The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1950 Umbrella’s intervention

1951. Umbrella’s intervention

Levik's planet's outer orbit, star gate.

In the center of the ring-shaped star gate structure, a ripple suddenly appeared, and then, a huge spacecraft flew out of the star gate.

This is clearly a Rookery Hook-class battleship, and it's all black! This huge circular spacecraft with a diameter of more than 3,000 meters broke away from the star gate and flew directly towards the planet Levik.

On this Rookery Hook-class battleship, an extremely huge red and white umbrella-shaped logo was spray-painted! This sign also indicates the identity of the visitor.

Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group!

Beep beep beep beep... The communication prompt sounded in the command center of the Kryak Palace on the surface of Levick's planet, but no one answered.

In a very inconspicuous underground area of ​​the Kryak Palace, several SCVs were cleaning up the collapsed ruins.

"Is this the laboratory that specializes in studying Mongar-Menggar?" Shepard looked at the deep tunnel that had just been cleared in front of him.

Lieutenant General He Ru nodded and said, "I think so. Since we couldn't get any information from the interrogation, I was thinking of finding another way. I sent a team to investigate the energy usage of the Kryak Palace. Sure enough, I found out that the current energy usage of Kryak Palace, even if all the factories are running, only takes up 60% of the power supply, which is very abnormal.”

Shepard nodded, "Yes, even if there is reserved backup power generation, this ratio is too low."

"So, there must be some facilities that are shut down, and the power consumption of these facilities is extremely high." He Ru said, "As a result, the team I sent did indeed find a large number of cables through the investigation of energy transmission cables. The place—this is it.”

Shepard lowered his head and looked at a sign dug out of the ruins. It read Laboratory 101 in Xilu characters.

"Let's go and have a look." Lieutenant General He Ru waved his hand, and a team of B-1 combat robots came over and walked in along the dug passage.

There was a T-series tactical robot next to it that was monitoring the movements of these B-1 combat robots. It said in a straight tone: "According to the investigation, this laboratory was severely damaged and there are no intact things left."

"Withdraw all combat robots immediately." A cold voice suddenly came from behind them.

Shepard turned around and saw a group of people walking quickly towards this side.

Walking at the front is a woman who looks to be in her twenties. She has a stern face and short golden hair. She looks capable and efficient. She is wearing a white coat, lined with a white official jacket and a one-step skirt, and under brown stockings. Wearing a pair of black high heels,

She strode forward, her steps steady and confident.

Following her were six special forces wearing tight-fitting black combat uniforms, gas masks and tactical goggles, holding various weapons. These six special forces are both male and female, with different equipment and characteristics. On the shoulders of their combat uniforms is a logo that is a variation of Umbrella's umbrella logo, with three letters below - U.S.S. !

Shepard took a step forward and asked, "Are you..."

The blond woman interrupted her directly, "I already understand that this is suspected to be Mongar-Menggar's research site, and it is a first-level infection area. Remove those clumsy robots and seal off the entire area. Everyone on site should receive epidemic prevention immediately Detection.”

Behind, more Umbrella staff wearing biohazardous protective suits came over to cordon off the scene.

Without saying a word, she immediately started taking action after arriving here. It seemed that this was the way this woman acted.

"Are you Shirley Birkin? The top director of Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group came here in person?" Lieutenant General He Ru was also surprised.

"General He, all matters related to Mongar Mongar will be fully taken over by Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group from now on." Shirley Birkin dropped this sentence coldly.

Behind her, a relatively short female special forces soldier handed over an authorization document.

While Lieutenant General He Ru took the document, the special soldier suddenly turned his hand, and a device appeared in his hand, which was a little bit on He Ru's neck!

He Ru only felt a stinging pain in his neck as if he had been stung by a bee. Only then did he react. He covered his neck and was about to have an attack, but saw that the female special forces soldier had already completed the analysis on the universal tool on her wrist. She said: "Blood The ingredients are normal and there is no infection.”

"General He, remember to take precautions next time you are close to an infected area. If we are locked in an isolation room, it will not look good after all." Shirley Birkin said.

"What about you? Since this is an infected area, why don't you have any protection?" Shepard looked at Shirley Birkin and asked coldly.

"Because, I won't be infected." Shirley Birkin replied.

At this moment, the female special forces soldier had arrived in front of Shepard, shook the detection device in her hand and said, "Get checked."

She had no intention of getting Shepard's consent. She had already taken action before she finished speaking, and stabbed Shepard's neck at a speed that was difficult for ordinary people to do!

But Shepard was faster. He grabbed the man's wrist with his backhand and twisted it hard. The female special forces soldier was immediately suppressed. However, at this moment, another special soldier made a lightning-fast move and bucked Shepard's wrist. The speed was extremely fast!

Shepard had to let go of the female special forces soldier and exchanged a few moves with the man in front of her with one hand. She only felt that this man's strength and speed were extremely powerful, which was beyond the reach of ordinary people!

"That's enough, stop, Vector!" The voice came from another female special forces soldier who looked older. She seemed to be the leader of this six-person team.

The man came to Shepard and said, "I respect you as a powerful and legendary warrior, Shepard. But here, you should abide by our rules and accept inspection."

Shepard and her eyes met, and their eyes seemed to be filled with lightning. After a moment, Shepard suddenly took action again, snatching the detection device from the hand of the short special soldier at the beginning, placed it on his neck, pressed the button, and then returned the device.

"The test is completed. The blood components are complex and there are nano-robots. But... there is no infection." The short special soldier didn't seem to care about the previous confrontation. She only cared about her own work.

"I hope you, Umbrella, won't mess things up." Shepard snorted, "Mongal-Mongal, it's not that simple."

"This is our area of ​​expertise." Shirley Birkin dropped these words coldly, and then ignored Shepard, turning around and leading people into Laboratory 101.

Thanks to book friend 20201226224035768 for the 200 starting coins! !

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