The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2080 Operation Plan Zero (IV)

2081. Operation Plan Zero (4)

One year?

When everyone present heard this number, their first reaction was that they had heard it wrong.

"My lord, may I ask... did you just say... one year?" Francis Underwood asked tentatively.

"That's right! One year!" Tang Xiao's expression became ferocious, "Is there any problem?"

"It is simply impossible to defeat the Galactic Empire in one year." Francis Underwood shook his head. "The power gap between us and the Galactic Empire is too huge. Advanced technology can only barely allow us to stand on the same level as the Galactic Empire." As an opponent, we should..."

"Stupid!!!" Tang Xiao interrupted Francis with an angry shout. He looked at the people around him, opened his hands and said loudly: "Defeat the Galactic Empire! Kill Palpatine! Now! ! Why wait? Our Kingdom of Dawn is stronger than ever! The Dyson Ring! Our 830 billion people are united! Our army is invincible when we are at our weakest! Defeat us, and the Galaxy Empire will be trampled under our feet even when we are at our strongest!"

His eyes glowed with a terrifying golden light, and his emotions gradually rose, "I will not give the Galactic Empire time to regroup! Now they are facing countless difficulties, including the geth, the rebel army, and the remnants of the Confederation of Independent Systems! They have internal and external troubles. , They are surrounded by enemies! I will not give them a chance to solve their internal problems! Before Palpatine stabilizes the political situation, I will tell him where the real fatal blow comes from!"

Matt Horner also frowned. He said: "But the Galactic Empire still has more than ten times the military advantage over us. The more reliable way is to gradually expand the conflicts within the empire..."

"The safer way is for Palpatine to die tomorrow!!" Tang Xiao once again interrupted Matt Horner, "Just kill him! The galaxy will naturally return to stability! Let the galaxy return to prosperity and unity. That person can only be me!”

Tang Xiao gave a passionate speech there. He constantly emphasized that the Galactic Empire must be defeated now, and he endlessly elaborated on how powerful the Dawn Principality was.

This made it difficult for the initiator of the plan, Governor Ling Liang of the Seswenna Sector, to adapt. She frowned, lightly touched Hari Seldon next to her with her elbow, and whispered: "Your Majesty...he This is obviously not the case. When we discussed this plan yesterday, he clearly..."

However, at this moment, Hari Seldon's eyes were full of solemnity, and he whispered expressionlessly: "Because this is the only way."

"What did you say?" Ling Liang was a little surprised.

Because in her opinion, although he was young, Hari Seldon, who had always been wise and steady, should logically be polite to Tang Xiao, who was almost going crazy now.

Hari Seldon shook his head and said: "He is indeed a tyrant and dictator now. Therefore, he chose to use his authority and even terror to forcefully implement this plan. There is no room for maneuver. Once he starts, he will never look back. . He used his absolute power to suppress all opposition and then attributed all the negative effects of this plan to himself."

Ling Liang then remembered that when Tang Xiao asked them to keep her prediction secret yesterday, she said that the prediction results could strengthen everyone's belief. However, Tang Xiao asked her directly, what belief should she strengthen?

"That's right. If our prediction results are revealed, at least half of the people present will raise objections." Hari Seldon said, "Then the plan will progress slowly amid many doubts. It is better to give the plan a direct Add a major premise - this is the personal will of the Grand Duke, then things will be completely different."

"I understand." Ling Liang nodded, and she set her sights on Helmut Zemo on the other side.

Over there, Zemo looked at her with a half-smile.

On the throne, Tang Xiao's speech became more and more exciting, "...You all think that defeating the Galactic Empire within a year is a miracle? No! In my opinion, the development of our fourth civilization is the real miracle! No, it should be a miracle!! Who would have thought that 20 years ago we were still a colony of more than a hundred people! ? Who would have thought that when we just started building, pirates would attack! Who could have imagined that 13 years after our founding, a war would engulf the entire galaxy! ? This is not a miracle, what is a miracle?

"The victory over the Galactic Empire is just a matter of taking advantage of the situation! The Galactic Empire is on the verge of collapse, both internally and externally! What we have to do is to kick Palpatine, who is already on the edge of the cliff, into the abyss. !”

He looked at everyone with a fanatical expression, "Today, I am not asking you whether this plan is feasible! Today, I am telling you that this is the future direction of the Dawn Principality! Take a good look at the plan in your hands! Perfect it! Execute it! Then under the guidance of this plan, defeat the Galactic Empire..."

He slowed down, used all his strength, and roared loudly, "One year!!!!!!"

He even used the Force to make this sound, which was deafening and even made the earth tremble!

Bang bang bang bang! When everyone was stunned, applause broke out.

But they saw that Ling Liang and Hari Seldon had stood up and started applauding.

"Hahahaha! That's right! One year! One year! Defeat the Galactic Empire!!" Helmut Zemo, who is worthy of being Tang Xiao's number one lackey, immediately stood up and echoed loudly, clapping vigorously. He also cast an approving look at Ling Liang and the other two who took the lead.

Others also began to applaud, but it was obvious that there were still differences between different people.

Those who applauded the most included Severance Tann, Minister of Secret Intelligence Solomon Ryan, Chief of Staff Qi Jian, Army Commander-in-Chief Xian Hui, Minister of Finance Semid Tang, First Lady Edel Ulan, Fourth Group Director Gross Shelbia, and Vasari High Priest Shadili.

And those who obviously held opposing opinions, although they were also applauding but very reluctantly, and their faces were not very good, included Navy Commander-in-Chief Matt Horner, Prime Minister Francis Underwood, and Minister of National Security Peggy Carter.

The other few people seemed to be indifferent to the result and held a neutral attitude. Since Grand Duke Tang Xiao has made up his mind, then let it be.

After determining the general direction, everyone focused their attention on this plan - Operation Plan Zero! (End of this chapter)

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