2146, Behind the War

"Smooth? No! Not enough! Not enough!" Palpatine's expression suddenly became extremely ferocious again, and he waved his fist vigorously, "More experiments are needed to ensure the success of the plan! This requires more funds! And more Force-sensitive people are needed as test subjects!"

Sante Pestag hurriedly said: "After Arden Lin returned to the Empire, the Grand Inquisitor's Judiciary acted very smoothly. They captured 7 escaped former Jedi Knights... Those people have all been arranged to be secretly sent to Byss for experiments. But in terms of funds, it is true. There is still a big gap. The empire's finances are already overwhelmed, and we have intercepted a considerable part of the fiscal revenue. If the proportion is increased, it may accelerate the collapse of the empire's finances. "

"Then let the families in the core circle pay!" Palpatine growled, "They have been lying under the protection of the empire and sucking blood for a long time. I don't have time to continue playing games with them! Now I just need money, more money! As long as the plan is completed, they are useless! They can do whatever they want! Hahahaha!"

"Yes... yes..." Sant-Pestachi huddled up again. In front of Palpatine, he was afraid to say a wrong word. Because that might mean the end of his life.

"I heard... the patriarch of the Tag family, Sanya-Tag... did he ever secretly go to the Dawn Planet?" Palpatine suddenly changed the subject and asked.

Sant-Pestachi was startled. He looked up and said in disbelief: "Your Majesty, is this true?! If so, the consequences may be very serious!"

"Sonya Tag is in poor health and is no longer suitable to continue to lead the Tag family. Let her sons bid... The one with the right price will become the next head of the family. Hehehehe..." Palpatine laughed strangely.

"Your Majesty, wise..."


Tatooine, the outer ring star region of the Milky Way.

A white light flashed, and a seemingly inconspicuous G-9 cargo ship left the hyperspace and flew straight to this chaotic, barren, but transportation hub planet.

The spacecraft did not fly to the only two cities on the planet-Mos Espa Port and Mos Eisley City, but flew towards the depths of the vast desert.

Flying to a Gobi with very complex terrain, there is a huge rift caused by crustal movement. In the huge rift that is thousands of kilometers long and 2 or 3 kilometers wide, there is no problem even if the spacecraft flies at high speed.

In a very hidden canyon, the spacecraft landed, and only saw an extremely huge behemoth lying quietly at the bottom of the canyon. The complex terrain here, combined with the signal shielding device, made it impossible to find such a huge thing in this barren Gobi.

It was a super huge land aircraft carrier with a length of 568 meters and a width of 237 meters! Kapisi class!

Twenty-three years ago, it was the existence of this land aircraft carrier that allowed the Hutt Gadula-Besadi to fight back, launched a war against the Hutt Jabba-Desiligiqi, and successfully defeated Jabba and occupied the planet Tatooine.

It was also this land aircraft carrier that ignited the dispute between the Hutts for 20 years, which evolved into a civil war until now.

But after that, the land aircraft carrier disappeared. Even in the subsequent disputes, no matter how hard the Besadi family or the Desiligiqi family searched, they could not find it.

After all, on the desert planet of Tatooine, having such a huge land-based aircraft carrier is a huge strategic advantage!

The land-based aircraft carrier is not afraid of the attacks of those small and medium-sized warships, and it is almost impossible for large battleships to visit a place like Tatooine. Moreover, it can attack and defend, and its concealment and durability are far greater than those cruisers. After all, the land-based aircraft carrier can mine, produce and fight at the same time.

Therefore, it can be said that whoever controls the land-based aircraft carrier controls the situation on the planet Tatooine.

But no one knows that this powerful land-based aircraft carrier is hidden here! The G-9 cargo ship parked next to the land-based aircraft carrier, as small as an ant at the foot of an elephant.

The hatch of the spacecraft opened, and a middle-aged man, Quinto, walked down. He was the first local resident to enter the Glory mothership. Later, he was semi-forced to join the team of Cun Te, and then he followed Cun Te wholeheartedly until now.

And he is naturally very familiar with the owner of the current Kapisi-class land-based aircraft carrier.

Quinto got off the spaceship and saw a few Jawas running over and pointing at his spaceship. Quinto knew what they meant, waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, the cargo in the spaceship belongs to you. But first, you have to repair my spaceship!"

The Jawas cheered and swarmed towards the spaceship.

Quinto took a small hovercraft and entered the interior of the land-based aircraft carrier.

When he came to the living area, before entering the door, Quinto had already heard the deafening music and cheers of men and women.

Quinto smiled and walked in.

The living area has been transformed into a huge bar, where expensive sound equipment and the best holographic projection equipment are installed, as well as a circular bar and countless fine wines.

Countless scantily clad young women were twisting their seductive bodies inside, dancing wildly in ecstasy. In the middle of the dance floor, a beautiful Twi'lek ripped off her underwear and threw it towards the audience, and a deafening cheer broke out!

The air was filled with alcohol, spices, and an indescribable smell of lasciviousness.

Quinto separated from the enthusiastic crowd and walked towards the depths of the bar. He was blocked at the door of the most luxurious box. What blocked him were two T-850 Terminator robots! These two robots were not covered with bionic skin, but directly exposed the skeleton-shaped metal endoskeleton, which looked hideous and terrifying.

It's just that such a skull-shaped endoskeleton unexpectedly fits in perfectly in such a fanatical bar.

The Terminator robot's electronic eyes shot out a ray of light that swept over Quinto, then stepped aside to make way for him to go in.

Inside the luxury box, Quinto finally met the real owner of the day.

A middle-aged man who is about 50 years old, with a hairline that has almost reached the top of his head, and a slight stoutness. In this bizarre environment, he was actually wearing sunglasses, wearing leather pants and being naked except for a white fur scarf. There were more than a dozen beauties of various shapes and forms around him, flirting with him.

The quality of the beauties here is at least several levels higher than the vulgar ones outside. They are truly one in a million.

The middle-aged man laughed loudly. He was overwhelmed by the grapes handed to him by the beautiful woman on the left and the wine brought by the beautiful woman on the right.

Seeing Quinto come in, he reluctantly raised his hand from the peak of the beauty next to him and waved, "Hey! Isn't this Quinto? Long time no see! How is the village special? Hahahaha... Come on, don't Look. Just take it with you! All you have to do is give me your name! Hahaha! What’s my name?”

He took a big gulp of wine, burped and said, "Isn't my name Santa Claus? Hahahahahaha!!" (End of Chapter)

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