The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2134 Regency Committee (Part 2)

2135. Regency Committee (Part 2)

"Isn't the Trade Alliance our ally? We shouldn't sit back and watch our allies be attacked, right?" Tang Yun gave his own opinion.

Francis Underwood coughed dryly and said: "Your Excellency Regent, the power structure of the Trade Federation is very complex. They can indeed be said to be our allies, but at the same time they are also serving the Galactic Empire. For example, Because of the existence of the Trade Alliance, the Galactic Empire can easily enslave and plunder the resources of the Central and Outer Rim Star Regions. Therefore, there are many warships in the huge fleet of the Galactic Empire, which were actually built with the indirect help of the Trade Alliance. "

"Then aren't we going to help?" Tang Yun asked again.

"I think we cannot bear the risk of starting a war with the Galactic Empire right now. Many of our fleets are still in the unknown star field, and the threats facing the unknown star field have not been completely eliminated. In addition, the Grand Duke is not here , if a war breaks out at this time, it will be a disaster for us," Francis Underwood said.

Ling Liang expressed a different opinion, "But if we don't react, I don't think the Trade Federation will be able to defend their main planets in the core circle. Once the Trade Federation is annexed by the Galactic Empire, the Galactic Empire will be even stronger. This is also very bad for us.”

Francis Underwood thought for a while and said: "The Trade Federation has been relocating their technology and property to the north in the past few years, so even if the worst happens, the Principality of Dawn will still maintain part of its trade. Alliance assets.”

The priestess knows more about things on the other side of the galaxy. She said: "The biggest value of the Trade Federation is not their assets, but their influence and navigation data in the outer ring star region. If Count Dooku's separatist movement at that time, Without the support of the Trade Alliance, it may not be possible to spread in the outer ring star region. Therefore, we must do something.”

"Newt Gunray has been firmly on the side of the Dawn Principality since the second half of the Clone Wars. Now they are under attack. If we do nothing, then our other allies will also be chilled. ." Qi Jian said.

After getting the tip from Adele Ulan, Tang Yun turned to Matt Horner and asked: "General Matt, what will happen if we send troops to interfere with the Trade Alliance?"

Matt Horner's expression was solemn, "First of all, the Galactic Empire has assembled heavy troops on the planets of Kira and Fondo, just to contain our two main fleets in the Yago-Dur system and the Eriadu system. If we If there is no plan to directly send troops to attack, the garrison in these two places will be dispatched to contain our main fleet with superior force and drag us into a long-term battle. Moreover, to deal with the Trade Federation, the Galactic Empire does not need to use these two directions. "

He continued: "Secondly, once we take the initiative to attack, it will be what the Galactic Empire desires in terms of public opinion. Because it will be us who initiate the war, and the justice of the war will be on the side of the Galactic Empire. In this way, The people in our country will have doubts about this war and even oppose it. In the end, because the core planets of the Trade Alliance are in the inner circle, we do not have the power to really reinforce them.”

"What should we do?" Tang Yun asked.

"Reject Newt Gunray's request for help, and then use the name of humanitarian aid to minimize the losses of the Trade Alliance." Francis Underwood said.

"What do you think the Interstellar Banking Association will think of us once we do this? What about Solosub Company? What about Lundili Interstellar Power Company?" Helmut Zemo retorted.

"This is impossible!" Francis Underwood shouted impatiently: "Do we have the ability to enter the inner circle to help? If you give me a feasible method, then I will also agree to help. The Trade Federation did it!”

At this time, Xian Hui, the commander-in-chief of the army who rarely spoke, suddenly said: "Indeed, it is very stupid to send troops directly. We have not even started mobilization. Relying on standing troops and supplies is simply not enough to meet the needs of the war. But , Even so, we still have ways to help the Trade Alliance."

"Do you have any idea? General." Ling Liang asked Xian Hui very politely, because Xian Hui was actually her senior and old leader.

Xian Hui nodded and pointed out one word, "Rebel Army."

About an hour into the meeting, Newt Gunray, who was waiting anxiously outside the door like an ant on a hot pot, was finally informed and allowed to enter the venue.

Newt Gunray almost kicked the door open and rushed in.

Then at the first glance, he saw Tang Xiao's holographic projection at the top of the conference room. Tang Yun had left at this moment, and Adele Ulan was also sitting on the conference table, next to Tang Xiao's projection.

Tang Xiao, who was in the projection, was looking at him with cold eyes. Newt Gunlay was like a mouse meeting a cat, and he curled up, "Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

"Sit down." 'Tang Xiao' said coldly.

"Yes...yes." Newt Gunray did not dare to express his anger. He quickly sat down and lowered his head, not even daring to take another look.

There was no way, Tang Xiao left too much terror in his mind.

Tang Xiao continued, "We have made a decision about the Trade Union being attacked by the Galactic Empire - the Principality of Dawn will not send troops."

"Grand Duke... No... This way... This way, we are really finished!" Newt Gunray raised his head and said loudly.

However, the next second, he was directly strangled by a powerful force, and then forced to sit on the chair. He was so terrified that he did not realize that it was actually the priestess who did this.

"Shut up!" Tang Xiao said, "Ling Liang, tell him the plan!"

"Yes, Grand Duke." Ling Liang stood up, saluted Tang Xiao's projection, and then turned to Newt Gunray and said coldly: "Mr. Gunray. You should know that the places where the Trade Union is now attacked are all in the core circle of the Milky Way. What exactly do you think that we can directly send troops from the outer ring star area to the core circle?"

Newt Gunray was already sweating, and he quickly said: "No... That's not what I mean, Grand Duke... It's really the current situation. We have no other way!"

"If the Trade Union is now stationed on those core planets and its defense facilities, how long do you think it can last?" Ling Liang asked again.

"At most... no more than three months..." Newt Gunray answered tremblingly.

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