting a little grace, which is enough for the subjects... After you rule the Milky Way, only in this way can your empire exist for billions of years." Tang Xiao said.

He pulled his hand away from his son's feet and felt much better, so he sat up against the wall and continued: "So, this is my question... How do you plan to rule me and the countless subjects?"

The son seemed a little confused. He was completely unfamiliar with this question.

Because he had great power since he was born. Later, he drank the fountain of power and possessed endless dark side force, as powerful as a god. All along, everything he wanted, as long as he took it, he would get it.

After all, he was too powerful, so powerful that no one could resist him. The powerful Kilik swarm that dominated the galaxy could be directly degenerated by him into primitive insects that gnawed bark and sucked sap in hundreds of years!

In his concept, there has never been any equivalent exchange, such as mutual benefit and reciprocity.

In fact, it’s not that no one has mentioned it, but those who mentioned it to him were torn into pieces by him, and then exiled to the abyss of the force to torture their souls for tens of thousands of years.

Dare to make conditions with me? This is treason!

But now the situation is different... Because he has been imprisoned in Mortis by his "father" for too long, he wants to get rid of this shackles too much. Moreover, the final outcome of the Kilik Swarm did give him a warning.

At that time, it was because he found that the Kilik Swarm wanted to break free from his control and plotted a rebellion, so he took direct action and destroyed the genetic sequence of the Swarm, causing the Kilik Swarm that dominated the galaxy to completely degenerate.

But as Tang Xiao said, what did he get?

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