The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1971 A chaotic future

1972. A chaotic future

Kiliak-Dsiljic's dissolution of the Hutt Supreme Council can only mean one thing - he intends to merge Hutt space into the Galactic Empire and become a sector of the empire.

Obviously, Emperor Palpatine also thinks so, and he will definitely do so. Kiliak simply obeyed the emperor's will, and in the process expected to gain as much power as he desired.

In the original plot, the Galactic Empire also tried this, but in the end Hutt Space was still considered a semi-independent area. Because Hutt space is not a serious administrative force, the Galactic Empire did occupy it and did send local officials and sector governors, but these people were quickly bribed by the Hutts. In the end, Things are still no different.

However, the situation is different now... Tang Xiao has long provoked a struggle between Jabba of the Desiligic family and Gadula of the Besadi family. This has made the conflict between the two families acute. Nothing to attach. After that, he continued to further intensify this conflict through Ziro and Gadula. Under such circumstances, it was impossible for the Hutts to think about the problem as in the original plot.

Kiliak had already lost his mind in this struggle that lasted for nearly 20 years. As the patriarch of the Desiligic family, the largest family of the Hutts, he has endured too much. He was assassinated and ostracized, and his father Zorba was also rescued by Ziro using unknown methods, and was once deprived of his status as the clan leader.

Then Zorba suddenly died again and left a will, handing over the position of patriarch to Ziro! This led to another bloody struggle for the Desiligic family.

By now, Kiljak Desiljic no longer trusts anyone, not even Jabba Desiljic, who has always been on his side to help him! He began to only believe in the power in his own hands. In his opinion, the Hutt Council was also a stumbling block in his way!

Palpatine had long secretly promised him that as long as the Hutt space could be unified, the Galactic Empire would ensure that he became the supreme emperor of the Hutts!

This promise also successfully ignited Kiliak's ambition to rebuild the Hutt Empire and ascend the throne as emperor!

Jabba Desiljic absolutely did not support this approach. He seriously told Kiliak that this was a trampling on the tens of thousands of years of tradition in the Hutt space! The two broke up after a big quarrel.

Then Kiliak began to liquidate the Besadi family, because the Besadi family, which had once been allied with Count Dooku, was the biggest enemy from the perspective of the Galactic Empire! And the enemies of the Galactic Empire are also the enemies of his Kiliyak Desilijichi!

As a result, at this time, Ziro Desiljic unexpectedly sided with Kiljak. Ziro told Kiliak that if he could really lead the Desiligic family to unify the Hutt space, then she would be willing to give up the position of patriarch to her in Zorba's will.

So Kiliak abandoned Jabba and formed an alliance with Ziro. The forces of the Desiligic family led by Ziro were originally various extremists, and now they are frantically attacking the Besadi family as if they have received an imperial edict.

And this time, their methods are even more extreme - they directly target members of the Besadi family! !

This is a taboo! Because the previous struggle between the Hutts was just a business struggle. If you want to defeat a family, just swallow up all their business. But one thing must be followed, that is, you must not kill Hutts!

However, this time, Kiliac and Ziro broke this taboo!

In just one month of action, they killed 12 Hutts from the Besadi family! !

This directly ignited Aluk Besadi's anger! However, the matter was not over yet. Before he had time to react, a sudden change occurred!

A spaceship lost control over Nar Shaddaa and crashed into a tall tower on the surface of the planet. The reactor on the spacecraft exploded, and the tower was blown up and collapsed within minutes.

And Aluk's son, Durga Besadi, is on this tower right now! ! !

No one knows whether Durga is really so unlucky, or whether an insider leaked his whereabouts. In short, Aruk Besadi directly blamed the Desiligic family for this incident!

On the second day, Aluk Besadi broke the tradition of the Hutts and directly used the family's fleet!

This is the fleet! Not those escort ships! It is the Hutt Empire that remains to this day, the last glory of the Hutts! This is also one of the reasons why the Galactic Republic/Galactic Empire are very afraid of the Hutts!

The Besadi family's fleet bombed a city where the Desiligic family had many properties, causing very heavy casualties.

And this played into the plans of Kiliac and Ziro, who also summoned the family fleet!

At this time, the struggle between the Desiligic family and the Besadi family has officially escalated into... a war!

Another part of the Desiligic family, headed by Jabba, and the Kunalak family, headed by Marlo, reestablished the Hutt Council at this time, and the Gorensla family of Oruba also joined them.

The members of the Hutt Council at this time included: Jabba of the Desiligic family, Jabba's nephew Gorga; Marlow of the Kunalak family; Oruba of the Gorensla family; and one from another Vedo Anjiliac Atirue of the relatively powerful Anjiliac family.

This new Hutt council is committed to quelling the civil war, restoring the traditions of the Hutts, and arresting the war criminals who started the civil war - Aruk Besadi, Ziro Desiljic, Kiliak Desiljic strange.

But in order to stop the civil war, this cannot be just empty talk. So at this time, Oruba Gorensla, who had ulterior motives, proposed a plan - to gather the remaining fleets in the Hutt space and reorganize them into the Hutt Parliament fleet to compete with the Desiligic family and the Besadi family. .

So in the midst of this multi-party competition, the Hutt space fell into the flames of civil war! And this civil war... will continue to the death!

Kiljak Desiljic, who wanted to sit on the supreme throne of the Hutts; Ziro Desiljic and Gadula Besadi, who had been bribed by Tang Xiao and secretly supported him; experienced mourning. Aluk Besadi, who is suffering from the pain of his son, has fallen into madness; Oruba Gorensla, who has become the real support object of the Dawn Principality and joined the Masonic Alliance; Jabba, who is bent on restoring the status quo of the Hutt space -Desiljic…

The future of Hutt space is already in chaos! (End of chapter)

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