The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2149 Orega VS Fantasy

$2150, Oleja VS Fantasy

"Master, we found a city on this planet." The operator turned around and said to Oleja.

Oleja no longer cared about the opinions of these people, but he looked at the sensor screen and asked: "The information on it says that our spacecraft can also detect those so-called defenders?"

He was not familiar with the current spacecraft operation interface of the Principality of Dawn, but he could still see some of it by looking at the graphics.

"Yes, master. They didn't respond to the detector we launched. It's really lucky. According to the scan results, this is the only large city on the planet." The operator clicked a place on the screen, "The name on the navigation data is... Pelek-Bau City, which is where the aliens on this planet live in concentration."

"Let's go and take a look there. Arrange a shuttle." Oleja said, turning around and walking to the back.

After becoming a dark archon, his senses are completely different from those of ordinary people, or ordinary Protoss. He does not rely on his eyes to see. In his vision, he can only see the endless void energy.

Therefore, in his opinion, there were no defenders here, and he did not feel the majestic vitality that a city should have. There was only a void here, and even the entire planet was in the energy of the void, which was simply terrifying.

Yes, even Orega was afraid.

However, he also believed that such a great power was more likely to be formed naturally by the planet and had no self-awareness, so he thought he might be able to find the secret of the planet here.

As for the illusions of the defenders and the city, Orega believed that it was more likely to be a scene that had existed before and was projected by the planet.

When he was still in the hyperspace channel before, he had already felt the call of the planet. So he ordered the hyperspace navigation to be interrupted and came here to respond to the voice from the depths of the void.

A shuttle took off from the narrow hangar platform of the Revenge-class destroyer and flew towards the only city on the planet Harun Kar - the city of Pelek-Bau.

"This is shuttle number OX-M192, requesting to land." The driver said to the communicator that was silent except for the rustling sound. After a moment, he smiled and replied, "Okay, berth G-7, I see. Thank you."

The shuttle landed on a scorched open space. Four Dark Templars got off the spacecraft first and were on guard at all times. One of them pushed the air. In his opinion, he pushed away a pedestrian who was walking around.

They knew something was wrong here, but they didn't know what was wrong.

The driver and several other crew members who came with him behaved very naturally. They looked around and said, "I didn't expect the planet Harun Kal to be rebuilt so quickly? I remember that this planet was destroyed by war during the Clone Wars."

"In fact, it's not a big problem if you think about it, because the official report at the time said that 110,000 civilians died in the war. The Galactic Empire moved a new batch of immigrants from other places." Another crew member said.

Another crew member walked over and asked the air: "Excuse me, where is the nearest bar here?" This is common sense for explorers. When you go to a place, go to the bar first, have a drink and ask about the local customs. Give a little tip, and those knowledgeable bartenders are always willing to talk to you.

After getting the answer, the crew member led the way and led the group towards the commercial district of the city.

In the eyes of the four dark templars and several crew members, they are now in a city that is not large in scale but very prosperous. The city is built in an exotic style, because the planet Harun Kar is rich in various trees, and metal products will be corroded by fungi in the air if they are left here for a long time, so most of the structures of the entire city are made of wood.

And these woods are very strong, and some varieties are even harder than steel.

People live and trade here. At least more than a dozen different races can be seen along the way. They dress differently, but they are all looking for opportunities to make money on this planet.

In addition to the most famous Diesel bark, there are many other products on the planet Harun Kar. And because of the harsh environment of the planet, all low-lying areas are covered with poisonous miasma, which can even corrode metals, so it is very difficult to obtain these products. Of course, if these things are sent to the core circle of the Milky Way, those nobles are willing to spend a lot of money to buy them.

Those who can come to Harun Kar to make a living are all fierce, so the people seen on the street are also fully armed and burly. There are even a few people fighting in the distance, and many people around are watching the excitement.

And those indifferent security personnel, however, did not pay attention to this kind of fighting.

Several crew members have completely integrated into the city. They greeted the people around them, chatted with them, tried to obtain as much information as possible, and then reported to their master Orega.

The four dark templars were on guard at all times. They had already shown the light blades on their wrists and looked around vigilantly.

But in Orega's opinion, the scene here is quite different!

There was a charred blackness everywhere, as if the place had been burned by a fire. There were also the remains of some buildings around, and because they were wooden structures, the remains had been burned to charcoal, and the dark stone frame columns were still strong. .

The rugged roads were littered with the remains of vehicles and even tanks, all of which were blackened by fire without exception. Even among the debris of the nearby building, the remains of several quadruple anti-air blasters can be seen, and there are many dark skeletons around.

This city has long been destroyed.

Maybe the people in the city persisted in resisting until the end, or maybe even at the last second they still controlled the pair of air blasters and fired wildly at the sky. But in the end, it still couldn't withstand the coming of death.

These meager blasting anti-aircraft guns and meager anti-aircraft missiles are nothing to mention for the capital ships parked in the outer orbit.

A crew member was standing in front talking to the invisible air, praising the other party's modified sniper rifle as a really good guy. However, under his feet, there was only a blackened skeleton and a large gun twisted and melted beside the skeleton.

Although he is not familiar with the technology of this world, Orega is also experienced and understands that this is the result of orbital bombing. And it is a bombing with reduced power, so that it can kill everyone in the city through high temperature without damaging the environment as much as possible.

"This planet has been destroyed." Orega said in a deep voice, "The defenders you saw in outer space may have been the guards of this planet. And that fleet is also related to this city. Same, they were destroyed. But the city and the fleet were all reappeared under the powerful void energy of this planet. This is the memory of the planet."

"This prosperous city is actually a ruin?" a Dark Templar asked.

"We are very close there. I can feel that there is a strong void connection there." Orega raised his finger and pointed forward.

"Ah, that's right! That's the tavern they introduced to us!" said a crew member.

Orega ignored the crew members who had been completely confused by the illusion, and floated over by himself, arriving in front of the wreckage of a building.

With a very tacit understanding, the four Dark Templar warriors immediately came to guard around him, and Orega raised a finger, only to see a purple flame begin to condense on his finger, and then shrunk to a very small ball. .

Then, Orega tapped the building lightly...

Everything around him shattered into pieces like broken glass, whether it was a prosperous city or a ruined city, they were all wiped out with these broken pieces.

Now, Orega and the others realized that they were actually in a jungle!

"Welcome here, to the world of dreams - Harunkar." A disembodied voice came, which sounded like a young female voice, calm and peaceful.

"Hahahaha! You can actually detect the existence of the third illusion. It's really amazing!" Another ethereal laughter appeared, equally young, lively and out-of-the-box.

"Who are you?" Orega asked in a deep voice.

"Before that, shouldn't you introduce yourself? Star Spirit." The quiet girl asked.

"You actually know the existence of star spirits? Are you from the Dawn Planet?" The powerful spiritual energy around Orega's body began to vibrate.

Although he had just arrived, he still got a lot of information on the mothership. For example, he knew very well that except for a few people, the existence of the protoss was a secret. Including the Galactic Empire, they only knew that there was such a mysterious race, but they did not know the detailed information about this race.

Some Imperial intelligence officers even believe that the protoss are a subrace of the salarians, due to their similar skin.

The person who can clearly explain the title of Star Spirit can only be from the Dawn Planet, and his status is definitely not low.

"You can think so." The calm girl replied, "Harunkar felt your presence, so he called you. And we are waiting here."

"This planet really has its own will!" Orega said, "Tell me, where is the core of this planet?"

"Your greed is even written on your face. Do you want to control Harunkar's dream?" The calm girl's tone became cold.

"Why not?" Orega asked.

"You will be addicted to the dream and merge with Harunkar's dream. We don't want this." The girl said.

"It's this planet that calls me, not you." Orega has already begun to prepare for the battle.

"We... are sleeping next to Harunkar. We... are the guardians of dreams. We... have something to ask you to do," the girl said.

"Don't play tricks with me! You have no qualifications! Tell me where the core of this planet is, or I will find it myself! Then, I will help you, maybe." Orega mocked.

"Then we can only change the way." The girl said coldly.

"You're just an ant!" Orega was already impatient and raised his hand to blast with powerful energy! The tree that was hit was immediately blown up into a large area!

However, it seemed that it did not hit the target, and only saw a golden light suddenly blooming deep in the jungle!

Seeing this scene, Olega's eyes suddenly narrowed. This golden light reminded him of something very bad.

Sure enough, as soon as he saw a ray of light, dozens of Protoss warriors in golden armor rushed out! They were Protoss fanatics! Not only that, behind these fanatics, there were several other figures floating, wearing lighter golden armor, exaggerated shoulder ornaments, and blue cloaks - they were high-level Templars!

However, these Protoss had another meaning in Olega's eyes - the Karai Protoss!

The surrounding jungle disappeared, replaced by a simple village, which was the settlement of the Nerazim! Only the village was seen burning, and lightning kept striking in the sky. It seemed that even in Olega's heart, there were dying wails!

Endless hatred and endless anger emerged from Olega's heart, "You, dare to do this! Dare to do this!!"

It has always been him who played with other people's minds and controlled other people's souls. But now, they obviously read his memory, read the lingering nightmare deep in his heart!

The cruel massacre and expulsion of the Nerazim by the Kal'ai Protoss for thousands of years!

During the period when Orega became the guardian of Nerazim's wisdom, he was eroded by countless miserable memories, countless pains and countless hatreds intertwined, forming those nightmare-like pictures. These pictures may not have really appeared, but they are scary enough, sad enough, and painful enough!

This is also the nightmare that has tortured him for a long time.

"You! Dare to do this!!!" Orega's anger has been beyond words. Dare to show the most painful memory in front of him and play with it at will!

Must die! Must die!! Even if the entire planet is buried with it, it doesn't matter!

"Die!!!" Orega roared, and the blood-red flames suddenly spread like a substance, carrying terrible energy! Everything around was shattered under this powerful energy!

The few crew members brought were instantly turned into ashes under such an impact, and even the corpses were not left. The phantoms of the Khalai Protoss also wailed and fell to the ground, but then they all turned into Nerazim! They fell to the ground with wounds all over their bodies and struggled in pain.

"You! Are you! Seeking your own death!!!" Orega roared, and countless purple flames with anger fell from the sky, like a giant cannon that destroyed the world, blasting the surroundings into a mess!

At the same time, four dark templars also rushed up waving their light blades!

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