The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1973 Apocalypse Class Battleship (Part 1)

1974. Divine Apocalypse-class battleship (Part 1)

The battleship classification used by the Fourth Civilization is relatively simple and crude. Compared with the Anax Battleship Academy classification commonly used in the Galactic Empire, it is sometimes not so accurate, but it is very clear (note in a notebook) , will be tested later).

For the battleships of the Fourth Civilization, the classification is as follows:

30 meters and below: fighter;

80 meters and below: frigate;

300 meters and below: destroyer;

1000 meters and below: cruiser;

3000 meters and below: battlecruiser;

8000 meters and below: battleship;

20,000 meters and below: Dreadnought;

Above 20,000 meters: super-dreadnought.

On this basis, they will also be divided into light, heavy, or other different names according to their size, such as electronic warfare frigates and guided missile frigates. This is based on the characteristics of those different warships. For example, if it is a heavy cruiser, its size is roughly in the second half of the range between 300 and 1,000 meters.

Spaceships from other technology trees, no matter what they were called before, are now uniformly called according to the level of the fourth civilization.

At the same time, there are also classifications including transport ships, auxiliary ships, aircraft carriers, motherships, engineering ships, command ships, Titans, Colossi, and Dominators. These are all professional battleships and are not directly included in the battleship classification. For example, the Ragnarov class, if divided according to size, the length of 14,100 meters should be a dreadnought, but in fact it is called a Titan in the naval establishment of the fourth civilization.

For example, the Titan battleship is defined in the Fourth Civilization Navy as a battleship that exists as the flagship of a sector-level fleet. It is unique and irreplaceable in the same sector and serves as the core flagship of the fleet in the entire sector.

In other words, the cost of this kind of warship is too high and the functionality is very high. Some high-precision equipment and parts cannot be put on the assembly line, so there is no possibility of mass production. Therefore, a sector-level fleet can only have one. Oh my god.

Take the Ankeron-class Titan battleship as an example. The construction period is close to five years and requires a huge amount of resources and industrial production capacity. Even with the current productivity of the Dawn Principality, it was not until two years ago that the second Ankelon-class Titan battleship Yuanzhu was completed and entered into active service. And currently the Supreme Command has not approved the construction plan for the No. 3 ship, instead investing resources into the Salarian people to build the Archangel-class Titan battleship.

Therefore, another example is the 9,440-meter Ankelon-class Titan battleship. If one day the Fourth Civilization can mass-produce this kind of warship, then the Ankelon-class will be stripped of its Titan battleship title and classified according to the battleship classification. Renamed Ankhlon-class dreadnought.

Of course, in fact, if the technology reaches the level where the Ankelon class can be mass-produced, there will be no need to produce warships like the Ankelon class with various auxiliary functions packed in. Instead, we will choose those that are more advanced. A professional battleship with a single function.

So when that day comes, the name of the Ankeron-class Titan battleship will most likely be retained as a commemorative one.

By the way, the Principality of Dawn can indeed mass-produce Ragnaroff-class Titan battleships, but there is no need for it, so the Navy has not mentioned the idea of ​​renaming the Ragnarov-class as a dreadnought. In the Fourth Civilization Military Museum, the Plague, the only Ragnarov-class Titan battleship built by the Fourth Civilization, is still being sung and remembered for its great achievements.

Tang Xiao took a shuttle and entered the Shenshi-class battleship, and the battleship had reached such an extent that it was almost a steel city!

Along the way, Arroyo Barro, the chief engineer of the Salarians and the chief engineer of the Dawn Principality, personally explained to Tang Xiao the various functions of the warship.

"In the design of the Shenshi-class battleship, although deflector shields can be installed, we still have not done so. The main energy supply of this battleship is concentrated in the six flagship laser arrays on both sides. At the same time, in order to strengthen the pertinence The Apocalypse class is equipped with high-level thermal, electromagnetic, and explosive armor, and also uses adaptive nanotechnology to adjust its defense capabilities according to the type of attack," Arroyo Barlow said.

"I know that the resistant armor in the Amarr Empire's technology also consumes electricity. Why not just cancel the armor and use a deflector shield? At least this can reduce the development cycle and match our other warships." Tang Xiao asked.

"This is a problem in the structural design of the battleship. For example, when the deflector shield is attacked, the energy consumed to neutralize the attack is borne by the reactor of the entire battleship. But if it is resistant armor If it is, then if it is attacked, the point that is affected will be the point of attack." Arroyo Barlow projected an elevation profile of the Apocalypse-class battleship on the screen and gestured on it.

"So during battle, you can avoid repeated attacks on the same place through your own evasion and maneuvering. In this way, the battleship's protective capabilities are greatly enhanced. At the same time, the structural design of the Divine Apocalypse class is very excellent, even if one Even if a local area suffers a devastating blow, it will not affect the performance of other areas." Arroyo Barlow is also very proud, "According to our simulations, even if the Apocalypse-class battleship faces 20 Imperial-class Star Destroyers, The siege is also capable of breaking out of the siege and retreating calmly."

"Well, that's right. According to our intelligence, although the Galaxy Empire is also strengthening the research and development and construction of other types of auxiliary ships, the main force of their navy is still the Empire-class ones that keep rolling off the production line like dumplings." Tang Xiao nodded. head.

Arroyo Barlow showed a contemptuous smile, "The main firepower of the Empire is 60 twin heavy turbolaser cannons and 60 heavy ion cannons. The ion cannons, which are mainly used to attack shields, are installed facing The Apocalypse-class battleship equipped with electromagnetic armor is simply scratching an itch. Therefore, in front of the Apocalypse-class, only half of the firepower of the Empire-class can be effective. Based on the main attack methods of the Galactic Empire Navy, we concentrated the installation of armor on In terms of thermal energy, electromagnetism and explosion... I can guarantee that when the Apocalypse class appears in front of them, the Imperial Navy will only cry."

He added: "Of course, using armor as a defensive method is not without its shortcomings. Whether it is a divine-class battleship or a Hell's Angel-class battlecruiser, it can only be used as a simple gunboat. There is no hangar and no carrier-based aircraft. , without the Marine Corps, there are only a few minimum point defense turrets. Because for every additional point defense turret, there is one more weakness in the armor."

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