The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2008 Grisk’s Hegemony’s Counterattack

2009. Griske’s counterattack against hegemony

At this moment, on the planet Kruste, a large number of B-1 combat robots have begun to build a 200-meter-high all-metal building - the Psychic Temple - in various places on the planet.

There will be a total of four psychic temples built on the planet Krustel. A Grisk will be installed in the core of each one, and their spiritual energy will be extracted as a driver to spread the gospel to the entire planet.

Before the construction of the Psychic Temple, the state of the planet Krustel could only be said to be barely maintained. Because everyone on the planet has been controlled, and the Grisk people who controlled them are no longer there, there is a void in the souls and consciousness of these people.

This makes these people live like walking zombies and can only rely on instinct to eat and sleep. However, once the food stored in the home is exhausted, they will only starve to death.

Millions of B-1 combat robots are here to maintain the lives of these people, but they are not optimistic about how long they can maintain it. Therefore, the construction of the psychic temple must be accelerated.

Anita brought more than 2 million B-1 combat robots to participate in the reconstruction of the planet. Not only to maintain the lives of those people, but also to rebuild the city and clean up the corpses of tens of millions of people killed in previous battles - now many of the corpses that were too late to be processed have begun to rot. It won't be long before they are left on the planet. A plague will break out.

So even though Tang Xiao used many inhuman and terrifying methods to deal with the Grisk people, the protoss always turned a blind eye. This is the reason why the Grisk people's mind control has no effect on the people. For these planets, it is a tragic tragedy.

But now, even if the construction of the Psychic Temple has not been completed, Anita can still use the four Grisk people who have been loaded into the psychic device to restore the consciousness of the Krustai people within a limited range. Take refuge in the path of unity.

As shown in the results of previous experiments, those who regained consciousness have become the most devout believers in the way of unity at the moment they regain consciousness. They knelt down in front of Anita and sang loudly to praise the glory of Tang Xiao, the Son of God.

And when they regained consciousness, they also regained their previous memories. They also immediately began to devote themselves to their work to further stabilize the social order that was about to collapse.

According to the report Anita sent back to Tang Xiao, the planet Krustel will return to normal in three months. The remaining approximately 400 million people on the planet will also become part of the Holy Advent sect at that time!

This will be a planet that is completely converted to the sect!

In fact, this time Anita came to the Unknown Star Territory to deal with the victims controlled by the Grisk people, not only to expand the gospel of the Holy Advent sect, but she also had another mission——

Experimenting with psionic implants.

At present, the army of the Principality of Dawn has begun to use implants. Mainly the pilots who participated in the Rebirth Plan and the Fourth Legion will have implants to assist their combat operations.

Next, this type of implants will gradually be opened to the scientific research field and the private sector.

However, these ordinary implants only have basic functions, such as improving reaction speed, or directly communicating with the cockpit of a fighter jet, etc. What the Holy Advent Sect needs to experiment with are psychic implants!

In other words, implants can be used to allow ordinary people without Force talent to sense the Force! Moreover, this type of implant makes it easier to unify everyone's Force and form an extremely powerful force.

The purpose of the Holy Advent Sect is to allow everyone in the Dawn Principality to bask in the glory of the path of unity. And to put it bluntly, everyone can sense the Force!

While the planet Krustel began to rebuild, Tang Xiao also gave instructions to the United Fleet, which was starting to counterattack again, asking them to capture the Grisk people alive as much as possible. These Grisks would then be canned and used as the core for the construction of the Necromantic Temple.

The combined fleet was under the command of Admiral Chiara, including Lieutenant General Brent, Keith Maxwell, High Templar Rasdian, and the help of two Dark Templar warriors. The power is very powerful. Wherever they pass, as long as they find a planet controlled by the Grisk people, they will immediately launch an attack, and the other party will have no possibility of resistance!

However, this efficiency is very low. Because they still have not found the true home planet of Grisk Hegemony, this mysterious planet seems to have disappeared, as if it does not exist at all.

This result made Admiral Qiara a little worried.

"We wandered aimlessly around the Chiss Territory for a month, going to every inhabited planet to explore. However, we explored dozens of planets, but only found that three of them were controlled by the Grisk people. "Yes." Admiral Chiara looked solemn, "I still think that the possibility of the Grisk people being a starship civilization still exists. They may not have a home planet."

High Templar Rasdian said: "Any race that may set foot on the earth will not refuse the gift of the planet. Even the Grisk people are like this. There is no point in the behavior they show. It supports the claim that they are starship civilizations. They are still living a luxurious life on the surface of the planet controlled by each other, and have not chosen to leave the planet."

"Theoretically speaking, yes...but regarding the Grisk people, the Chisland has known about their existence for hundreds of years, but all the information shows that they are a starship civilization, which makes me very worried." Chiara said.

"Our previous plan is still in progress." Rasdian said, "We have taken away almost all the fleets of the Chiss Territory, and now the defense of the capital Hisla planet is unprecedentedly weak. And we are also constantly attacking the Grizzlies. I don’t think such an aggressive race will tolerate this.”

Keith Maxwell also said: "Right now, Chisland is in chaos, almost on the verge of civil war. Griske Hegemony will never give up this good opportunity."

"This is all thanks to you! If the people of Chisland are controlled by the Grisk people for this reason, I will never let you go!" Admiral Chiara said through gritted teeth.

"The Grand Duke is on the planet Hisra now. Do you think that no matter how powerful the Grisk people are, they will threaten him?" Lieutenant General Brent said.

Admiral Qiara turned his head and said nothing. But her body was still trembling slightly with anger.

At the same time, in the other direction of the joint fleet's expedition.

‘The Tower Dimension’, a small country with the Urchiv-ki as its core. This small country has about 5 or 6 habitable planets and has shipping routes with the Chissland. Therefore, the two parties have also signed a series of trade cooperation agreements and are one of the Chissland's allies.

As the most powerful being in this star field, Chisi Territory has been radiating its influence to the outside world, mostly in a peaceful way. They very much enjoy the feeling of being the overlord of one side.

They do not need to directly conquer those different races, because this will cause a lot of subsequent troubles, but through such an alliance, they can also expand their power.

A revolution broke out within the Chiss Territory. Instigated by the Principality of Dawn, the Chiss people raised a banner to resist the ruling family. While there was chaos everywhere in the territory, the interior of the Tower Dimension was very quiet.

Tower - the capital of the dimension, the planet Urch.

In the palace, the president of Tower Dimension stood very respectfully at the bottom, paying respect to a person on the stage who was obviously different from their race.

"General Yiv, our fleet is ready." said the President of the Tower-Dimension.

"Your assembly took one day longer than my order." This general named Yves has gray skin and a strong body, and his body structure is somewhat similar to that of the Chiss. "Our Nikardun Destiny The fleet has been waiting for you for a long time."

"I'm really sorry. The hyperspace channel has entered a period of chaos again in recent days, so there are difficulties in the navigation of the fleet." President Ta-Wei said.

"Okay, I accept your explanation." Ive said coldly, "The delay time is also within my calculation. Report the situation in Qisi Ling."

"Yes." President Ta-Wei said, "Since the Chis Territory was controlled by the Principality of Dawn, under the instigation of the Principality of Dawn, the conflicts between the ruling families have become increasingly acute in the past two years. And this time, although the great Ge Riske’s hegemony controlled the Saberson family and wanted to provoke a war between Chisland and the Principality of Dawn, but failed, but the response of the Principality of Dawn was very violent..."

He began to call up a large amount of data on the screen, and if the intelligence officer of the Dawn Principality came over, he would be shocked by the detailed level of this information!

It is unimaginable that a small country like Tower Dimension, which can be seen everywhere in the unknown star field, has such intelligence capabilities!

However, their president calls Grisk Hegemony "great", and the reason for this is self-evident.

The president continued, "The supreme leader of the Dawn Principality, Grand Duke Tang Xiao of Liming, arrived in Chisland in person a month ago and directly sentenced the nine ruling families to death. Not only that, he also set fire to the civilians and people of Chisland. The struggle between the ruling families..."

"So, Chisland is now in a state of civil war?" Yves asked.

"It's not necessarily a civil war. Those ruling families don't think they have the ability to resist the Dawn Principality, and the people's flames have been ignited, which has almost collapsed their status. Now, these ruling families are more inclined to accept the Dawn Principality's Reorganize and continue your status in another form," said the president of Ta-Dimension, "But what is certain is that the senior leaders of the ruling family will be dealt a heavy blow."

A cold smile appeared on the corner of General Yves's mouth, "No matter what, although we sacrificed the Saberson family that we finally controlled, our ultimate goal was achieved."

"Indeed." The president of the Tower Dimension said with great excitement, "Now is the best time to conquer the Chiss Territory! Once the Chiss Territory is defeated, the great Grisk Hegemony will become the only one in this star field. Long live the Overlord!"

"Now we need to add a combat goal - to find and control the senior technicians of the Dawn Planet and obtain the secrets of Stargate Technology!" Ive said proudly, "Of course, since Tang Xiao himself is also on the Hisla Planet, then this means Maybe it’s a better opportunity…”

"But I heard that Tang Xiao is a very powerful Sith Lord." President Ta-Wei was a little worried.

"This... you don't have to worry." A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Ive's mouth, "My powerful and invincible master has arrived. Lord Jixtus will bring the glory of Grisk's hegemony , deeply implanted in Tang Xiao’s soul!”

President Ta-Wei immediately prostrated himself on the ground, "It turns out that Lord Gixtus came in person. He is an existence that can lead a race by himself! With him taking action, Tang Xiao will definitely become a loyal dog of Grisk's hegemony! "

"Hehehehe... Hahahahaha! Hahahahahaha!!" General Yves laughed loudly, "That treasonous idiot Chiara, she really thought that she could understand our character by killing a few of our peripheral minions. Is the real power of Liske’s hegemony? Hahahaha! Those Grisques are just useless fringe figures! In front of Lord Gixtus, they are not even ants! The true power of hegemony! Hahahaha!”

His laughter echoed in the palace and even spread to the square outside.

There, there were countless fully armed soldiers standing there with solemn expressions, including many races. There are not only the Ulchiv-kis of the Tower-dimension, but also the Nirkatons of General Yves, and many other races.

But the movements of these people were uniform, as precise as machines.

Over the palace, a large number of fighter jets and small spaceships were circling, as densely packed as locusts!

Continuing upward, in the outer orbit of the planet Ulqi, an unprecedentedly large fleet has been assembled here! Hundreds of large and small warships are neatly arranged, with different styles, but they also exude the cold atmosphere of industry, and... the atmosphere of war of steel and fire!

【Go! Yves! You are the most powerful and best general among my 'clients'! The power of the Chiss people is nothing compared to yours! Tang Xiao, let me deal with it myself! Don't be arrogant, but don't belittle yourself either. Although I'm not sure about Tang Xiao's victory, I can at least influence him! And at that time, you will be able to sweep across the entire Qisi Territory! 】

A gloomy voice echoed in General Yves' mind.

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