The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2089 Ling Liang Report (V)

2090, Ling Liang Report (V)

[Hari Seldon's decision at that time was considered a very crazy move by everyone, including me. Because the Vasari people had not been awakened for a long time, and immediately after they were awakened, they had a sharp conflict with the natives of the planet Kal, and many armed conflicts broke out for this. ]

[After I got to know the Vasari people better, I also understood that the root cause of their conflict with the natives of the planet Kal was actually the slavery of the Vasari people. The Vasari people basically regarded people of other races as slaves. If there was any difference, it was that they were relatively tolerant of the people on the mothership and their descendants. ]

[For the Vasari people, we refugees who escaped from the former universe were superior people of the same level as them. And now all the races in this galaxy, in their eyes, are all objects of conquest and slaves. Therefore, perhaps from this perspective, the Vasari people's protection of the Fourth Civilization may be more in-depth and extreme than our own. ]

[Therefore, Hari Seldon's idea should be to sell all the people on these industrial planets, including Bomis-Core, to the Vasari as their slaves. I can't tell whether Grand Duke Tang Xiao was behind this decision, although it does seem like his style of doing things - because compared to the natives on Bomis-Core, the Vasari are obviously more valuable. ]

[After the Vasari took over the industrial zone in the Haven star zone, this industrial zone with their current home planet, Karl, as its core, became a little mysterious. The Vasari never report their progress to me or to Hari Seldon. Their direct person of responsibility is only Tang Xiao. And because their technological style is completely different from ours, and their demand for raw materials is also completely different, it is difficult to directly understand their situation. ]

[In a previous report given to me by Grand Duke Tang Xiao, the Vasari only completed the research and development and construction of the Lavasa Gladiator-class frigate, and then sent their phase engineers to assist us in the research and development of the star gate. According to the report of the Ministry of the Interior, the total population of the Vasari is about 50 million, and the population shortage still exists. 】

【Therefore, if a large number of slave laborers are used, the excellent industrial and technological level of the Vasari will be better utilized. After all, robots cannot complete some more flexible and creative engineering work. 】

However, the work results of the Vasari on the planet Karl still lack very clear data. After I asked their high priest Shadili, he only gave me a few names-phase miniaturization technology, Sulsurak Corvette, Kanrak Assailant and Stilakus Subverter.

Finally, Shadili told me that the Kortul Devastator should be able to catch up with the deployment of Operation Zero. If I can still judge the approximate model of the previous types of warships, I still can't understand what this Kortul Devastator is. Maybe it's a battleship? Anyway, I know that their Titan battleship should be called Dictator - still the same, only the name.

But Shadili has always been very gloomy, and I don't like to communicate with him, so this topic ends here.

Hari Seldon communicated more with the Vasali people, but he just told me to try not to interfere in the affairs of the Vasali people. Because their pride and stubbornness are no less than that of the Protoss. In fact, if it weren't for the extremely powerful power of Grand Duke Tang Xiao, they would not even cooperate with us at all - they would rather defend the glory of the Fourth Civilization themselves.

Hari Seldon also told me that it was because of Tang Xiao's appearance that the Vasali people believed that the humans of the Fourth Civilization also had the potential to become cosmic powers, and they were also refugees from the same universe, so they were willing to become one of us.

I have long felt that the danger of the Vasali people is no less than that of the Geth, and it seems that this judgment is correct.

[In addition to the six major industrial zones, namely the core industrial zones of Vasian, Dawn, Rendili, Sullust, Karl and Mykito, the Principality of Dawn currently has some relatively scattered industrial worlds. ]

[For example, the Golden Nice Shipyard, which was the first shipyard obtained by the Fourth Civilization. By now, this shipyard has long been outdated. And the location of the Golden Nice Shipyard is indeed very dangerous, located at the edge of the inner ring of the Milky Way. If it weren't for the complicated hyperspace channels around it and the Incholi people nearby, this shipyard might have been destroyed by the Galactic Empire long ago. ]

[Therefore, the upgrade plan of the Golden Nice Shipyard is also on hold indefinitely. However, I gave them a new task - to transform the Giant Whale-class passenger ship. ]

[At present, for the population relocation work of the planet Lundili, the number of giant whale-class passenger ships we have built in the past few years... I can only say that I can't believe it when I saw this data. There are a total of 16,782 ships! Of course, the construction cost of the giant whale class was fully considered when it was designed. Whether it is the hyperspace engine or the hull structure, civilian technology is used as much as possible to reduce costs. 】

For the design of the giant whale class, I really admire Mr. Willix-Blissex. This passenger ship with a length of only 1,150 meters can carry 50,000 passengers, and it also fully considers the passengers' eating, drinking, defecating, urinating and sleeping. On this basis, to what extent did he reduce the cost of the giant whale class?

If the ship engines used by these more than 16,000 giant whale-class passenger ships are to be classified by model, well, I did so before. The answer is that there are more than 190 engines of different brands and origins.

Why? Because these engines were all bought in the civilian market! This saves productivity to the maximum extent, so that we can build such a large number in just a few years. And what is really amazing is that even if so many civilian engines of different brands and origins are used, there is no compatibility problem.

In other words, when he designed the Whale class, he took this situation into consideration from the beginning.

It is really a pity that such a talented and respectable spacecraft designer was kidnapped by the Galactic Empire. I asked Saratan Moss, the Minister of Military Intelligence, but this Salarian was also at a loss about this matter. After all, the current Kuat planet is no longer what it used to be. Whether it is security protection or peripheral alert, it is the highest standard.

Saratan Moss told me that the Salarian Special Forces carried out four operations to rescue Willix, but all failed.

I hope that one day I can see him again, Willix Blissex.

With such a large number of Whale-class passenger ships, now with the completion of the star gate, the relocation of the planet Rendili will not require so many passenger ships. Some of the remaining spacecraft were converted to civilian use, but the number that the civilian market can absorb is only more than 600, which is a drop in the bucket.

Therefore, the work of transforming the Giant Whale-class passenger spacecraft into a cargo spacecraft is now handed over to the Golden Nice Shipyard. These modified cargo spacecraft will bear our huge demand for logistical supplies during Operation Zero.

However, this also means that our logistical supply line will become very fragile. The cheapness of the Giant Whale-class means slowness and fragility. Not to mention the main battleship, even if it encounters a destroyer of about 200 meters, the Giant Whale-class will not even have a chance to escape.

This is indeed a link that worries me very much. I can only hope that the offensive we launch will be as sharp and fast as planned, so that the Galactic Empire will not have time to react to it.

Then there are our two little friends-the Semirs and the Quarren.

These two races are located in the territory of the Independent System Federation. After the defeat of the Confederation, they also surrendered one after another. Moreover, because they also have very strong industrial strength, they are currently being oppressed and exploited by the Galactic Empire. The Galactic Empire uses their own way to liquidate these planets that were once members of the Confederation of Independent Systems.

The planet Semyrth has now begun to produce various parts of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer for the Galactic Empire, of course, they are all low-tech. The Galactic Empire has given them heavy tasks and only paid them very low wages, which has made the Semyrth people more rebellious.

The Semyrth people are one of the most active races in resisting the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire. They have disliked the Galactic Republic from the beginning, and they really yearn for freedom. This can be seen from the attitude of their late planetary councilor Tumbak-Tula who finally fought to death.

Now that the Galactic Empire is so exploitative and oppressive, it is impossible for the Semyrth people to have any good feelings towards the Empire. If it weren't for Grand Duke Tang Xiao who secretly told them to be patient many times, I'm afraid they would have revolted long ago.

In other words, after the start of Operation Zero, I can even expect the Semyrth people to come directly to our side with their large number of factories.

As for the Quarren, the situation is a little more complicated. Dak is one of the most remote planets in the Confederacy of Independent Systems, but it is also one of the most industrially developed planets. But their biggest problem is that there are two major races on the planet - the Mon Calamari and the Quarren.

Although the two major races temporarily put aside their prejudices and re-established a united front due to the strategy of Grand Duke Tang Xiao during the Clone Wars, this new united front was dominated by the Quarren after all. In the past thousands of years on Dak, the planet was dominated by the Mon Calamari. After all, the planet was renamed Mon Calamari at that time, and it was not until later that Grand Duke Tang Xiao changed it back to its original name - Dak.

Such a gap in status made the Mon Calamari an unstable factor on Dak. The Mon Calamari were loyal to the Galactic Republic, and they did not have much malice towards the Galactic Empire, which was born from the Republic. Therefore, after the Galactic Empire occupied Dak, the political environment of the Mon Calamari became very good.

The ruling and intelligence agencies of the Galactic Empire are not fools. Faced with such a situation, they naturally know to attack one and pull the other. Moreover, Dak is an ocean planet. Such an environment is not conducive to the direct rule of the Galactic Empire, so it is also a practical way for the Empire to balance the two major races in this way.

Grand Duke Tang Xiao once told me that the attitude of Dak, especially the Mon Calamari, should not have been like this. The current situation of the Mon Calamari being wooed by the Empire can only be said to be the result of his strategy on Dak. But at that time, he did not have a better choice.

In fact, judging from the current situation, even if the Galactic Empire is wooing the Mon Calamari, the effect is not expected to last too long. The Empire's human supremacist policy and the exploitation policy of the Outer Ring Star Region have determined that they will sooner or later show their fangs to Dak.

And the Quarren are still loyal to the Confederation of Independent Systems. Even after the collapse of the Confederation, they still maintain this attitude and have expressed their goodwill to our Principality of Dawn many times.

The planet Dak has a very powerful industrial system. The warships they built in the deep sea environment have excellent structural strength. If the logistics problem can be solved, the warships manufactured by the planet Dak are capable of fighting against any warship in the Milky Way.

In addition, although the port of Parment, which was once the largest shipyard of the Confederation of Independent Systems, was destroyed by the Galactic Empire during the war, it was still able to repair some docks.

Then there is the planet Lothal, which is more remote than the planet Dak, but the distance between the two is not far.

At present, the star gate of the planet Lothal has been built, and the Jiwen people are moving to the planet Lothal. They also like this new home very much. They do not intend to give up the planet Yago-Dur, but settling on the planet Lothal can ensure that even if the Jiwen people fail to calculate the operating laws of the Three-Body System and cause the destruction of the planet Yago-Dur one day, they will not be exterminated.

Of course, the natives of the planet Lothal are very reluctant to have so many outsiders settle down, but the Jiwen people do not care about this.

Later, the Jiwen people will also move a large number of their factories and docks to the planet Lothal. In this way, in the future, a new industrial zone consisting of Losar, Dak and Semmels will be formed at the other end of the Milky Way.

This industrial zone will be very helpful in supporting General Severance Tann's military operations in the Mandalore region in the future.

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