The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2046 Stick to your point of view

2047. Stick to your point of view

On the south side of the unknown star field, in the direction of the first exploration fleet, the planet Levik.

Professor Modin and Shirley Birkin stood in the conference room, facing the hyperspace communication. Tang Xiao's majestic and sinister figure was projected in the holographic projection. It seemed that Tang Xiao had deliberately chosen the angle. Under the light, the holographic figure Tang Xiao's expression could not be seen clearly in the projection, only a pair of sharp and vicious eyes could be seen.

"So, you solved the problem on Levik's planet, but at the cost of making Mongar Mongar stronger?" Tang Xiao stared at Shirley Birkin and asked coldly, "Is there any One possibility is that the escaped consciousness No. 3 may conflict with Mongal-Mongal's body, resulting in a civil war?"

Professor Modin shook his head and said: "Actually, whether it is a swarm or a Mongar-Mongar, although the methods are different, they all belong to the type of group consciousness. The civil war between such a race is different from our usual concept of wisdom. Civil wars between races are different. Civil wars among ordinary intelligent races can only result in both sides losing, while civil wars among groups with group consciousness will only give birth to a more powerful existence, because they will directly devour each other, no matter on the physical level. Or on a spiritual level.”

Tang Xiao ignored Professor Moding and just looked at Shirley Birkin with cold eyes. Although she didn't speak, the terrible pressure made Shirley sweat all over her body.

The current Shirley Birkin does not look like the queen who controls Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group, a super enterprise worth tens of trillions. Instead, she looks like a child who made mistakes.

The terrible silence continued, and Shirley Birkin began to tremble under the terrible pressure. Ten more minutes passed, and Shirley finally couldn't bear it anymore. She knelt down on her knees and said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty... please give me another chance. I... I will definitely make up for my previous mistakes. , completely destroy Mongar-Mongal!”

"How to do it?" Tang Xiao asked directly.

"Mugg Fallow is the planet Mugg Fallow, which is stored in the Chissland's database as Mongar Mongar's home planet. As long as this planet can be destroyed, Mongar Mongar will also have no doubt about it. Killed," Shirley Birkin said.

"Haha." Tang Xiao stood up and immediately closed the communication.

Shirley Birkin seemed to be exhausted. She knelt on the ground and couldn't stand up for a while. There were almost tears in the corners of her eyes, as if she was a little girl who had just been scolded, feeling aggrieved, frightened and uneasy.

She was not afraid of death. What she feared most in front of Tang Xiao was that the leader and elder who had watched her grow up and single-handedly supported her to the upper class society of the galaxy would be disappointed in her.

This complex emotion mixed with family affection, love, affiliation, and faith constitutes Shirley Birkin's loyalty to Tang Xiao.

Professor Modin walked over, patted Shirley on the shoulder, and said, "It's natural that Tang Xiao doesn't have the patience to listen. The planet Moog-Faroo is there, and everyone is aware of the dangers of Mongal-Mongal." In my eyes, why has this planet remained so stable for thousands of years?”

"The coordinates of the Chiss are within a range, and it is impossible to determine the exact location of the planet within this range. Moreover, the hyperspace channel situation in the star area is very complicated, and it is impossible to confirm the local situation. This is not included. It has not even been discovered so far. Any hyperspace channel can lead directly to the Moog-Farlow planet. Even the movement of the chaotic hyperspace channel has no short connection." Shirley Birkin answered slowly.

"And, in such an environment, how did the Chiss learn the coordinates of Moog-Faror? From those unreliable historical documents? Or... is this simply a trap?" Modin The professor said, "So, that's what Tang Xiao meant when he turned around and left."

Shirley Birkin said loudly: "But this plan is feasible!! You know it, Professor Mordin! Our research is obviously fruitful! We have been able to detect Mongar-Mongar's signals to contact clones everywhere As long as we follow this signal and continue to explore, the true face of Mongar-Menggar will be revealed to us sooner or later!”

"He won't have this patience." Professor Mordin shook his head.

"But I do!" Shirley Birkin stood up, tied her messy long blond hair back together, took out a hairband and tied it with a simple bow. After taking a deep breath, her expression returned to being shrewd and capable.

She glanced at Professor Modin, her pride and confidence returned to her gaze, and said slowly: "My research direction is not wrong. I just underestimated Mongal Mongal. I will not do this again. Wrong."

"If you fail again, Tang Xiao will most likely not kill you. But in Tang Xiao's eyes, you will always become a vase, abandoned and forgotten. Then, you will rot and dissipate in a cold corner, and will not even be recorded in history. Your existence." Professor Modin said.

Shirley Birkin nodded. She looked at Professor Modin, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, "But I'm very pleased that you actually supported me on this matter."

Professor Moding also smiled and said: "Tang Xiao thinks that you and I must have opposite views, but in fact, everyone will see the value of Mongal-Mongal's research, and I am no exception. Others. Let’s not talk about it, just the fact that it can span countless light years and accurately control tens of billions or hundreds of billions of clones, if it can be used by us, it is also a miraculous existence. "

The two walked hand in hand in the corridor. Shirley Birkin had already entered the state again. She took out her communicator and kept issuing orders to arrange various tasks.

"Have Shepard's team not been found yet?" Shirley connected with Lieutenant General He Ru's communication and asked coldly.

Lieutenant General He Ru shook his head and sighed, "No... no news. However, we did not find any fragments of the Normandy where they lost contact. I think they may still..."

"Confirm that Shepard's team is dead. There is no need to waste energy searching. I have mastered Mongar-Mongar's signal. The coordinates of the latest active signal have been sent to you. Organize a fleet to attack immediately!" Sherry! -Birkin ordered without explanation.

That's right, although Tang Xiao expressed his anger and dissatisfaction directly, he still did not order the dismissal of Shirley Birkin. According to the previous arrangement, she could indeed give orders to Lieutenant General He Ru.

Lieutenant General He Ru sighed, nodded and said, "Okay, I will send the fleet."

Professor Modin said from the side: "I have completed some samples of the genophage virus specially adjusted for Mongar-Mongal. You can take it with you for practical testing. The genophage will be in Mongal-Mongal It spreads among the cells, then continues to multiply, and finally engulfs all the Mongar-Mongal cells. "

"If it is true as you said, then this will be our most powerful weapon against Menggar-Menggar." Lieutenant General He Ru nodded.

"Continue working." Shirley Birkin turned to look at Professor Modin and said in a deep voice, "Activate... Mongar Mongar's consciousness No. 4!"

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