2054. We cut the sun

Principality of Dawn, Model Sector, Vathian Planet.

In the outer orbit of the planet, an extremely huge hexagonal metal plate is suspended smoothly in the busy space of the universe, pulled by six Hells Angels-class battlecruisers.

This hexagonal metal slab is so huge, each side is 1,000 kilometers long! Moreover, this metal plate is not absolutely flat. There are countless regularly distributed lines and textures on it, as well as countless card slots for installing additional instruments.

This itself is like an industrial miracle. Just putting it here makes people feel the insignificance of people and the greatness of industry.

In the center of the metal plate, a very huge square has been built, covering an area of ​​at least one square kilometer. The square is covered by a huge glass dome, which has been decorated with great beauty and luxury. Hundreds of thousands of spectators are already standing here, looking forward to the central stage.

Countless drones were flying in the sky, taking pictures from different angles, sending the pictures back, and broadcasting them live to all citizens of the Dawn Principality.

Soon, the scheduled time arrived.

I saw only a huge Sichuan-shaped battleship flying past first, followed closely by two Shenshe-class battleships, and then dozens of Hells Angel-class battlecruisers, as well as hundreds of other small and medium-sized ships of various types. Battleship!

The last four teams of fighter jets passed over the stage at high speed. They were the Ghost Fighter, the Broadsword Fighter, the Saber Fighter, and the Viking Fighter. These are the four main fighter jets currently in service in the Principality of Dawn! Ultra-high-pressure jet devices are installed behind the four teams of fighter jets. When turned on, colorful smoke is sprayed from inside.

The colorful smoke slowly spreads, and the scope becomes larger and larger, but it does not disappear, because this is the vacuum of the universe and there is no other matter.

The star's light reflected from the Vathian planet passed through the colorful smoke and illuminated the entire square dome in various colors.

In such a colorful scene, Adele Ulan, the first lady of the Principality of Dawn, appeared on the top of the dome from nowhere, and then she walked down in the air, as if stepping on an invisible staircase. Today, she changed her previous clothing style and wore a golden dress, which was gorgeous and dazzling, making her beautiful face even more charming.

Adele Ulan has been in a high position for a long time. She is no longer the young girl she used to be. She is now calm and free, "Ah... the sun. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, wisdom was born from the first creature, and looked up at From the moment the sky appears, it is the mother who has given birth to countless lives. We praise the sun, which brings us warmth, energy and food; but we are afraid of the sun, which is so powerful that we can’t even do it. Touch..."

(Different civilizations must have different names for stars, but I’ll unify them here.)

She gently raised her hand and drew it in the direction of the star. The dome glass in that direction is specially made of translucent material that can isolate part of the light and prevent the intense sunlight from burning the eyes.

"And we, the children of the sun, bathe in the sunshine and grow up healthily. Whenever we look up at the sky, we will long for this distant and warm mother's love. We want to embrace her, but we cannot do it. Even if we can already cross the galaxy , crossing the Milky Way, but still unable to... embrace our mother." Adele Ulan crossed her arms and closed her eyes, her expression full of desolation.

But then, she opened her eyes suddenly, her eyes were so firm and sharp. Countless drones also faithfully captured every expression of hers.

"Every day, we are exploring how to stand side by side with our mothers. To this end, countless people have sacrificed, and countless people continue to move forward. We will never stop..." Adele Ulan's The voice gradually became lower.

Then, her voice suddenly became louder, "But we did it!! We stretched out our hands to the sun. We not only wanted the gentle warmth, but we also wanted to feel the violent and scorching power of mother!! Yes! , we did it! ! We are close to the sun, close to our mother! We feel the heat of tens of thousands of degrees, which is enough to destroy everything and melt everything!

She did not finish her words, but turned around to face the direction of the sun and opened her hands.

At the same time, the dome began to play an extremely huge holographic image. Among the images, images of countless engineering ships busy in the Vazian galaxy were quickly played. With the playback speed sped up hundreds of times, we can only see that around the Zion star, it started from an undetectable base that was almost engulfed by the solar wind, and then continued to expand like a virus.

What was used was the huge metal plate with a side length of 1,000 kilometers that they were currently stepping on. But in people's eyes, this metal plate, which has no end in sight and is as huge as a continent, is as small as a mote of dust in front of the Vathian star. After constant construction and continuous construction, we can finally see a prototype.

Then, they began to spread these metal plates in the direction of the rotation of the Varthian star. Although the video was very fast, judging from the numbers displayed in the corner, this magnificent project took nearly ten years!

Finally, the scene suddenly slowed down and synchronized with the current time.

Only at this moment did I see that the Vathian star was surrounded by an extremely huge and magnificent metal ring! Now in this huge project, there is only a gap left in the last hexagonal metal plate. This gap just faces the stage, and dozens of engineering ships are already filling this gap.

The moment the gap closed, a thunderous sound suddenly came from the surroundings, as if it was the huge noise made when the gap was filled!

"We...cut the sun..." At the same time, Adele Ulan, with an extremely pious expression, faced everything in the direction of the Vathian star.

At this moment, the magnificent ring surrounding the star began to operate. A huge solar sail was spread around the ring and began to collect the material blown out by the solar wind. At the same time, inside the ring, the ultra-high-power energy absorption device began to operate at full capacity. , absorbing all the energy ejected from the star!

Although it is still a bit unclear under the sweep of the solar prominence, the audience can still see that in the middle of the sun, along the crosscut between Adele and Ulan, a thin black line appears!

"This Dyson ring, which is 9.17 million kilometers long and 19,000 kilometers wide, is us, the sharp blade that cuts through the sun! It is also our last request for our mother..."

We...cut the sun!

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