The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2028 Umbrella’s Secret (Part 1)

2029. Umbrella’s Secret (Part 1)

Alfred Ashford looked a little ugly. He grabbed his blond hair that was neatly combed. Then he seemed to feel that it was so degrading to his elegance, so he quickly straightened his hair again.

Then, he connected to a communication. In the holographic projection, a majestic man wearing a dark blue military coat with gray hair who looked about 50 years old appeared.

"Sergey Vladimir, can you tell me that the commotion on Chalcedon has been resolved by you!" Alfred Ashford asked.

The majestic man named Sergei snorted coldly, "The rebels are probably involved in this matter. Our people have missed twice and still failed to catch the target. I said, if you really want to To resolve this matter, we need to send U.S.S. Only the ghost agents assigned to U.S.S. can find those elusive rebels."

"Why does it have to be U.S.S! I'm not feeding pigs by spending so much money on U.B.C.S!" Alfred's face was gloomy.

"You should know that there are many former Jedi Knights who have joined the rebel army. This time U.B.C.S returned without success, probably because there are Jedi Knights on the other side." Sergey Vladimir said coldly.

"Jedi is not a reason you use to whitewash your failure." Alfred Ashford gritted his teeth.

"But it is an objective factor. Don't forget, there were 6 Jedi killed by us last year. None of them were because of my mistakes in judgment." Sergey Vladimir said.

"No! You must not use the U.S.S. this time!" Alfred said loudly.

"Alexia's permission is required to dispatch U.S.S. Ghost Agents. If you are unwilling to face your sister, then I can do it for you." Sergey Vladimir said, "The suspected virus adapter that appeared this time The aptamer is the only one that has appeared in the past six months. In order to complete the experiment of the 'ant colony' project, we must extract the virus inhibitor from the aptamer. Now the military is paying close attention to this plan, and we have no time anymore. Let’s go find the second adapter.”

Alfred punched the table hard, "Asshole! Why did you find the adapter from a few sold slaves! Asshole!!"

"The more critical question shouldn't be why civilians on the Seriya planet were infected with the T-Veronica virus? And the infected people were taken out of the Seriya planet. If this is not because of management loopholes If so, maybe the problems we face will be more serious,” Sergey said.

"No, Tang Xiao can't know about this! We can't let them know that we are conducting biochemical experiments on a habitable planet!" Alfred held his head, "He will definitely kill me! Just like he did before Just like William Birkin!”

Sergey said expressionlessly: "Since you are afraid of death, then report it to the lady honestly. At least she will not kill you."

"This is none of your business!" Alfred roared and shut down the communication.

He was panting like an angry hyena at the moment. After a long time, he rubbed his twisted and stiff cheeks hard, trying to make his expression more natural. Then I practiced in front of the mirror several times to ensure that there would be no problems with my lines and appearance.

Then, he connected to a unique communication.

The holographic projection flashed, and a girl with the same long blond hair and a lavender dress appeared. Her appearance is delicate and beautiful, and she looks to be in her teens at most. However, in her beautiful eyes, there was a maturity and grace that was beyond her age.

And Alfred Ashford has also become the handsome nobleman again. He gave the girl a noble salute and then said sarcastically: "My dear sister, Alexia." 'The development of the plan has been hindered, but the military is currently putting a lot of pressure on us, so I think we need to think about some countermeasures."

The beautiful girl Alexia Ashford smiled coldly and said: "Are you talking about the adaptor? I have already sent out the U.S.S. I have always been full of confidence in your incompetence, as long as Where things can go wrong, you will go wrong.”

Alfred's face turned pale. He didn't expect what just happened. Alexia knew it immediately. This result made him a little frightened.

After Alexia Ashford and he were awakened by Tang Xiao, Tang Xiao immediately asked Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group to divide it, and divided up a research institute and gave it to Alexia. And later, he made additional investment so that Alexia could carry out her own research plan.

This action greatly improved the strength of Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group, and in the next few years, Alexia Ashford also showed that she was no less powerful than Shirley Birkin. Talented, she was even much better than Shirley Birkin in the field of research.

As a result, Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group gradually formed a situation where two giants coexisted. On one side is Shirley Birkin, who is adhering to the tradition of Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group. As the founder of the group, she has the most mature product line and market share, as well as stable orders.

On the other side, there is Alexia Ashford, who is determined to make progress and constantly launches newer and stronger products under her unparalleled research capabilities. As a distinction, many people call this part of the Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group Umbrella (Veronica).

However, Alexia is not too concerned about the operation of the group. She just devotes herself to her own research and gives all her assets to Alfred to operate. However, the core of their part is still Alexia, and she still controls the real power.

This is also the result of Tang Xiao's deliberate division.

Because in the actual development, he found that as a pharmaceutical company, Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group is actually the fastest growing among the major companies under the Fourth Civilization! Even companies such as Terran Heavy Industries, Halo Weapon Systems Group, and Citadel Standard Light Industry, which specialize in industrial manufacturing, are developing rapidly.

Before that, Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group was already the largest business group under the Fourth Civilization after the Fourth Group!

The reason is that the products of Umbrella Pharmaceuticals are practical, rich, and the fields they are involved in are too wide.

Umbrella Pharmaceuticals' biggest business is their medicine. They have developed a large number of medicines for various diseases, and have also launched a variety of healing items, health products, etc., almost dominating at least 70% of the market in hospitals in the Principality of Dawn.

Then they also developed medicines that can transform and strengthen the body, mainly for military use. The fourth group of soldiers, as well as the Spartan Project led by Dr. Halsey, the biological enhancement and biological transformation in them are almost all from Umbrella Pharmaceuticals.

After that, they also developed biological weapons, not only virus weapons, but also B.O.W, biological weapons. The most famous of them is the Injori Avenger, which once frightened the army of the Galactic Republic. In addition, biological weapons such as Lickers have also been used in street fighting at night, and have achieved good results.

This is not over yet. The military is now stepping up its efforts to study brain implants, which are also researched and produced by Umbrella Pharmaceuticals in cooperation with the military.

Even Tang Xiao himself was using the essence transfer technique to equip many pilots of the Principality of Dawn and soldiers of the Fourth Legion with a rebirth plan, so that they could be resurrected infinitely. This project was also completed by the Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group in cooperation with the Fourth Group.

Special events occurred, such as the First Exploration Fleet discovered a mysterious infectious organism, the God of Decay, Mnggal-Mnggal, which also went to the Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group for research.

Is it over? There is another big head. Now the Principality of Dawn is mapping the genetic map of all human races in the country, as well as the gene cutting project, which is also done by the Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group! The 600 billion people of the planet Lundili, the epidemic prevention work during the migration process, sorry, it is still Umbrella!

In the first few years of the development of the Fourth Civilization, because the main forces were concentrated in the military industry, the power of industrial companies such as Terran Heavy Industries and Higra Aerospace Group skyrocketed. But after the end of the Clone Wars, the Principality of Dawn entered a stable development period and began to invest resources in other industries, and the Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group almost snowballed.

So why did Shirley Birkin go to the First Exploration Fleet and take over everything directly, without taking Lieutenant General He Ru and Captain Shepard of the military into consideration? It is because she has the strength and capital!

Why did Alfred Ashford directly use the expensive wine equivalent to the price of a cruiser to entertain Lin Nanyi? It is because he can drink luxury goods of this level as water!

With such huge resources in hand, Alfred Ashford simply felt that he was below Tang Xiao and his sister, above billions of people, and had the power to kill and take away the power of the super noble.

So he even planned to propose to Shirley Birkin and continued to pursue her. He believed that once he succeeded, the huge power of Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group would be in his hands alone, which would be a super power that would shake the galaxy with a stomp of his feet!

But this time, Alexia Ashford directly told him with reality that anything that happened here would be known to her at the first time. This also shows that the so-called power in his hands was actually just given to him by Alexia.

Of course, Alexia had proved this to him more than once.

However, in the face of such huge interests, it is almost inevitable that people will forget about eating and not about fighting.

Alfred's expression froze, and he quickly said: "The situation is under control! The adapter will be caught by the afternoon at the latest!"

"I suggest you do this. This matter cannot be exposed, because the "Ant Colony" plan, I reported to Tang Xiao that it was tested on the bugs on the planet Noi-Haang." Alexia said, "The voices of the Seria people and the primitive bugs on the planet Noi-Haang that degenerated from the Kilik bug swarm are not the same in politics. If the matter is really exposed, you will have to bear the responsibility."

"Don't worry! There will be no problem!" Alfred said, showing an expression that he thought was elegant, "I will never let you down. Seeing your beautiful cheeks bloom with a smile is my greatest happiness."

In fact, although Alfred inherited the excellent genes of the Ashford family and looked handsome and majestic, his expression at this moment looked a little distorted due to guilt and stiffness.

"It's best this way." Alexia glanced at her brother, her eyes neither sad nor happy, as if she were looking at a stone.

In fact, Alfred can't be said to be unsmart, he can still manage Umbrella (Veronica) very well most of the time. It's just that his intelligence is only at the level of a mortal. It's still far from his extraordinary wisdom.

Therefore, Alexia only valued her brother more because of the blood relationship. In addition, she did not think that her brother had the qualifications to be equal to her.

Even Shirley Birkin!

"I have to remind you, put away your unrealistic fantasies. It is impossible for Shirley Birkin to respond to your advances. Although she is an idiot most of the time, it does not mean that you are qualified to stand by her side. ." Alexia said.

"Why am I not worthy of Shirley? Wisdom? Wealth? Status? Yes! She is indeed one of the founders of Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group, but the real founders are William Birkin and Annette who were awakened by Tang Xiao. Birkin! She was just a child at that time! Apart from this halo, how could she be better than me?" Alfred said loudly.

"Just because she is the perfect adapter for the G virus." Alexia said lightly, "In the process of life's evolution, she has distanced herself from you mortals, and such a being, in ancient times, was called He is...a god. How can a mortal be equal to God?"

Alfred gritted his teeth, "What about you?! Don't you also have unrealistic fantasies about Tang Xiao!!"

When Alexia heard Tang Xiao, she finally showed a look of longing, "You and I are different. You only pursued Shirley Birkin because of her wealth and status. And the union between Tang Xiao and me, But it is the evolution of life and the sublimation of the soul..."

"Hmph!" Alfred turned his face sideways and expressed his dissatisfaction with Alexia's naked contempt.

"Okay, find the adapter as soon as possible and conduct the next phase of the 'Ant Colony' project experiment as soon as possible." Alexia said, "This stupid woman Shirley has made a breakthrough in the research of Mongal-Mongal. , I can’t fall behind her.”

She glanced at Alfred coldly, and then said: "By the way, I was here the day before yesterday. I helped you get rid of those disgusting toys by the way, you're welcome."

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