The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1982 Starship Civilization?

1983. Starship civilization?

"This war cannot continue like this!" Admiral Chiara looked at the huge holographic star map in front of the conference table with an extremely solemn tone.

I only saw on the star map that red alerts were flashing everywhere on the edge of the Chiss Territory. This also shows that almost every border colony in Chisland was under attack during this period.

In fact, it's not just the border colonies, many planets in the core of Chisland are also starting to have problems!

Before the war began, the Chiss had never thought that Grisk's hegemony would penetrate their territory so thoroughly! And they even know about the Star Gate!

Although the Principality of Dawn sent reinforcements, this made the current main fleet lineup of the Qisi leader's navy very strong.

Previously, in addition to the Eternal super aircraft carrier and the 10 attached cruisers, the garrison of the Principality of Dawn also had a squadron, including 10 kilometer-class battleships, 30 cruisers, destroyers of various types, as well as small battleships and 100 auxiliary spacecraft.

This time, the Principality of Dawn sent 10 additional battleships, 30 cruisers, and 150 small battleships.

Coupled with the strength of Qisi's own defense fleet, such a fleet strength must be going sideways in the unknown star field! You must know that the biggest problem in the unknown star field is that navigation in hyperspace is very inconvenient. The most direct problem of this situation is that it makes it very difficult to transport materials across galaxies.

To build a thousand-meter-plus warship, it is not enough to rely solely on one planet.

Therefore, there are numerous races and civilizations living in the unknown star field, but more than 99% of them are unable to control more planets and stay on their home planet all their lives. Such a civilization, even if it can master the technology of space navigation, With such technology, the warships built can only reach the sky by two to three hundred meters.

Therefore, any civilization that can dominate an unknown star field has the means to sail across galaxies here. This is true whether it is the human battery technology of the Xilu Empire or the Skywalkers of the Chisland.

But the problem is that until now, the Grisk hegemony has never appeared, and it just keeps harassing the border. Moreover, their scope of activities is very wide, with warships under their control almost everywhere. Therefore, even if the Qisi leader's fleet is extremely powerful, it can still only work hard within its own control area.

Lieutenant General Brent frowned and said: "You are saying that Grisk a starship civilization, right? What's the reason?"

Admiral Chiara said: "So far, of the civilizations conquered by the Grisk hegemony that we know of, without exception, they have abandoned the home planets of those civilizations, and they have also left records saying that they have countless The spacecraft took away all these people. Moreover, wherever they passed, they were completely destructive and plundered, leaving no room at all. At the same time, their scope of activities was very wide, and they seemed to not consider logistical issues at all... …The most important point is that we have never been able to find the planet they actually live on. Therefore, they can only be a nomadic starship civilization.”

Lieutenant General Brent frowned in thought, and asked slowly: "But... there are more than ten civilizations conquered by Grisk's hegemony, right? Even if some civilizations are still very primitive, even if we have one civilization, One billion people, then this is also 10 billion people. Do they have so many spaceships that can accommodate them?"

"This may be a very bad situation, that is, the Grisk hegemony may have consumed these populations." Admiral Chiara said seriously.

"Did you eat it or something like that..." Lieutenant General Brent thought for a moment. He raised his wrist, clicked on the universal tool, checked the information in it, and then said: "Actually... in our database Instead, it records a starship civilization - the Quarians. They were defeated in the war with the mechanical race they created and were forced to become a starship civilization. However... their behavior seems to be in line with this pattern. Riske’s hegemony is different…”

"How to say?" Qiara asked.

"Living in a spaceship for a long time will cause serious psychological distortions in the residents due to gravity problems, living space problems, and climate problems. And living in a closed space like a spaceship for a long time will gradually degrade their immune systems, leaving them They can't even adapt to the air that contains microorganisms and basic viruses on a normal habitable planet. At the same time, population growth is also a big problem. The Quarians will always keep their population at zero growth and will often send their own people out. Traveling allows them to experience the world on the planet without spending their whole lives in a cramped spaceship..." Brent said.

Chiara frowned and said: "The Griske hegemony cannot be so fragile, they are full of offense."

"So, our database also records another starship civilization - the Vasaris." Brent found another record, "The situation of the Vasaris is different. They have weapons that they once brought from their homeland. , an extremely huge super battleship, and possesses crushing military strength. The space inside their battleship is even equivalent to a city... Not only that, they can also easily destroy a planet and blow it up and use it as a A mine to collect. Only with this kind of power can we, as a starship civilization, take the initiative to launch attacks and become an offensive civilization."

"The Grisk Hegemony is not so powerful, otherwise, Chaos would have been their back garden." Chiara said, "Can't it be in the middle? Stronger than the Quarians, but weaker than the Vasaris .”

Lieutenant General Brent shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, there is no in-between. Starship civilization will either live like a dog, or it will be extremely powerful and unstoppable. Everything depends on how they can escape from their former homeland." What does it bring out... No civilization has ever actively chosen to become a starship civilization."

"You mean... Grisk Hegemony may have a home planet?" Chiara frowned.

"In the database of the Principality of Dawn, there are countless civilizations recorded, and there are all kinds of them. There are countless starship civilizations. I can even tell you that some of the tribes of the protoss also lived as starship civilizations until they Until we regain our homeland." Lieutenant General Brent said, "So, I think our strategy may not be correct..."

"You mean to take the initiative?" Admiral Chiara was shocked. The Chiss people's conservatism was engraved in their bones. The basis for all her decisions was that she must first stabilize her own position.

And if the Grisk Hegemony is a starship civilization, then their productivity is definitely not enough. If one battleship is destroyed, there will be one less. This kind of defense strategy is very beneficial to the Chiss Territory.

In particular, the strange mind control ability of the Grisk people has made the entire Chiss Territory full of chaos and chaos. The nine ruling families of the Chiss Territory are also deeply afraid of this, and they are constantly exerting powerful influence on Chiara. Pressure requires Chiara to ensure their safety.

But Lieutenant General Brent didn't see it that way. The Dawn Principality sent two squadrons over, and they weren't just sitting and drinking tea on the planet Hisla, the capital of the Chiss Territory!

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