The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2065 The Rise of the Rebels (Part 2)

2066. Rise of the Rebels (Part 2)

When news of the uprising on the planet Rylos reached the center of the empire, the people in the Imperial Security Bureau were immediately wiped out.

It is normal for uprisings to break out. It is news if there is no uprising breaking out in the empire. But what is really confusing is that the purpose of these people's uprising was to support the impeached current governor? Their only demand was that Governor Uloda be acquitted immediately.

Not only that, but the uprising seemed to involve the local garrison. The fleet stationed there did not fire a single shot, as if to express its support for the governor.

With the participation of the local garrison fleet, this matter becomes more complicated.

The first is, how to characterize this matter? Is it a coup, a political show, or a rebellion? Different characterizations will determine different solutions to this matter.

As a result, Uloda, who was under review at the Empire Center, was brought up again and asked to explain what was currently happening on the planet Rylos.

Wu Luoda was now in a desperate situation. When he heard this, he naturally felt like a drowning person grabbing the last straw. He jumped up and said yes, these were all the things he had done on Rylos Planet in the past few years. The embodiment of outstanding political achievements.

However, during the inquiry, it was discovered that the official responsible for this review was someone who sympathized with the rebels. This official very cleverly mixed up some things, including the sudden appearance of the two Empire-class Star Destroyers. Uroda, who was eager to seize this last chance to exonerate himself, naturally recognized all these things.

Not only that, under the guidance of officials, Governor Uloda also regarded Major General Jan Dodenner's somewhat unexpected reinforcement operation as support for himself. When the official pointedly asked him if he was willing to let Major General Jan Dodonna temporarily take charge of the defense of the planet Rylos, he also hinted lightly that if he did so, Major General Dodonna could also give him a military perspective. Show support.

Then Uloda immediately agreed to it all!

So in this confused state on the part of the Galactic Empire, Major General Jane Dodenner inexplicably became the defense commander of the planet Rylos!

Although his title at this time has a prefix like 'temporary' or 'agent', it doesn't matter. Before the Empire Center clears up this mess about Governor Uloda, Jane Dodenner is now He is the supreme leader of Planet Rylos!

But can the matter of Wuloda be cleared up?


Although Representative Mon-Mothma and others who supported Uloda continued to defend Uloda about capturing the people of the planet Rylos, Representative Bail Organa who proposed impeachment always refused to let go. They insisted that they would not care. How many people support it, but a crime is a crime. Since a crime has been committed, Uloda must be tried.

In fact, for the current Galactic Empire, no matter how it is handled, it can be dealt with. This matter can be reduced to a minor issue and the matter can be settled quickly by asking Wuluoda to pay a fine. Otherwise, he can directly convict Wuluoda and deal with it. But the current matter was deliberately provoked by Mon Mothma and Bail Organa. They deliberately dragged out the debate on this matter for a long time and never resolved it.

Not only that, while the two sides were entangled, an official named Fache suddenly stood up. He was the commander of the sectoral defense fleet who participated in the Clone Wars. He also participated in the peripheral battles during the battle on the planet Christophsis. After retiring, he joined the Empire's resource dispatch department as deputy minister.

Fache immediately stood up and stated that he would compete for the position of governor of the Empire's 14th Army, and immediately began to build relationships with great fanfare to find support.

As soon as he stood up, all those who coveted the position of Governor of the 14th Army had to start taking action. As a result, the trial of Uloda here has not yet concluded. He is still the Governor of the 14th Army, but the other side has surrounded him. There was fierce competition for position.

For a time, because of the matter of the 14th Army, the imperial political arena was in chaos!

And for the Galactic Empire, this is definitely a very big thing. Because the Galactic Empire continues the division of the 20 armies of the Galactic Republic, it is equivalent to dividing the entire galaxy into 20 sector armies. The governor of each sector army is similar to the king of China who has military and political control!

What's more, the 14th Army has just been rebuilt and is preparing to serve as a bridgehead for the future attack on the planet Christophsis. Such an important star area naturally has countless pairs of eyes staring at it.

So the competition for the position of governor of the 14th Army was fierce!

And what happened on the planet Rylos at this time? But there was something strange about it.

First of all, during the previous uprisings and riots in the name of supporting Governor Uloda, local officials in many cities were dragged out and killed at this time. Most of these officials who were killed were appointed by the empire to exploit and squeeze the people of the planet Rylos.

Now that Jan Dodenner has become the defense chief of Rylos, he has begun to replace these officials with his own people. Although the name is somewhat unfair, Rear Admiral Jan Dodenner now controls all the battleships around the planet, including four Imperial-class Star Destroyers! No one dared to resist what he said.

As for the capital Lesu City, because there were Imperial stormtroopers and clone troopers stationed here, there were no riots. However, after Jan Dodenna became the defense commander of the planet Rylos, he brought them under various names. The clone troopers and stormtroopers stationed here were repositioned, and all their heavy equipment was also mobilized.

After that, Padmé Amidala began further plans to divide and reorganize the security force composed of 3 million local Twi'leks established by the imperial military on the planet Rylos, and remove the loyalists inside. The henchmen of the empire brought this force under the control of the rebel army.

The next step was very simple. Jane Dodenna continued to carry out the work of rebuilding the 14th Army of the Empire under the name of Governor Uloda, and publicly requested various materials from the Empire under various names.

And he was very considerate. From time to time, he would mobilize his subordinates to issue some speeches in support of Uloda in the name of the army. The planet Rylos also elected some people's representatives to constantly express support for Uloda. And on the progress of the reconstruction of the 14th Army, Jan Dodenner reported every detail to Uloda. Naturally, these reporting materials were also conveyed to the imperial military through Uloda.

With Uloda's layer of filtering, the imperial military naturally believed in these reports.

Therefore, from the perspective of the imperial military, the planet Rylos has quickly regained control of the situation, and has now continued to build a large number of space ports, barracks, military factories, airports and other facilities. But in reality, a lot of resources were spent on building these facilities, but all the results are just pictures.

After this, the double act between Mon Mothma and Bail Organa will gradually play out, and they will ensure that Uroda is finally cleared and judged. Next comes the protracted struggle for the new governor of the 14th Army, which is another bloody storm in the political arena.

The candidate they chose, Fache, will try his best to delay the appointment of the new governor. Although the political and economic power behind Fache is very limited compared to the support of the real wealthy nobles, he can seem to disrupt the situation. He blocked the final selection of candidates like a shit stick.

In this way, Padmé Amidala effectively isolated the planet Rylos from the rule of the Galactic Empire through a series of combination punches, and in the process she also obtained a large amount of materials to support the rebels. Combat.

Later, when the new governor comes to the planet Rylos, he will find that this planet is completely different from what was reported. None of the construction promised in the previous report has been fulfilled, and all the materials have disappeared.

But at this time, the only one who will be held accountable is former Governor Uloda! Wuloda would be accused of colluding with the rebels, embezzling and lining his own pockets, and became a scapegoat.

Padmé Amidala, as a politician, is not very old. She was born in 46BBY and is only 34 years old now. But she has enough political experience. She has been involved in politics since she was 12 years old, and later became Princess Amidala, and then became the Queen of the Planet Naboo.

During her tenure as queen, she successfully resolved the crisis when the planet Naboo was blocked by the Trade Federation, impeached former Speaker Finis Valorum, and supported Palpatine to become Speaker. After the queen's term ended, she became a member of the Naboo planet. Through her strong political ability, she became the core figure of the peace faction in the parliament.

Now, she is completely despairing of the Galactic Empire and is determined to overthrow it through force.

However, her approach was not just about force. She is too familiar with the political systems of the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire! Coupled with the countless political capital and connections she has accumulated, every action she takes is a combination of politics and military, and always achieves good results.

This was the case with the uprising on the planet Rylos this time. She seized the opportunity of the reconstruction of the 14th Army and the instability of local rule, opened a gap from Uloda, planned this political event, and completed the uprising almost without a fight, giving The nascent rebel army accumulated valuable resources and wealth.

At an unknown time and place, Padmé Amidala quietly left the planet Rylos and embarked on her long and arduous journey.

In the spaceship, a rebel soldier looked at the leader with longing and said excitedly: "I never thought that the planet Rylos would be solved like this! Leader, you are simply a magician!"

"It's just taking advantage of the situation. The success of Rylos Planet cannot be replicated. Next, the Galactic Empire will also strengthen its vigilance in this regard. And this time the people we used, including Fache, including Jane Dodenner, They can no longer stay with the Empire, they will come back to our ranks, but it will take more work to find people in high positions who agree with our ideas." Padmé A. Midala said with a slight smile.

"Actually...with all due respect, leader." Another older warrior said: "Although the entire galaxy is now under the rule of the Sith Lord, after all, Palpatine and Tang Xiao are old enemies. Why? Why don't we use the dog-eating-dog relationship between them to make our actions better?"

Padmé Amidala heard this and said sternly: "We can indeed use the hostile relationship between the Galactic Empire and the Principality of Dawn to launch our own operations. In fact, the one handed over to Major General Jane Dodenner this time Two Imperial-class Star Destroyers, I think she can get these two battleships, and there may be the Principality of Dawn behind them. But... we must remember that what unites us is freedom, justice, and freedom. Democracy and belief in justice, not interests.”

She stood up, walked to the middle of the room, raised her hands and said loudly: "We must not act based on interests! What guides us is belief! It is belief! Therefore, no matter what reason we have, we must not act with If there is any exchange of interests between the people of the Dawn Principality and the Galaxy Empire, those who can participate in our actions must be comrades who share the same beliefs as us!"

She looked around and said seriously: "And once we open our mouth and want to contact the Principality of Dawn to ask them to help us fight against the Galactic Empire or vice versa, then we have betrayed our beliefs. Such us, and us What’s the difference between those who want to oppose those who stand at the top of power?”

The soldier lowered his head in shame and said, "I'm sorry, leader, I am too eager for quick success."

"It's not your fault. Because what we chose is the most difficult path. But we must also choose this way. We cannot repeat the mistakes made by the Galactic Republic." Padmé Amidala walked over and took a photo He patted the warrior on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"for freedom!!"

"Drink!!" Jing Fang shouted loudly and punched out.

His fists were very powerful. The moment he punched, he brought up a strong wind, which, combined with his force, even blew away a large amount of dust around him.

But he shook his head, sighed, braced his horse again, and punched out again.

At this time, a whistling sound and the sound of an engine were heard, and a Zephyr-G hover motorcycle was seen approaching at high speed. The driver jumped off before it could stop.

Wearing windproof goggles and a brown cloak, a healthy, tight, slender and hot figure is exposed from under the cloak. The only drawback is that her entire right arm is a mechanical prosthesis.

"Lin, you're back. How about the commission?" Jing Fang looked at this heroic woman with a gentle look in his eyes.

Arden-Lin is now his master.

"You don't need to ask me about the result, you just need to tell me how you were able to make your fist so soft?" Arden Lin smiled and teased.

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