The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1985 The signs of civil war

1986. The beginning of civil war

"The issue of Grisk hegemony is just a hypothesis. But if we restrict the huge fleet to the territory and do nothing because of this hypothesis, this will only play into the hands of the Grisk people." Admiral Chiara said. .

"Then you should at least leave some of the battleships for defense!" the Eliz family said loudly, "at least leave the battleships of the Chiss defense fleet..."

"Idiot! All Chiss defense fleets should be dispatched! For our defense issues, we can ask the Dawn Principality's fleet to assist." The Nurudo family reacted faster, and he also understood more clearly the horror of the Dawn Principality, or to say more To be more precise - it is the terrifying person of Tang Xiao, Grand Duke of Dawn.

He looked at the Dawn Principality fleet commander Lieutenant General Brent and deputy commander Captain Keith Maxwell who were sitting on the other side of the conference room. He was worried that the Eliz family's stupid words before would offend the Dawn Principality.

In this war, the Chisland fleet must fight on the front line. If their fleet huddles behind and lets the Dawn Principality's fleet take the lead, then I really don't know which side the Dawn Principality fleet's guns will be aimed at.

"No, my plan is to attack with the entire army, and not a single capital ship will be left behind. The Eternal super aircraft carrier will be responsible for the defense of the capital Hisra planet." Admiral Chiara said calmly, " General Brent will stay on the Eternal, and if there is an emergency on the border, he will go to reinforce it."

"You're crazy!! The Eternal has only one ship! One formation! How can it possibly protect such a vast Chiss Territory?!" the Saberson family said loudly.

The Cipra family took a deep breath, looked at Lieutenant General Brent, and asked: "May I ask what the Kingdom of Dawn has to say about this crazy battle plan? This plan may destroy all fleets, even our Chiss Territory. Being affected!”

Lieutenant General Brent only responded indifferently, "According to the agreement between the Dawn Principality and the Chiss Territory, the combined fleet commander is the Chiss Defense Fleet Admiral, Eliz Al-Alani Ziara. . We will fully cooperate with her arrangements and instructions."

"Then... Chiara will be removed from the post of admiral! The admiral of the Chiss Defense Fleet will be replaced by someone else." The Cipra family seized on this word, that is, the commander of the combined fleet is the Chiss Defense Fleet. Fleet Admiral, but who this Admiral is can be discussed.

However, Brent still responded coldly: "I suggest that you should report this matter to Lord Tang Xiao, the Grand Duke of Dawn. Because if I remember correctly, Chiara serves as the commander of the combined fleet and is Lord Tang Xiao's arrange."

The Sipula family's body trembled. Ever since he returned from his visit to the Dawn Planet, Tang Xiao, the Grand Duke of Dawn, had become her nightmare every night! He was cruel, cold, murderous, crazy, and unpredictable. If they could choose, the Cipula family hoped that they would never talk to Tang Xiao again in the rest of their lives.

And... if this matter is reported to Tang Xiao, then given the temper of the Grand Duke, it may be their Qisi leader who will suffer!

Admiral Chiara said coldly: "Before the new combined fleet commander takes office, I will continue to perform my duties, and the combat orders I issued will continue to be implemented."

"You..." The Nurudo family was furious, but there was no way to refute or even stop it.

Because after the formation of the joint fleet was confirmed, in order to cooperate with this operation, under Chiara's arrangement, all the crews of the battleships of the Chiss Defense Fleet have been replaced by combat robots provided by Dawn Planet, just to prevent their own battleships from being The weird mind control of the Grisk took control.

This arrangement made the Chiss Territory very nervous and angry, but the Principality of Dawn graciously agreed to Admiral Chiara as the commander of the combined fleet, giving her the power to command the expedition fleet of the Principality of Dawn. At the same time, the Principality of Dawn also released the programs of those combat robots, allowing Chiss scientists to check on their own to see if there was any logic that was detrimental to the Chiss Territory.

In this way, the Chislin cabinet accepted this arrangement.

but now! Admiral Chiara's approach made the nine ruling families in the Chisland cabinet think that they had been tricked! They felt that Admiral Chiara had been bribed by the Dawn Principality a long time ago, and she was a traitor!

So if this is true, the Dawn Principality is equivalent to using Admiral Chiara to deprive the Chiss Territory of its entire defense fleet in one sentence!

If you think about it more carefully, maybe this war with the Grisk Hegemony was also started by the Dawn Principality's conspiracy! The purpose is to completely control Chisland militarily and politically!

The Nurudo family, who thought they had figured it all out, fell back into their seats. He thought for a while, then suddenly slapped the table and said loudly: "Do the stars agree with this plan? Rasdian will definitely not agree with this plan. Right? Why didn’t this distinguished High Templar attend the meeting?”

"The protoss has no interest in the quarrel between us, and Rasdian was the first to agree to this plan." Admiral Chiara said coldly.

The Cipra family gritted their teeth and said: "You are treason! Chiara! The Eliz family is also treason!! You should know what kind of punishment is waiting for you and your family!!"

The faces of the Eliz family on the side turned pale. He knew that their family would not be able to bear such a big hat! Maybe there will be a new bloody storm in Qis territory soon! And the Eliz family may be facing catastrophe!

For those families who covet the authority of the Eliz family, and even the Nurudo family who always hold a grudge against the expulsion of Mis-ro Nurudo Thrawn and are always thinking about revenge, this It’s a good opportunity to take revenge and even let everyone in the Eliz family be buried with him!

He couldn't help but look at Admiral Qiara. At this time, the only person who could protect their family was her.

"Qiara...think about it..." The voices of the Eliz family were trembling.

Admiral Chiara gritted her teeth. She looked at Lieutenant General Brent who was not planning to express his opinion at all. She finally took the risk and said loudly: "The enemy of Grisk's hegemony is now! At this moment, if anyone The combined fleet will not sit idly by and ignore any attempt to initiate an internal dispute in the Chiss Territory for any reason!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in awe!

That's right, the combined fleet now commanded by Admiral Chiara is the most powerful military force in the entire Chiss Territory and even the entire unknown star field! There is no doubt about this!

Thanks to gghhy, long live the great and glorious human civilization for the 100 starting coins! !

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