The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2040 Umbrella’s Disposal (Part 2)

2041. Umbrella’s Disposal (Part 2)

Shirley Birkin did succeed. She used the huge amount of Mongar Mongar stored in Research Room 101 underground of the Kryak Palace as materials from the Xilu Empire, and really gave birth to a second Mongar. -Mongal's consciousness!

And she successfully used specially developed control equipment to control this second consciousness that was still in an ignorant state at the time. Then an exciting scene appeared. With the help of Shirley Birkin, the second consciousness successfully controlled all the Mongar Mongar clones on Levik's planet.

Under the control of the second consciousness, these clones were all loaded into several broken cargo ships, ready to be sent directly to the stars for complete destruction.

After it was confirmed that there was really no Mongal-Mongal left on Levik's planet, the entire planet celebrated with joy. Everyone, even the remaining Siru people, celebrated the departure of the God of Decay together.

Planet Levik has reopened, the star gate has also reopened, and the Principality of Dawn has begun to expand on Planet Levik again!

Everything seemed to be going in the right direction, but things quickly changed.

The Mongar clones that were collected by the second consciousness and loaded into the cargo ship suddenly lost control! Then those cargo ships lost contact within just a few minutes!

Not only that, when this matter was reported to Shirley Birkin, Shirley Birkin directly wanted to destroy the core of the second consciousness in her hands, but she discovered a very terrifying thing!

The second consciousness is not as ignorant as it appeared before, and is controlled like a child. On the contrary, it used the insights it had when it was born, and after many attempts, the third consciousness was finally born!

What is loaded into the cargo ship and prepared to be sent to the star for destruction is not the clone controlled by the second consciousness, but the clone controlled by the third consciousness!

In other words, even if Shirley Birkin destroys the core of the second consciousness, it will not help, because the third consciousness has run away! Moreover, you must know that all the people controlling these cargo ships are robots! But what exactly did the third consciousness do to enable it to control these cargo ships controlled by robots?

Shirley immediately sent out a fleet to chase and kill, and Vice Admiral He Ru acted very decisively, but in the end only one cargo ship was intercepted and destroyed, while all other cargo ships ran away without a trace.

The intercepted and destroyed cargo ship would also leave hidden dangers. Because the vacuum of the universe cannot kill Mongar Mongar, those clones of Mongar Mongar that were not burned when the battleship exploded will remain floating in the universe, waiting for a new host to appear.

Although this is an extremely low probability, from now on, can you guarantee that during any extravehicular operation of astronauts, they will not be bumped into by Mongal Mongal floating around?

And the most troublesome thing is that there are two of them now, Mongal-Mongal.

Planet Levik is once again in a state of turmoil, and this time it's even more serious. Two gods of decay, and a god of decay who can fight against robots! How to do this?

The planet is blocked again and the star gate is closed again.

When Tang Xiao heard the news, he felt a burst of unknown anger in his heart. He almost wanted to rush to Levik's planet right now and chop off the head of Shirley Birkin who had caused such a big mistake!

Through the positioning of the communication, he used the Force to let Shirley Birkin fully enjoy the feeling of being choked by the Force, and then asked her to eliminate Mongar Mongar at all costs.

Now, the two giants of Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group, Shirley Birkin and Alexia Ashford, caused big trouble at the same time. After listening to Frances Underwood's report, Tang Xiao , a decision was made.

First, split Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group into three.

The first part is the identity of Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group, with Shirley Birkin as its top director. Umbrella in this part is responsible for normal channels of pharmaceutical and medical research and development, assisting the health department in epidemic prevention work, assisting the military in developing body enhancers, and assisting in promoting the Spartan Project.

The second part, with Alexia Ashford as top director, is known separately as the Veronica Group. This part will be mainly responsible for the research and development of biological and chemical weapons. The R\u0026D and manufacturing of T-virus biological weapons that originally belonged to Shirley Birkin were all transferred here.

At the same time, the establishment of the Veronica Group was completely secret and not announced to the public at all. In the group, in addition to Alexia Ashford, the Dawn Principality's military will send dedicated personnel to the group to become board members, and the military representatives will have veto power over the group's decisions.

The third part was handed over to the Salarian, Professor Mordin.

Professor Mordin was once responsible for the cultivation of Salarian embryos, which allowed the Salarian population to increase rapidly in a short period of time, thus becoming the most important core race in the Principality of Dawn. However, now that the population of the Salarians has entered a stage of healthy development, Professor Mordin no longer needs to be in charge, so this important responsibility is handed over to him.

This part of Umbrella will be renamed Genetic Engineering Company. As the name suggests, it is specifically responsible for research and development at the genetic level. Including gene tailoring projects, genetic mapping projects, brain implant projects, etc., all are handled by this company.

In fact, on the surface, the first two parts of Umbrella's division are almost insignificant and don't matter at all. Because that's how they were originally set up. There has been a constant struggle between Alexia and Shirley Birkin, and most of the assets between the two parties have been divided.

However, from a deeper perspective, it is discovered that the third part handed over to Professor Modin is the one that really takes the life of Umbrella!

Because gene tailoring, genetic mapping, and brain implants, these three projects can be said to be important national weapons to the Principality of Dawn! As long as Umbrella Pharmaceuticals Group is still responsible for the research and development of these parts, Umbrella's position will be unshakable.

At the same time, regarding Mongar Mongar's research, in addition to letting Shirley Birkin continue to be responsible for cleaning up the mess she made, Professor Mordin will also immediately set off for the planet Levik, escorted by a team of geths. And he will also join them to focus on dealing with the threat of Mongar-Mongar.

Tang Xiao is also worried about the fact that his troops split into two groups and entered the unknown star field and began to expand.

It was originally believed that with the Star Gate and the Endless-class super aircraft carrier capable of primary jumps, the Principality of Dawn would be unfailing in its expansion in the unknown star field. But now I realize that the two-pronged attack on the unknown star field has now become a deep quagmire with both feet!

Thanks to gghhy for the 500 starting coins! ! Thanks to Wutu for the 100 reading points! !

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