The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2077 Operation Plan Zero (I)

2078, Operation Plan Zero (I)

The capital of the Seswenna Star Region, the planet Eriadu.

The administrative center of the entire star region is located in the west of the capital city of Erishen. It is a huge metal pyramid-shaped building with an extremely powerful hyperspace antenna directly inserted into the cloud, ensuring the smoothest communication environment in any environment.

In the center of the administrative center, the office of the governor of the star region.

A tall woman in a dark blue military uniform stood in front of the window. She wore a wide-brimmed hat and long boots. The straight military uniform set off her heroic temperament, and her tall sword eyebrows were even more intimidating.

"General Ling, Prime Minister Francis has once again rejected the request for talks." An officer walked over and said.

Yes, this woman is the current deputy commander-in-chief of the Dawn Principality Army, concurrently the governor of the Seswenna Star Region, and the army general, Ling Liang.

At the age of 38, she is already a popular and powerful figure in the army. Next, she is likely to take over Xian Hui's position and become the commander-in-chief of the army. Moreover, as the governor of the Sesvenna sector, which has the strongest military power in the Principality of Dawn, Ling Liang holds far more power and resources than others.

And now, after the Zero Operation Plan was proposed, Ling Liang, as the initiator and host of this plan, has risen to a higher status, comparable to Matt Horner, the current deputy commander of the Supreme Command and the commander-in-chief of the navy!

Hearing the report from her subordinates, Ling Liang's expression did not fluctuate at all, "As expected." She said coldly.

The officer said no more, saluted, and then left the office.

[Francis rejected Torres Chado's appointment, and he insisted that Hua Chao be the deputy minister of the supply chain of the sector. ] Helmut Zemo's voice came from the communication, [Hua Chao is very likely to continue the policy of his predecessor Chris Anderson. In this way, it will be difficult for us to achieve the goal of increasing the annual output of warships on the planet Vassian to 2,000 ships within five years. 】

"He was frightened by the large-scale strike on the planet Jiloch." Ling Liang said lightly, "The Principality of Dawn is in a de facto state of war. It is not surprising to adopt a martial law policy under such circumstances. It is normal for some people to oppose, as long as the opposition voices are controlled to a certain extent."

[In the final analysis, he did not believe that Operation Zero would succeed. ] Zemo said, [This plan looks crazy, but this is the only way to minimize the damage caused by the war to us. ]

"Francis looks at the problem from a different perspective than us, Zemo." Ling Liang maintained this posture, always looking at the scenery outside the window, as well as the rise and fall of countless warships, "As the prime minister, ensuring the stability and prosperity of our regime is what he needs to consider most. The development of the Principality of Dawn is indeed thriving, and the use of matter decompressors and Dyson rings has also given us almost unlimited possibilities... In this case, he is unwilling to give up such prosperity and start a war again. Of course, it is normal."

[I think that the Shield 19377 deduction gave him such confidence. 】Zemo,【If the Galactic Empire takes the initiative to attack us, it is very likely that it will not be able to control the internal contradictions and thus self-disintegrate. 】

The corners of Ling Liang's mouth finally loosened and slightly curled up. She slowly said: "Believe it or not, the Galactic Empire will also have similar deduction results to tell their emperor-if they attack with all their strength, they may pay some price, but the final result will definitely plow our Dawn planet into the ground."

【Both sides have their own war trump cards, and they are full of confidence in defeating each other. 】Zemo said,【Once both sides are in such a confident state, then the distance to war is really not far. 】

Ling Liang's eyes became deep, and he raised his head slightly to look at the endless starry sky, "So we need Operation Plan Zero to solve this war once and for all..."

That's right... Operation Plan Zero was born for this.


One year ago, the Grand Duke's Mansion of Dawn Planet.

"Is this your conclusion? Ling Liang." Tang Xiao put a stack of reports on the table, his tone was extremely cold, "Before we defeat the Galactic Empire, will the Principality of Dawn first fall into civil strife?"

He exuded a dangerous aura, and looked at a young man in his twenties standing next to Ling Liang, "And then, you actually followed Ling Liang to make this scene with me? Hari Seldon."

It was Ling Liang and Hari Seldon who were reporting in front of Tang Xiao's desk.

"That's right. I have made countless deductions through zero-modal probability theory, and Mr. Hari Seldon has also conducted a very extensive investigation of the current social, economic, and military situation of the Principality of Dawn. In the end, we came to this conclusion." Ling Liang said.

"I think you should know that it is the Galactic Empire, not us, that is in internal and external troubles now." Tang Xiao's eyes flashed with a dangerous light, "Even if we don't need the agents of the Military Intelligence Department to instigate, countless planets will stand up every day to resist the rule of the Galactic Empire. Not only the planets in the outer and middle rings, but even the wealthy nobles in the core circle are also alienated from the Galactic Empire! This is the best time for us to defeat the Galactic Empire!"

Tang Xiao's speaking speed became faster and faster, and the golden light in his eyes became sharper. Bang! ! He slammed his fist on the table and said fiercely: "What I want to see is a plan to tear the Galactic Empire into pieces! Instead of you coming here and telling me that we are the ones who collapsed first!! "

Ling Liang knew very well that if he followed the tyrant's previous actions, he would probably kill someone if he continued.

However, Tang Xiao obviously suppressed the restlessness and killing in his heart at this moment. He did not jump up and start killing people. His voice became lower at this moment. , 830 billion people are in control, but what I want has never been this result. The Dyson ring on the Vazian planet is expected to be completed within a year. By then, we will have unlimited energy plus material decompression. With the unlimited resources provided by the machine, we can already compete head-on with the Galactic Empire! You... better give me a reason."

"Because of the social foundation, Your Majesty the Grand Duke." Hari Seldon said from the side. "With the help of the Jiwen people, I have made breakthroughs in many aspects of my research on psychohistory. I have completed the preliminary psychohistory of the Principality of Dawn. model and made predictions. In order to ensure the accuracy of the predictions, I did not sit in the office, but spent three years traveling around all the planets in the Dawn Principality, and the results of my visits can also support this. Prediction: The Dawn Principality, with its weak social foundation, is more likely to be the first to collapse." (End of this chapter)

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