The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 210: Darth Plagueis's Toy

208. Darth Plagueis Toys

The outer ring of the Milky Way, the planet Mulinster, the home planet of the Muuns, is also the headquarters of the Interstellar Banking Association.

"...The Trade Federation and the Enterprise Federation are ready, you must ensure that this trade summit will develop according to our plan...Darth Sidious." Darth Plagueis in his own chamber He said gloomyly.

In the holographic projection, a man in a black cloak was projected. Most of his face was covered by the hood, and only the thin chin and hooked nose were faintly visible in the shadows.

"Don't worry, my lord, I've already made arrangements. Chancellor Finnis-Valorum will absolutely not be able to keep the position of Deputy Speaker Botan this time, and once he loses Botan's support... he My days are coming to an end..." Darth Sidious said in that distorted and greasy voice that almost made people vomit.

"Very good... Your work has been done well recently. The dissatisfaction of the outer ring planet towards the Republic has intensified, and I can even feel the anger and wailing of the outer ring planet here... Hehehehe..." Darth Pu Regus laughed darkly.

"It's my honor, everything, for the rise of Sith." Sidious bowed his head deeply, "Next, I will cut off the drug supply of Planet Jabim, and a civil war is about to break out on Planet Seria. They will only think that this is the incompetence of Speaker Valorum. The prestige of the Republic will be completely swept into the trash..."

"Then, what do you think about the sudden destruction of Planet Sojoran?" Darth Plagueis asked abruptly, changing the subject.

At the same time as he was asking, the vast power of the dark side erupted instantly, and demon-like voices roared around Darth Sidious in the industrial area of ​​Coruscant.

However, Darth Sidious didn't hesitate, he immediately replied: "Betrayal, we must not tolerate it! I saw the figure of the leader of the Black Sun, Alexi Garin, at a party on the planet Naboo." .I have already confirmed that behind the Black Sun and the Hutt Gardulla, the king of the planet Naboo, Als-Veruna, is manipulating it! Their goal is the plasma mine of the planet Naboo..."

Finding that there was nothing unusual about Sidious, Darth Plagueis instantly withdrew his power, and everything returned to calm. He said indifferently: "Jabba will naturally deal with Jadullah, and let Master Dooku handle the matter of Bando-Gossa. Perhaps, his former good apprentice is now the leader of Bando-Gossa— Komari-Wosa will further tell him how stupid the Jedi Order is."

"Obey, my lord, I will do it right away. I will also send my disciple, Darth Maul, who will become the sharpest blade in your hand, and he will pull Ars Veruna out of the palace Come out and chop off that stupid head," Darth Sidious said grimly.

"No, I will handle the matter of Ars-Veruna myself. The planet Naboo is useless, as long as the production of plasma mines can be guaranteed. After Veruna's death, you can deal with this planet as you like. "

"Obey, my lord."

"Oh, by the way, let Darth Maul deal with the Black Sun. I thought... it might be fun..." Darth Plagueis said suddenly.

"Of order..." Sidious bowed his head in agreement, and then turned off the communication.

Darth Plagueis looked at the closed communicator, smiled coldly, and ordered: "11-4D, clean up the room. The real sharp blade in my hand is coming soon."

While the medical robot was busy, Plagueis looked at the ocean outside the window, "Darth Malthael...hehehehehe...hahahahaha..."

A priest-class shuttle used the identification code to pass through Mullinster's defense fleet, enter the atmosphere and fly directly to Arbora Island.

The shuttle landed slowly, and Tang Xiao hurried out and entered the villa of Heige Damask II.

"Hehe, isn't this our hero against the Black Sun? Why don't you annex the property of the Black Sun and come to my old man's house?" Heigo-Damask II said slowly.

"It's just some contraband and smuggling routes, and there are also a few slave mines. With your support, teacher, it's not difficult to annex these industries." Unlike Hei Ge who seemed to be in a good mood, Tang Xiao at this moment His expression was extremely solemn.

"But you don't look happy at all. This doesn't look like someone who has just accepted an industry worth 123 million credits... What, don't you think it's not enough?" Hei Ge snorted coldly, "Because For your loyalty, I will introduce you to another spaceship manufacturing business, worth 50 million credits. As for the last time you said to buy a generous-class frigate, don’t even think about it within 2 years.”

He accurately reported the valuation of the properties that Tang Xiao had annexed in his recent actions, and also reminded Tang Xiao that everything was under his control.

Tang Xiao's face was a little anxious, he looked around, and then whispered: "There is something very important! And only we can see it... This matter is not trivial!"

Hei Ge looked down at Tang Xiao. The Mun people were all tall, and Hei Ge was also close to two meters tall. If it wasn't for the Muun people's scrawny figure, he would have been quite oppressive.

But standing in front of him now is a terrifying Sith Lord, which has another meaning.

Hei Ge stared at Tang Xiao for a full two minutes, and then slowly said: "No one can pry into my secrets, I can guarantee that even the entire planet of Mulinster will not have any eyes, look To Abora Island."

Tang Xiao took a deep breath, and he took out a storage device and handed it to Hei Ge, "Before I killed Vigo-Kash-Garulan of Black Sun, and then sent troops to destroy his lair on the planet Murkana .In one of the most secret safes, I found his account, and this is what was put together with the account..."

Hei Ge frowned, clicked on the memory, and the projection immediately projected the figure of the Ragnarov-class Titan battleship!

As soon as his face changed, he immediately turned off the memory, and then he held it tightly in his hands like a baby and said to Tang Xiao, "Go to the laboratory."

As he spoke, he didn't care whether Tang Xiao responded or not, and rushed out of the villa in a flash.

Tang Xiao quickly followed him and jumped down from the 70-meter-deep hole into Hei Ge's laboratory.

Hei Ge has already opened the storage, staring at the data inside. The light blue light of the holographic projection is reflected on his face, and the fanatical emotion can be clearly seen from his expression even without the force perception!

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