Chapter 199 N-1 Starfighter

197. N-1 Starfighter

"Darth Malthael?" Upon hearing this name, Tang Xiao's first reaction was to laugh, but then he became serious.

Because he immediately thought of the meaning behind the name and the relationship with himself!

Malthael, the dead angel, the final boss in "Diablo 3". He used to be an angel of wisdom, and after his fall, he began to control the power of death, a symbol of death.

This kind of power is indeed very similar to the self who controls death. Or, this talent of mine came from him?

Tang Xiao had to start thinking about another problem. The mothership's database was filled with technologies from various games, and these technologies had become a reality. They could be truly manufactured, capable of flying, firing, and killing war machines!

And now, another ability in the game appeared on him? What does it mean? Is it a coincidence?

Because when his ability began to awaken, he didn't feel any abnormality. The original force was all-encompassing. Darth Plagueis, who studied immortality, could even create life through the original force. He can create countless viruses and bacteria on people with a wave of his hand, causing various diseases, and he can also remove the germs from people with a wave of his hand.

Moreover, powerful force users can indeed exist in another form after death. In the "Star Wars" movies, Master Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker all exist in the form of heroic spirits after death, just like souls.

The same is true in the origin of the Sith Lord and the most hidden holy land, the planet Korriban. In the tombs of those mighty Sith Lords, the ghosts of countless ancient Sith Lords roam.

So Tang Xiao was never surprised by his talent of controlling death.

But now, Darth Plagueis said the name Masail, which should not have been known by Darth Plagueis, which made Tang Xiao suddenly feel like he was being played with.

"Why this name?" Tang Xiao raised his head and asked.

"You told me this yourself." Darth Plagueis turned around, raised his hand, and he grabbed the mess on the ground with invisible force, and then threw them into the corner together, "In I heard that name in the void when you devoured the power of Darth Venamis."

He turned around and looked at Tang Xiao, "This name is powerful. It is full of the power of death! If the deity with this name stood in front of me, even I would be terrified. It bestowed this name on you, you should It has more meaning."

"Does Darth Thanos have power?" Tang Xiao asked tentatively.

"Stupid!" Plagueis didn't want to answer Tang Xiao's stupid question at all, he waved his hand, "Come here, I will reveal my research direction for you. Just in time, you brought a good test object."

Tang Xiao followed him and found that Cash Garuran's head was being soaked in a culture jar. Darth Plagueis raised his hand a little, and something terrible happened!

Garuran, who had been dead for several days, suddenly opened his eyes! All he saw in his withered eyeballs was cloudiness, and he opened his mouth as if to say something, but he couldn't say anything while soaked in liquid.

"This head is well preserved, so I just need to use the force to stimulate the dead cells to rejuvenate, and simulate a force field to make the resurrected brain cells think that their body is still there. Then , as long as you constantly control and adjust the force, this dead man's head can speak." Darth Plagueis showed Tang Xiao his superb skills.

His movements were very slow, and Tang Xiao could clearly feel that Darth-Plagueis' Force was working very clearly. It was obvious that he was teaching. He marked every step of his original force use circuit with extra original force, so that Tang Xiao and Yi could clearly sense it.

Then, a long string of bubbles spit out from Garuran's mouth, and he kept opening and closing his mouth, as if he was saying something.

After repeating it many times, Tang Xiao finally heard the voice!

"Planet Naboo...King Veruna...Planet Naboo...King Veruna..."

Darth Plagueis' eyes turned cold, "Planet Naboo? Hahahahaha..."


At the same time, on the edge of the Milky Way, the planet Naboo.

A grand event is being held. Sid City, the capital of Naboo planet, is decorated with lights and festoons. The streets of the city are covered with colorful flags. The pre-arranged citizens smiled stiffly, and then threw flower petals and colored paper from the balcony in a numb posture. go down.

In the main road of Sid City, a luxurious team is slowly moving forward. In order to emphasize the effect of the celebration, the suspension vehicles were lowered and drove close to the ground.

In front of the team was a black special car. The current King of Naboo, Als-Veruna, was wearing a gorgeous red robe.

But compared to his extremely gorgeous costume, his big bald head is more conspicuous.

And in the most conspicuous place of the team, a starfighter is towed by a trailer.

The shape of this starfighter is sleek and smooth, as if it were a flat drop of water. The slender pointed tail is full of artistic beauty, and the smooth surface is shining with colorful light in the sun.

Just seeing the shape of this fighter jet, everyone will be deeply attracted by it.

After passing through the city on the main road, King Veruna triumphantly delivered a passionate speech, "...after our arduous negotiations with the Nubian Interstellar Engineering Company and the hard work of the engineering team day and night, we Finally achieved the goal! This is the Naboo Royal Air Force N-1 starfighter!!"

"...With the protection of this powerful fighter, Naboo will become the safest planet in the middle and outer rings!! All shipping lanes and caravans will be protected by N-1 starfighters!"

"...The glory of Naboo's royal family will bathe the planet Naboo and all surrounding star regions and become the light of freedom!"

"...Now I can proudly announce that our planet Naboo has stood up!!!"

This event is for Naboo planet and Nubian interstellar engineering company to jointly establish the Sid palace spaceship company, and spend a huge amount of money to develop the N-1 starfighter!

The king of planet Naboo, Ars Veruna, also had high hopes for this expensive and powerful starfighter, and he believed that it would become a key factor for his re-election! -

[PS: Because of the plot arrangement, I have made minor adjustments to some timelines, which will be slightly different from the original settings. Think of it as the main character's butterfly wings. 】

[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: N-1 Starfighter. 】

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