Chapter 1961 The Chiss’ first contact

1962. First contact with the Chiss

"I'm afraid we have to stay away from that thing next, Case. You have to know that our purpose is not to fight the so-called God of Rot." A middle-aged man wearing a navy general's uniform came over and held his hands behind his back. said seriously.

"Ah, General Brent..." Keith Maxwell quickly stood up straight and saluted at attention.

The already somewhat fat general in front of him is the commander of the Second Exploration Fleet, Lieutenant General Brent. Like the First Exploration Fleet, their side is also composed of experts in tactics, combat, and exploration like Keith Maxwell, paired with a general.

"Don't worry, no one really wants to touch this weird thing. However, if we do encounter it, we will naturally not be afraid." Keith Maxwell said.

General Brent nodded and said: "So we need to find the Chiss. According to General Tann's intelligence, the Chiss can be said to be the most powerful civilization in the unknown star field. They must be interested in this Mongar-Mongar." Someone who knows. Even if they don't know, we can get help from them to eliminate this threat."

"No problem, leave it to me." Keith Maxwell raised his eyebrows.

"Can you confirm the coordinates of our next stop?" Brent asked the navigator.

"According to the star map we obtained on the planet Roxuli, the fleet of the Overseas Exploration Plan 10 years ago should have started the hyperspace jump from here. But we have not found anything that can be used in this galaxy. Hyperspace channel...the hyperspace here has begun to become chaotic, and we estimate that we need to wait until the next cycle to start the hyperspace jump," the navigator said.

Brent nodded, "Ten years ago, the core of the overseas exploration plan was to have powerful Jedi masters to navigate and use their powerful Force to point the way to this chaotic hyperspace. But now, we don't have this condition. , the only thing we can rely on is the advanced hyperspace engine of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier."

"We'll do our best to calculate it, General." The navigator nodded.

The Second Exploration Fleet relied on some of the narratives of General Severance Tann for its exploration, and mainly relied on some documents from the Galactic Republic's overseas exploration plan 10 years ago.

This information actually came from the Gran Councilman Ainle-Tim. Before he was beheaded by General Grievous, Tang Xiao had already obtained some information about the overseas exploration plan from him through personal relationships. Because of this plan at that time, Ainle-Tim actually participated.

The overseas exploration plan was initially chaired by Deputy Speaker Mas Ameda. During this process, Ainle Tim provided support, so he also knew a lot of information about this aspect.

According to this information provided by Einler-Tim, the Second Exploration Fleet will sail along the route of the original overseas exploration plan. Although it was not in this information, Tang Xiao knew that during the overseas exploration plan, he encountered the Chisi people.

The Chiss control their territory very strictly, so when a warship like the Eternal super aircraft carrier enters their control, it will undoubtedly attract their attention.

Three days later, the Eternal super aircraft carrier completed the calculation of the hyperspace channel. With the flash of white light, the huge battleship disappeared into the universe.

Another month passed, and the exploration operations of the Second Exploration Fleet continued, but there was still no clue. In the unknown star domain where the hyperspace lanes are extremely chaotic, such an action is no more than finding a needle in a haystack.

After another hyperspace jump, the huge figure of the Eternal appeared near a planet that looked very desolate.

"This planet looks worthless at all... Why did the Overseas Exploration Plan label this planet?" the navigator said while checking the information on the Overseas Exploration Plan.

"According to Representative Ainle-Tim, the planets selected for the overseas exploration plan are all planets that astronomers have calculated as possible colonies. According to their plan, these planets will become overseas colonies of the Galactic Republic. . Therefore, it is normal for the calculation and exploration to have deviations," Brent said.

"No, the calculation is correct." Behind Lieutenant General Brent, Keith Maxwell said suddenly, "There was indeed a colony in this place, but it was destroyed."

"How do you know?" Lieutenant General Brent turned around strangely.

From his understanding, although Keith Maxwell's flying skills are quite good, his personality is unruly and unruly, which can be said to be a thorn in the military. And in addition to his flying skills, he also has the skills to seize girls easily. Many beautiful female soldiers have fallen into his hands... So in this regard, Lieutenant General Brent actually has some opinions about Case. .

Of course, Lieutenant General Brent is still a very professional general. He understands that the reason why Grand Duke Tang Xiao personally appointed Keith Maxwell must have his reasons, so along the way, Lieutenant General Brent also Give Case as much room as possible to play.

At this time, Keith Maxwell had already put away the cynical expression he had when he was too busy. He leaned in front of the sensor screen very seriously and said: "There used to be colonies on this planet, although they were small. But it definitely existed. It should have been wiped away afterwards.”

"If it was an orbital bombing, then the ground should crystallize due to the high temperature, but here there is only desert." The navigator said.

"Look at the climate analysis. Based on the distance between the planet and the star, the average surface temperature of the planet should be around 35°C. Although this temperature can be said to be fatal, it is still barely within the habitable range. And there is a high chance that there are underground water bodies, and fully protected colonies can still be established," Case-Maxwell said.

"That's just a possibility." Lieutenant General Brent said with a frown.

"The temperature generated by nuclear bomb bombing and air detonation will not crystallize the surface of the earth. Therefore, there must be ruins of colonies under the sand layer. It is just because the temperature of this planet is too high and the desertification is too severe, so the ruins are buried by the wind and sand. It's very deep." Keith Maxwell said, pointing in one direction of the screen, "And look here, the desert area in this place is definitely a trace of the hardened ground."

"Uh... I still don't quite understand..." The navigator scratched his head.

"Send the detector down, trust me." Case patted him on the shoulder.

"Launch the detector." Brent nodded, still choosing to believe him.

Soon, the probe entered the planet's atmosphere and scanned and collected the planet's data in more detail. The navigator looked at the data and immediately exclaimed, "According to the detection results, the radioactive radiation in the air exceeded the standard! And...there is indeed hardened ground underground. And the remains of structures! This planet... really was once a colony!"

Lieutenant General Brent was really impressed by Keith Maxwell this time. "You actually came to such an accurate judgment from such limited information? It seems that I understand why the Grand Duke personally appointed You are now the deputy commander."

"Now that we have found traces of civilization, let's attract the attention of the Chiss according to the plan." Keith Maxwell spread his hands and said. At this time, he did not forget to give a girl from the communications corps ogle.

"The entire ship is ready for battle! Release all auxiliary warships! In one hour, start broadcasting communication signals!" Lieutenant General Brent said loudly.

The space port under the front end of the Eternal super aircraft carrier opened, and battleships flew out of the space port one after another.

The configuration is also five 575-meter-long Steadfast-class cruisers, four 372-meter-long Double-Blade-class electronic warfare light cruisers, and one is Keith Maxwell's spaceship, the Stratus-class cruiser.

This is the whole picture of the entire Second Exploration Fleet! This is also the greatest value of the Endless-class super aircraft carrier - one ship can support the operations of such an entire fleet. For such exploration operations, it can be said to be the most suitable spacecraft.

After all the battleships were deployed, the Eternal super aircraft carrier turned on its wide-area communication power and broadcast its presence to the surrounding star areas.

Time gradually passed while the Second Exploration Fleet was on intense alert. After 16 standard hours, the radar department suddenly received a signal. The radar soldier said loudly: "Hyperspace fluctuations detected! A fleet is using hyperspace navigation to approach this place. galaxy!"

"Get ready for battle! Raise the shield! Charge the main gun! But remember, don't provoke first and exercise restraint!" Lieutenant General Brent gave the order loudly.

At the same time, Keith Maxwell, who had been transferred to his Stratus-class cruiser, also ordered the warship to immediately turn on the cloaking device, wandering around his own fleet like a ghost.

Soon, a dazzling white light flashed, and a fleet of more than 30 spacecraft appeared about 10 light minutes away from the formation of the Second Exploration Fleet.

In the unknown star field, there can still be a civilization of this scale, it can only be - the Chiss!

Soon, the Chiss fleet sent a communication. After Vice Admiral Brent connected it, a middle-aged Chiss woman who looked about 40 years old appeared on the screen. She had straight black hair and scarlet eyes. , blue skin, thin cheeks, calm expression and imposing momentum.

"I am the Chiss Defense Fleet, Admiral Irizi'ar'alani Ziara of the Irizi family. You have entered the jurisdiction of the Chiss Ascendancy. In view of your Offer to communicate and I will give you a chance to explain your purpose. After that, please leave as soon as possible." The majestic female general said coldly.

She speaks Cheunh, the official language of the Chiss. Because of the existence of Severance Tann, this language has already been entered into the database of the Principality of Dawn, so there is no difficulty in translating it.

"We are an exploration fleet from the Milky Way, the Principality of Dawn. We come with peaceful purposes." Admiral Brent said without being humble or arrogant.

"I know about the war between you and the Galactic Republic. The Chiss have no intention of getting involved in the disputes in the galaxy. I believe that you are also incapable of maintaining rule in the unknown star field. Therefore, there will be no intersection between us. If not For other matters, please return immediately and bring peace to Qisi." Admiral Chiara said.

"We came here in the hope of establishing formal diplomatic relations with the Chiss. We can carry out trade and exchanges for mutual benefit. In our principality, there is also a Chiss - Sev. 'rance Tann), she is our admiral." Lieutenant General Brent said with a smile.

Admiral Chiara sneered and said: "The Sev family [Note 1] has become history in the Chiss Territory, and Severance Tann, who betrayed the family, is no longer regarded as a Chiss. Citizen of Si Ling. Her existence is a shame to Qi Si Ling. Do you still expect us to relax to you because of her relationship?"

Lieutenant General Brent was not in a hurry, and smiled and said: "General Severance Tann also expressed her intention to sever ties with Chisland, and we fully respect her and your decision. But from her mouth, We have also learned about the Chiss Territory, a great civilization that exists in the unknown star field, and we hope to communicate with you based on emotions and reasons."

"Qisi Ling does not wish to communicate with your Dawn Principality. We live very well here, and we will never get involved in the disputes in the galaxy." Chiara said.

"But... I think we should have a lot in common." Brent suddenly stopped smiling and said seriously, "Mongal-Mongal."

Upon hearing this name, Chiara's expression suddenly changed!

[Note 1, let me talk to you about the naming method of the Chiss people. It is actually very strict]: The names of the Chiss people are divided into three parts. The first part is the family name, the second part is their own name, and the third part is their own name. Part of it is faction. Then they also have a core name, which is the abbreviation of the full name. For example, Irizi'ar'alani (Irizi'ar'alani) above, Irizi is the family, Al is the name, Alani is the faction, and the core name is Ziara. You will find that Ziara ) is taken from the middle part of her full name.

Then let's look at Grand Admiral Thrawn based on this rule. His full name is Mitth'raw'nuruodo (Mitth'raw'nuruodo). The Mitth family's name is Luo and his faction is called Nuruodo. Then his core name is Thrawn. If you compare it, you will understand. It is also the middle part of his full name.

Finally, let’s talk about Sev’rance Tann. Because she appears in the game, the setting is actually quite rough, so she doesn’t have a core name, so she has always been called Sev’rance Tann. Well, actually, the more formal name should be Seve Lance Tann. That is, the Sever family, name Lance, faction Tann. And according to the naming method of the Chiss, her core name should probably be Vrancet.

In the past few days, I was actually thinking about translating this book to Qidian Overseas Station, and then tried to translate a few chapters. Then some foreigners left messages saying that many people are actually translating my book, even on the Qidian Overseas website, there are four or five...

I'm dizzy... Is my book so popular? Then I looked for it, and sure enough, there are several versions. Some give up after three or five chapters, and some give up after about 200 chapters.

The most translated one is by a book friend named Sean_Morabito. He has translated 736 chapters!

This is really a surprise...

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