The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 212 The Inner Corruption

210. The inner nature of corruption

It's done! ! Plagueis is going to build this battleship! Tang Xiao was overjoyed. He didn't hide his emotions and laughed out loud, but what he said was, "The Marsaille! How can I have such a supreme honor?! Hahaha!"

Immediately, as if he knew that he had lost his composure, he quickly lowered his head, "I'm sorry, my lord... I really didn't expect you to name this super warship after me!"

"This battleship is big enough, but it is not that rare. However, because the data is complete, it is still necessary to prepare for construction. But it will take time, no matter whether this battleship is a product of the Kiliks or the Infinite Empire Their technology is very different from ours now, and scientists need to break through the barriers." Darth-Plagueis also saw that the technological system of this Titan battleship was similar to that of the Galactic Republic and even the Sith Empire. all completely different.

This further confirmed his inner thoughts, either the Kiliks or the Infinite Empire! These super empires that existed more than 35,000 years ago or even longer are the most likely to design the existence of this kind of warship, and he is even a little proud of his accurate judgment.

As for how Garulan got this thing, Plagueis didn't care. The tentacles of the Black Sun are almost all over the entire galaxy. There are too many possibilities for them to get this thing. A bounty hunter who strayed into the ruins, a commercial spy from Corellia's ruins excavation company, or an underground black market or something... …

In this case, if Tang Xiao told him the origin of the warship Datong, it would be really suspicious. Not knowing anything is the most normal thing.

Looking at the data of the battleship for the last time, Darth Plagueis nodded with satisfaction, and put the memory away solemnly, "It is indeed a wise choice for you to give this data to me. Now our layout in the Milky Way is still If you haven’t finished it, you don’t have the ability to start working under the eyes of the Republic.”

"Should we build it now?" Tang Xiao asked.

"I need a huge team and a long time to complete this project. This is also a great improvement to our shipbuilding technology. You know, the most advanced spaceship construction technology in the galaxy is concentrated in Kuat Power Shipyard, Rendili Interstellar Power Company and Corellian Interstellar Engineering Company... I am of course happy to dig a piece of their market." Darth-Plagues sneered, "Don't worry about this matter, just come here today, I will continue to teach you how to use your anger to control the force."

He did not hesitate to kick Tang Xiao out of the project of building a Titan battleship.


The core area of ​​the Milky Way, the capital of the Republic, and the planet Coruscant.

In a mansion on the surface of the planet, a private dinner is being held. Claire Underwood in a red dress held a glass of red wine, walking among many high-ranking officials and ladies, talking and laughing happily.

She came to a semis with a big belly, handed over a glass of champagne from the waiter herself, and said with a smile: "Mrs. Tulla, this dress is really worthy of your unique temperament. You really deserve it today." It is so beautiful. This is the silk produced by a creature called 'silkworm' on the Dawn planet, and it is a completely natural product."

Thunbuck-Tula, a councilor from the planet Semirs, laughed, "I like this dress so much, I didn't expect there to be such a creature. I always thought that the ice spider silk from the planet Kress was the most suitable." clothing materials."

"The production of ice spider silk is affected by the seasons, but a person of high status like you should have a different dress every day." Claire said with a smile.

"Oh Claire, my friend, you are so kind, so kind..." Thunbak-Tula smiled very usefully.

On the other side, Francis Underwood was talking about something more practical. At the moment, he was whispering with Aoun Free-Ta, a councilor from Planet Reynolds.

"...If you want to veto the bill next week, you still need to convince 21 members of parliament, your Excellency. So if you don't do anything else, this education bill will be passed." Francis said.

"Hahaha, you must have a way, right? Mr. Francis." Aoun Free-Ta said while shaking his fat body, while embracing his Twi'lek mistress.

"Valorum's promotion of this education proposal is just to conduct some testing before the proposal of taxation in the outer ring star region is officially proposed, so no one will vigorously oppose it at this time, because the drama is still to come." Francis Qianqian said, "But those corporate giants have been a little aggressive recently, and this is the real threat."

Councilor Ta patted Francis on the shoulder, "This education bill will increase our planet's financial expenditure by 5% every year, and most of it will flow into the republic's treasury. What is education used for? With this funding, I might as well Planting some spice fields! Don’t worry, Mr. Francis, if this bill can be passed, my ring faction and I will support Dawn Planet in the future. You know what I’m talking about.”

Francis took a sip of his wine and said: "Dawn Star doesn't care about the seats in the parliament now. Under the rule of Speaker Phoenix-Valoron, this is not a capital."

"Hmph! Valorum has been bouncing around for a few days! Although those corporate giants are not good things, but his series of actions have offended both the outer ring planet and the corporate giants!" Aoun Foley -Ta drank the wine in the glass and said harshly.

There was a smile on the corner of Francis' mouth, and he leaned over and whispered: "But, I can indeed get 21 veto votes for you."

"Oh, Mr. Francis, don't be a fool. I know that you can enjoy many congressmen now, so I came to you." Councilor Tower said.

"The so-called good food is just mutual benefit. The Dawn planet has a certain industrial system, and we are naturally willing to help those relatively backward planets improve their industrial strength. It's just..." Francis suddenly changed the subject, "... I think Deputy Speaker Botan is not young anymore, he should retire."

Councilor Ta's expression changed, "Deputy Speaker Botan has been criticized recently, but he is highly respected after all. It may be very difficult for him to retire..."

"So, this requires your strength, Your Excellency. The members of the Huan faction will definitely be happy to see this. All they need is a leader." Francis said with a smile.

Thanks to Re Tianhu for the reward of 100 starting coins! !

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