2093. Dawn Report

"I'm sorry, Prime Minister, I lost my temper that day. I will take responsibility for this matter." In the office of the Prime Minister's Office on Dawn Planet, Douglas Stamp looked annoyed.

"I can only say that this matter is indeed wrong with Doug." Francis Underwood, Prime Minister of the Dawn Principality, shook his head, "Helmut Zemo is using the media and public opinion to attack us, and we This excuse should not be given to him."

He stood up, came to the window, lifted a corner of the curtain, and looked at the crowd of demonstrators outside the Governor's Palace.

With a cold smile, Francis lowered the curtains and said: "Momentary anger cannot solve the essential problem. If the overly radical war policy is not alleviated, more resistance will appear. We cannot repeat the Galactic Empire. "

"The recent situation makes me feel that this storm is unstoppable..." Douglas Stamp sighed.

"That's just an illusion." Francis Underwood said lightly, "Zemo and Ling Liang tried to start a movement and use the movement to dilute the contradictions. Others talk about labor time with them, they talk about doctrine with you; others Talk to them about exploitation, and they talk to you about doctrine; others talk to them about war, and they talk to you about doctrine... That's it."

"What about us?" Douglas asked.

"We should focus on the substantive things." Francis Underwood made a grasping motion. "Will war come? Of course it will, I never deny it, but this should be a defensive war. war. Our main fleet should not fight within the territory of the Galactic Empire. This will only reduce our advantage. The Galactic Empire is not stable internally, and they face more enemies. Everyone knows this if they dare. If we take the initiative to attack, they will definitely be the first to collapse."

"That's right. Our work so far has been very effective." Douglas Stamp nodded, "It was our two large-scale battles in the Model Sector and the Yago-Dur System that completely destroyed the foundation of the Galactic Republic. . And the current Galactic Empire is more extreme and radical, but their power is not necessarily stronger than that of the Galactic Republic."

"This is exactly the key point." Francis tapped his knuckles on the table. "What we have to do now is not to have a larger military than the Galactic Empire! The most important thing for us now is to prove that we are greater than the Galactic Empire." The empire is more superior and more prosperous! We must prove to the people of the galaxy that we are truly fair, just, and free! Does Tang Xiao want to be dictatorial? There is no problem, as long as he can ensure the bottom line of people's lives, then everything is not a problem. The people of the galaxy will naturally make their choice."

"Yes, our policy should be biased toward defense. As long as the current situation continues, many people who cannot stand the Galactic Empire will naturally come to us. The general trend cannot be reversed." Douglas said, "But Zemo and the others …”

"It's still the same. We have to prove that Zemo is wrong and we are right." Francis said, "Tang Xiao, because of the dark side of the Force, often makes decisions that are more emotional than rational. It's a good thing that he can't be contacted for now, because it also keeps him away from villains like Zemo. When he comes back, he will naturally see our fruitful status."

"We will definitely succeed." Douglas nodded.

"Next, we will try our best to promote new economic policies, at least to put this policy on the table. If Zemo continues to advocate his war plan, then this choice on the table will make the people It is natural to distinguish between good and bad. As I said, the enthusiasm aroused by public opinion is only temporary... What do the people really need? Therefore, we must firmly grasp this to grasp public opinion. With public opinion, we have a foundation.”

"Yes. This is the wisest choice." Douglas said.

Francis leaned back on the backrest and crossed his fingers. "Tang Xiao will eventually understand that the position of Prime Minister of the Empire was not given to me by him, but by me. For this goal, I paid an unimaginable amount of money." effort."

"That's what we're trying to do," Douglas said.

"And you Doug... I'm sorry. You must give the people an explanation for this matter." Francis said calmly, "Convene a press conference, publicly apologize, and then take the blame and resign. Come back to me, Keep a low profile for a while, just like before. Find a few good people to write your speech and show it to me. You should know that the point of an apology is not to apologize, but why did you do it? Because of your ideals, your beliefs! Yes, talk about your beliefs.”

"I understand." Douglas nodded, not swayed at all by the request to resign.

"Your Majesty...this is the beginning and end of the recent political turmoil in the Principality of Dawn." Harus Ison, deputy director of the Imperial Security Bureau, stood in the audience very respectfully, bending forward to the throne. Report to the person who represents the highest authority in the empire.

Emperor Palpatine of the Galactic Empire sat on a tall throne, almost his entire upper body shrouded in shadow, with only his pair of golden eyes shining ferociously in the darkness.

Today, Palpatine held a secret meeting. Just as the Principality of Dawn has been talking about the Galactic Empire, what they discussed was also the Principality of Dawn.

The Governor of the Fourth Army, Wilhuff Tarkin, the Governor of the Ninth Army, Dunn Wessex, the Governor of the Twentieth Army, Octavian Grant, the mysterious director of the Imperial Security Bureau, who also serves as the Imperial Intelligence Department. Dark Advisor Black Hole, Emperor's Advisor Crueya-Vandron, Dark Prophet Kadan, Leader of the New Order Protection Committee Ishin-Il-Raz, I really don't know why this II is in the middle The core members of the empire, including... Aishin II Raz?

"Tang Xiao...hehehehe..." Palpatine let out a distorted laugh, "He is just a little kid who made his fortune by stealing Hei Ge's inheritance. He is proving that he does not have the ability to rule the Principality of Dawn. , soon... everything about him will fall apart, and he himself will be torn into pieces by me. Tell me his whereabouts."

"Tang Xiao has not appeared in public in the past four months. We believe that he is probably not in the Principality of Dawn." Harus-Ison said, "Considering the recent actions of the Principality of Dawn in the unknown star field, we believe that he Dealing with trouble over there.”

"If he is not here, what are the chances that we will launch an attack immediately?" Palpatine asked with a grim smile.

"There are difficulties, Your Majesty." Wilhuff Tarkin stepped out and said: "The main fleet of the Imperial Navy is currently too scattered. We maintain a force of 1,000 Star Destroyers in the Laxus system, the core area of ​​separatist activities. In order to monitor the Hutt space where the civil war is breaking out, the strength of the Thirteenth Army has also been strengthened to 800 Star Destroyers to guard against the intrusion of the Principality of Dawn in the direction of the Yago-Dull system and the direction of the Eriadu system. 1,000 Star Destroyers were deployed, and then our wise and mighty Governor of Wessex, in the name of fighting the Geth, occupied 3,500 Star Destroyers... and then excluded fleets used for defense elsewhere, such as the 1st. A system of 2,000 Star Destroyers allows us to use less than 1,000 capital ships as a mobile force."

As he spoke, he did not forget to give Dunn Wessex some eye drops, glanced over there coldly, and then said: "According to our plan, if we want to wipe out the Principality of Dawn in one fell swoop, we will need to use at least 5,000 fighter jets. Starship strength. Considering the occupancy and attrition in various places, we will have such a force in the next five years."

"I've said it many times! I don't want to hear again that our battleships are not as good as theirs, so we must use numbers to win! The Principality of Dawn's fleet has less than 1,000 ships, why must we wait until five years later!" Palpatine growled.

"The three-body environment of the Yago-Durr system and the solid defense system of the Eriadu system are difficulties we need to face, Your Majesty." Octavian Grant came out and said: "And we must admit that Dawn After the Principality occupies the vast territory of the 18th Army and the 19th Army, they have greater strategic depth, which is also a factor that will digest the strength of our fleet. "

In fact, Governor Octavian Grant was not as influential as Dunn Wessex and others during the Galactic Republic. However, because he is one of the current generals of the Galactic Empire, he has continued to fight against the Principality of Dawn for a long time. The longest one, although most of them were failures, it still allowed him to have a greater say in such meetings.

Dunn-Wessex said: "Based on the current simulated combat results, our Empire II-type Star Destroyer can achieve an overwhelming advantage in the battle against most of the capital ship types of the Principality of Dawn. Including Martha-class missiles Heavy cruisers, Cole-class battlecruisers, and Imperial II-class Star Destroyers can all achieve a record of more than 1:5 in simulated battles, and the record with Behemoth-class battlecruisers is also 1:3. The only troublesome thing is. The Hell's Angel-class battlecruiser and the Catastrophe-class battlecruiser...the former's defense system allows it to persist for a long time in the face of Empire-class firepower, while the latter's particle light spear is always a headache."

He projected some simulated battle scenes on a light screen, and then said: "But the firepower of the Hell's Angels is very different from that of the Empire II, so there is nothing to be afraid of. As for the disaster class, this can be solved through excellent tactical organization. . A high-speed assault fleet and a powerful carrier-based aircraft fleet can become a real disaster. At the same time, in order to gain an advantage at the fighter level, we have installed the most advanced anti-stealth radar on the Chaser-class aircraft carrier. The stealth fighter will be invisible, and the most important thing is..."

The huge and majestic figure of the Executor-class super Star Destroyer appeared on the screen. Dunn-Wessex said proudly: "The Titan battleships that the Principality of Dawn is proud of will be completely invincible in front of the Executor-class. All doubts are gone!”

Wilhuff Tarkin sneered: "What? Are you talking to your wife again? Has the battleship built by Quat ever been reliable?"

At this time, the sinister voice of the Imperial Intelligence Minister Hei Dong came, "The Principality of Dawn has new warships put into use, and the number of Archon-class aircraft carriers that got us into huge trouble before is also increasing. Your complacency is still too early. , Wessex.”

"Although the information is unclear, there are no traces of mass production of those new warships. In other words, they are just vanity toys used by Tang Xiao to satisfy his great ambition. And the Executor-class super Star Destroyer? From the beginning, this It’s a mass-produced piece of equipment and we have adequate plans,” Dunn-Wessex said.

Harus Ethan, deputy director of the Imperial Security Bureau, said: "Wessex is right about this. The Principality of Dawn has focused on the relocation of Rendili planet in recent years and has built a huge number of Passenger ships. From the perspective of production capacity, they have not put their industrial strength into the construction of warships at all. Their focus is on the future. "

"Are you talking about their stellar ring and the unknown mine with huge output?" Palpatine's voice deepened, "Black hole, I asked you to explore this matter. Do you have any results?"

"The principle of the stellar ring is not complicated. In fact, we also use stellar energy collectors very extensively. Their stellar ring is just a very large array. I organized a large number of experts in energy science, astronomy, and engineering to discuss it. They also tend to believe that very large-scale arrays such as star rings will actually cause energy overflow, which means that if there is no equivalent energy consumption, the collected energy will still be useless," the black hole said, "So, The most suspicious thing about this matter is the mine with huge output. "

"With the scale of that stellar ring, at least several mineral planets need to be hollowed out. After all, materials that can withstand the temperature of stars at close range are not easy to create." The black hole continued, "But how to mine is still a problem... We Some experts believe that the Dawn Principality may directly blow up some mineral planets and then directly smelt the metal's planetary core. However, this matter is not very credible, because to blow up a planet, I don't think the Dawn Principality has this ability. ”

"In other words, you still have no results." Palpatine said coldly.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I will continue to strengthen the intelligence force." Black Hole said.

"Put your tribunal to good use and leave the matter of hunting down the Jedi to the tribunal." Palpatine waved his hand, "Arden-Lin is back in the arms of the empire, which is good. With her taking action, There is no problem in hunting down the Jedi. Just concentrate on this."

Hearing Arden-Lin, Heidong's expression was a little cold, but he still nodded and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty. With the help of the Tribunal, the secrets hidden by the Dawn Principality will be revealed!" (End of Chapter)

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