The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2017 Beheading Operation

2018, beheading operation

That dazzling light flashed, and the three cruisers were directly penetrated!

As the light gradually goes out, a slender red light and another slender spiral light can be seen wrapping around it.

The distance between the two sides is about 20 light seconds. The Eternal super aircraft carrier fired it in a hurry before, but Admiral Ive ordered it to avoid it, so he didn't know much about the power of this laser.

But now he knows...

The three cruisers were shot through without any resistance at all! And judging from the tragic situation at the scene, the reason why only three cruisers were penetrated was because there were only three on this line! !

At this moment, Admiral Ive's brain briefly shut down... Such terrifying power and such terrifying range once again subverted his understanding of laser weapons!

Is there any laser that can shoot dozens of light seconds away without dissipating? Is there a laser that can directly shoot through three cruisers with intact shields? Is there a laser that can penetrate three cruisers with intact shields at a distance of dozens of light seconds?

Admiral Yves, who finally reacted, burst out with an almost roaring roar, "Let the high-speed battleship rush towards me! Even if it is a collision, I must block the Eternal!"

He finally understood the strategy of the two super battleships of the Dawn Principality - it was very simple, the bright red battleship was used as a human shield, and with 100,000 drones, it was completely invincible. Even if these drones cannot cause fatal damage to their own battleships, it doesn't matter, because the real killer move is the Eternal!

No wonder the Eternal Sea turned around and ran away from the beginning, and also sent all the fighter formations to the Eternal Sea. It turns out that the purpose is to create a distance and get rid of the high-speed battleships that are pestering the Eternal as soon as possible, so that the Eternal can provide long-distance fire support as soon as possible.

Grisk Hegemony's intelligence was not wrong, and their strategy was not wrong in its general direction. However, the biggest problem is that they did not expect what the two super battleships Eternal Ancient and Red Comet III could achieve!

But now, the news fed back by the adjutant is disappointing.

"General! The high-speed battleship formation has almost lost its combat capability..." the adjutant said, "All carrier-based aircraft have been shot down, and there are only 11 high-speed battleships left... They can no longer affect the Eternal's firing."

At this moment, on the Eternal Ship's side, the battlefield was indeed tragic. Under the frenzied siege of 60 cruisers, the Eternal's shield was once penetrated, and some cabins were hit and caught fire. Although the fire has been extinguished and the shield has been recirculated, the outer armor belt of the Eternal is still scorched black everywhere, looking quite embarrassed.

Of course, what is even more tragic is their enemies...

The wreckage of countless fighter jets is floating on the battlefield, almost everywhere. Here is an ocean composed of countless wreckage and metal fragments. And the wreckage of dozens of high-speed battleships is even more miserable... On the wreckage of these battleships, the flames have not been extinguished in many places, and there will be explosions from time to time.

Twisted corpses and mutilated pieces of flesh can be seen everywhere. It is conservatively estimated that tens of thousands of Parks people died on this battlefield.

The strategy of the Parkes commander of the high-speed battleship formation to use all his fighter jets to delay the attack had no effect. Their fighter jets were originally unable to fight back against Sabers, Vikings, and Phantoms, so they relied on their numerical advantage. However, when Chislin's fighter jets entered the battlefield, it became a massacre!

It didn't take long for all 900-plus fighter jets to be shot down. Then came the end of those high-speed battleships.

As the high-speed battleships that were constantly entangled with the Eternal and prevented him from turning and aiming were destroyed one by one, the Eternal was finally able to adjust the direction of the battleships and fire with the powerful particle light spear.

And when the dazzling light of the particle light spear cut through the void, the outcome of this battle was already determined.

The three particle light spears arranged in a glyph on the bow of the Eternal opened fire alternately, harvesting the warships of Grisk's hegemonic main fleet more than 20 light seconds away. This is an optimal distance, 20 seconds, giving the opponent little time to dodge, and the hit rate is very high.

"Let all the battleships rush up to block it! As long as this ship leaves!" Gixtus' angry voice came in Admiral Ive's mind, "They are just a group of cannon fodder! After I return, I We will report to the overlord! The thunderous wrath of our Grisk hegemony is about to come!”

"Quick! Execute the order!" Admiral Ive said to the adjutant immediately.

This mixed fleet composed of fleets from several races began a chaotic turn and retreat. Almost all the warships flew towards Gixtus's flagship, trying to use their bodies to protect Gixtus from the particles. Light spear shot.

Countless drones swooped towards the flagship, and a large number of close-in defense guns installed on the flagship opened fire with all their strength. Although hundreds of drones were shot down, compared to the number of these drones, it was still a drop in the bucket.

Countless small laser beams landed on the flagship's shields, but had little effect. The particle light spear was fired again, but this time, it only destroyed two cruisers and did not hit Gixtus' flagship.

The 1,500-meter-long battleship Fate Spinner has completed its turn and is escaping in panic under the cover of hundreds of battleships.

However, at this moment, Gixtus' roar came from Admiral Ive's mind, "He's coming! Stop him! Shoot him down! Don't let him come!"

"He? Who?" General Yves felt confused.

But the answer soon presented itself...

boom! boom! ! ! There was a violent explosion, and there was a dull loud noise even inside the battleship! This is a direct hit on the battleship!

"There's a fighter jet!!" A scream was heard from the radar soldier.

On the sensor screen, I could only see a blood-red fighter jet flying up and down around it. This fighter jet was extremely fast and its movements were almost unbelievable! All the close-in defense artillery fire can't even touch a hair! The fighter casually strolled through the hail of bullets, then flew to the engine position of the Destiny Weaver and fired 8 plasma missiles in succession.

This is a missile specifically designed to counteract shields. The shield at the battleship's engine is already weak. When the same point was hit and bombarded, it immediately entered a brief period of overload and overheating. Seizing this moment of opportunity, the blood-red fighter jet directly entered the shield range and broke into the hangar platform close to the battleship!

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