Chapter 197 The Name of Darth (Part 1)

195. The Name of Darth (Part 1)

"This is what happened five standard hours ago." Hego Damask II said, his tone was very calm, as if he hadn't just suffered a terrible assassination at all.

He turned around abruptly, his red eyes fixed on Tang Xiao, "Planet Sochoron has no planetary shields, and there is no escort fleet! Because these may lead to the discovery of the planet! Because the entire galaxy knows that Sojoran There are no more than 100 people with the coordinates of the planet! And there are even fewer people who know that I happened to be in Sojoran at that time!!"

He leaned closer to Tang Xiao, his tone became more ferocious, "Tell me now! How did you know about this assassination!!!"

Tang Xiao responded lightly: "Jabba also reminded you, right?"

Hei Ge was stunned suddenly. At this moment, he thought about countless possibilities because of Tang Xiao's huge amount of information. He stopped talking, stood up straight again, turned around and looked at the vast sea.

Tang Xiao didn't speak either, just stood behind Hei Ge, watching the sea with him.

After a long time, Hei Ge said slowly: "It is impossible for Black Sun to complete this assassination, even with the addition of the Hutts Gardura and Bando Gosar. Behind, there is something that I don't have." Noticed."

"I will try my best to investigate." Tang Xiao replied.

"You can't do it alone." Hei Ge shook his head, "But you can continue to investigate from the black sun, and I will take care of other things."

"So I brought a gift, maybe we can get more information from it." Tang Xiao made a gesture of invitation, and then took Hei Ge to his spaceship, and saw the well-preserved Cash- Garuran's head.

Seeing Garulan's head, a mocking look appeared on Hei Ge's face, and he said to Tang Xiao with satisfaction: "You did a good job, Tang Xiao. You proved your loyalty and your ability, which is very important .Take this head and follow me..."

He took Tang Xiao to the underground of Abola Island, in front of a hidden cave, and then used the Force to jump straight down. Tang Xiao also followed suit, but he just jumped down and realized that the depth of this cave was completely different from what he perceived!

He learned that the hole was about 5 meters deep through the perception of the force on the top, but when he jumped down, he realized that this was not the case at all! This cave has a depth of more than 70 meters! !

This is definitely a deadly height, even if a Jedi knight comes over, he will definitely be caught. Under this simple but ingenious force trap, it is not surprising that he is caught off guard and directly crippled or even killed.

A powerful force surged in and supported Tang Xiao to help him land smoothly.

Tang Xiao looked around and found that this was a very vast underground space, and there was no trace of artificial excavation. There was only a blood-stained altar in the center, and many medical and experimental equipment were scattered around it.

"This is my real laboratory. I told you before that what I study is the essence of life, immortality!" Gloomy, he pointed to the surrounding equipment and said: "You are my apprentice, you accepted the darkest way of Sith, and you also proved your loyalty! Then, you also have the qualification to join my experiment, as long as If we can achieve eternal life, we...will rule this galaxy forever!!"

Tang Xiao hurriedly knelt down on one knee, bowed his head and said, "I dare not expect such a magnificent vision, as long as I can follow in the footsteps of the Lord, I will be satisfied."

"Hehe..." Darth Plagueis sneered, "Your biggest shortcoming is that you don't have enough ambition. If it was before, I might just kick you out, but now that you think about it, this might as well be an advantage. After all, if you want to live forever, you really have to be at my knee forever, sometimes, the apprentice's ambition is too big, which may not be a good thing for me."

"Everything, follow the arrangement of the lord." Tang Xiao said.

"You will be named 'Darth' (Darth)! Darth means the incarnation of death, and in the ancient Lakatan language, it also means immortality! And for us after the law of two, That means you're truly a Sith!"

"The rule of two?"

"This is a powerful Sith lord, the law proposed by Darth Bane! Under this law, Sith can only have one master and one apprentice at a time. But this is all in the past , Sith, will become the true masters of this galaxy!"

"I am very honored."

"Sit on the altar and meditate. I'll think about your new name," said Darth Plagueis.

"Uh, can't you choose by yourself?" Tang Xiao scratched his head, "For example, Das-Provence or Das-Honduras..."

"Shut up!" Darth Plagueis was a little impatient.

Tang Xiao hurried to the altar, only then did he realize that the reason why the altar was covered with blood was because there was a skeleton hanging on the completely indescribable shape on the front of the altar! Judging from the shape, this skeleton should not be human, but belong to a relatively short race.

There is still a little flesh and blood left on the skeleton, and the blood dripped from the skeleton, and it is very strange that the blood has not coagulated and dried up after an unknown period of time.

"He used to be a Sith, a blind apprentice of my master." Darth Plagueis said lightly, "I have been conducting midiplasm experiments on him, and he has endured more than 20 years of torture Torture, even if it is a short death, I will be saved, and then I will continue the extremely painful experiment."

When he said that, the brows were extremely excited, obviously he enjoyed the process, "But in the end, I mercifully granted him death. Then, let his body play its final role on this altar. Go Go to the altar and meditate, feel the anger and hatred in the heart of a Sith who has been tortured for 20 years! This will make you really feel, the way of the Sith!"

Another mental test? Tang Xiao took a deep breath, walked to the altar and sat down cross-legged.

He just closed his eyes, only to hear a painful wail echoing in the void, "Plagueis!! You won't let me die, and you won't let me live!! You let me suffer eternal torture...I want to kill I'm killing you! I'm going to kill you!!!"

Anger, pain, hatred, fear, sadness... Almost all negative emotions surrounded Tang Xiao like a wave! Not only that, but it also contains a powerful force of the dark side! !

The origin of the dark side force comes from negative emotions, and this soul that has been tortured for 20 years, the dark side force contained in him has almost reached a terrifying level! !

Thanks to Sinbad for the 100 book coins! !

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