2022. Weird power

"That's right...I saw you! I saw you! Hahahahaha!!" A low and eerie voice sounded, very familiar [Everything! 】.

Darth Malthael suddenly raised his head, and standing in front of him was his master—Darth Plagueis!

"Do you think I named you? No! You told me yourself... Darth Malthael!!" [Final General! 】

"So...who are you..." [By me! 】

The master's voice gradually faded away, and Darth Malthael stepped forward to grab it, but couldn't catch anything.

"You have no idea who you are! Hehehehehe..." A sharp and sinister voice suddenly appeared behind him, "You can never defeat Darth Sidious! A confused soul will never be his. Opponent! "[Control! 】

Darth Malthael turned around suddenly and saw a ghostly Bith man standing there.

Darth Tenebrous!

"Hahahahahaha! You can't touch the depths of your own soul! Hahahahaha!!" Maka Ragnos' wild laughter echoed around him. 【by me! 】

"Your own danger is even greater than the danger you bring to this galaxy." Lucien Del Rey's sigh was also heard. 【Control! ! ! ! ! 】

"Get out of here!!!" Darth Malthael roared loudly, and the extremely terrifying force suddenly erupted, and everything around him turned into black dust and disappeared under the powerful force.

Darth Malthael raised his left hand, the same hand he had just grasped to detonate the remote control.

Now in this hand, black mist shrouds it, and it seems to be crawling and circling like a life.

【Everything will eventually be controlled by me! ! ! 】The fragments of words hidden in the memory gradually formed a complete sentence.

However, this sentence seems to be engraved in the memory, as if it originally existed in the memory. For a moment, even Darth Malthael thought that the owner of these words had been following him all the time from the beginning!

The voice was powerful, deep, and magnetic, as if it were the scolding of a supreme god, with a power that was hard to refuse.

"You are...looking for death!"

Darth Malthael gritted his teeth and clenched his left fist suddenly. The powerful force immediately entangled the black shadow, following the long river of force, touching the distant void.

However, the black shadow on his left hand gradually dissipated, and finally disappeared completely, leaving nothing behind.

Darth Malthael opened his eyes and looked at the mess in front of him. His meditation room had been completely torn apart by the powerful force. The original furnishings inside were completely destroyed. Even the metal instruments and equipment were horribly damaged. The force is directly twisted into a ball!

He opened the door and walked out, only to find Adele Ulan squatting outside the door and already asleep.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Adele Ulan opened her eyes suddenly and found that it was her husband. She immediately threw herself into his arms like a bird clinging to someone.

"Master... I thought something really happened to you..." Adele Ulan choked up in Darth Malthael's arms.

Darth Malthael pushed her to the ground and said coldly, "It's just a meditation, why are you so exaggerated?"

Adele Ulan didn't resist at all. She quickly stood up, wiped the moist corners of her eyes, and whispered: "You... have been meditating for five days."

"What did you say?" Darth Malthael was shocked. He touched his chin, and sure enough, his beard had grown out, and it looked like he hadn't taken care of it for several days!

"The combined fleet led by Admiral Chiara has returned, and several protoss have also arrived." Adele Ulan said.

"Let's go, I just want to find them too." Tang Xiao waved his hand.

"Please be patient for a moment. I think you need to replenish some energy now." A soft voice came from Rosales, a high-ranking templar of the Silak tribe.

Tang Xiao turned his head and saw that two high-level templars, Rosales and Rasdian, and two dark templars, Sora-A and Aura-Khan, had arrived together.

He nodded, "Let's go to the restaurant and talk while we eat." After saying that, he walked directly towards the restaurant, regardless of whether the protoss had the habit of talking while eating.

After a while, Tang Xiao picked up a piece of beef from the table and put it into his mouth, chewed it a few times quickly and then swallowed it. Then he said: "Basically speaking, I had controlled the situation at that time, and Gixtus was no longer afraid. I also got the self-destruction remote control in his hand... Normally, I should put the remote control away Either destroy it, capture Gixtus, or directly kill him and resurrect him. But... I pressed the remote control."

"Is it possible that when you wanted to destroy the remote control, you accidentally pressed the start button." Sora-A asked.

Tang Xiao shook his head and said: "In my memory, there is an additional voice. It said... everything will eventually be controlled by it."

"I have checked your mind and everything is normal. You have not been affected by the Grisk people in any way." Rasdian said.

Rosales nodded in agreement, apparently doing the same thing.

"That voice disappeared... I estimate that in the past five days, I have been fighting this voice." Tang Xiao said, "But... it is not so much that I defeated this voice, but that it He was worried that I would find his position, so he took the initiative to destroy himself.”

Everyone at the scene fell into silence.

"It was weird. I'm pretty sure I lost control of my body at that moment, at least my thumb. How did it do that? Who was it? That's what I was most worried about. Tang Xiao said in a deep voice, "If it can affect me, then it must also be powerful enough to affect you."

Rosales said: "In fact, even though we have been at war with the Grisk hegemony for such a long time, we still know nothing about their homeland. They hide it very well. Every Grisk operating outside The Sk people have been implanted with hints or even simply brainwashed, so that we cannot get any information about the Grisk people’s home planet from them.”

"What does this mean?" Tang Xiao asked him.

"Actually, this would be very scary to think about." Rosales said, "Don't forget, the Grisk people only need a few people to control the entire planet. They have such powerful telepathic energy... Then, if What would this planet be like if it were full of Grisk people? Hundreds of millions?

Tang Xiao was shocked, it was indeed true!

The home planet of Grisk's hegemony may be more terrifying than he imagined!

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