The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1945 The God of Decay (Part 1)

1946. God of Decay (Part 1)

Only five stocky warships were seen appearing from the other side of the star gate, and then, with almost no pause, they immediately launched an attack on the remaining fleet of the Xilu Empire!

These five battleships look like ducks squatting on the ground. Just looking at the shape makes them feel very hard, and in fact they are. These warships rushed directly into the Xilu people's warships and rampaged across them. At the same time, they fired wildly with the laser cannons installed on both sides of the warships.

The biggest feature is that the lasers emitted by these battleships are colorful and look really good-looking, but in fact, they are the gods of death that drag people into hell!

That's right, this is the Hells Angel-class battlecruiser that the Principality of Dawn has replaced the Cole-class battlecruiser as the new generation core battleship of the navy!

How could the remnant fleet of the Xilu Empire, which was already locked in a bitter battle in front of the Eternal super aircraft carrier and its escort warships and suffered serious losses, still be able to withstand the rampage of five Hell's Angels at their peak? Less than ten minutes after the firefight began, an already damaged Siri-class battlecruiser was sunk.

Seeing the arrival of extremely powerful reinforcements, the remaining fleet of the Xilu Empire, which had been holding its last breath, suddenly lost morale. The remaining warships immediately began to flee in all directions, and the huge fleet suddenly dispersed like birds and beasts.

No matter how much General Lepuix shouted, it had no effect, and he could only watch helplessly as the last strength of the Xilu Empire was completely wiped out.

A Hell's Angel-class battlecruiser was approaching the Urieff-class cruiser where he was located. They had judged from the intercepted communication signals that this cruiser was the flagship of the Siru people's fleet, so they wanted to come and capture him alive.

"The time has come!" General Lepic's eyes swept over the senior Xilu officers standing around, and his tone was ghastly, "Long live the Xilu Empire!!"

"Long live the Xilu Empire!!" Everyone present raised their heads and roared loudly.

Lepiux first took out a syringe, which was filled with something that looked like gray sludge. Then he inserted the syringe directly into his neck and injected all the contents into his body!

Others immediately followed suit.

Then, a soldier came over and took away the syringes in their hands and threw them into the garbage disposal for complete incineration without leaving any traces.

The Hells Angel-class battlecruiser approached, and Lepicus ordered the surrender. The battleship he was on shut down its engines and lowered its shields, leaving it at its mercy.

Soon, the Marine Corps of the Principality of Dawn landed and took away all the members, including Lepic.

Lepiux, who was handcuffed and shackled, lowered his head and seemed to have no energy at all, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he murmured to himself in a mosquito-like voice, "Long live the God of Decay..."

The battle ended quickly. Although there were only five Hells Angel-class battlecruisers coming to the rescue, the arrival of these battleships also told those Xilu people——

The Star Gate has been completed! !

Such news directly destroyed the last will of the Xilu people to resist. Therefore, although they still had 9 Xirui-class battlecruisers and more than a dozen Urifu-class cruisers left, they had completely lost their will to fight.

Most of the escaping warships were intercepted, surrendered or sunk, and the remaining scattered escaping warships could no longer pose any threat.

In fact, they didn't know that the five Hells Angels-class battlecruisers that came to the rescue immediately were all the reinforcements that could arrive within the next week.

The hyperspace connection between the star gate of the Levik planet and the star gate of the Vathian planet in the Model sector on the other side was completed a week ago. The hyperspace fluctuations that terrified Admiral Lepic came from that connection.

But even if you have to use the star gate, it will take a week to get from the planet Vathian to the planet Levik. After all, the primary star gates currently used are still in use. As the Vasari people deepen their research on phase technology, they will also gain more knowledge reserves to build more advanced star gates.

Advanced stargates can not only establish networks, but also travel faster, and can even establish inter-galactic communications through stargates!

As Tang Xiao said at the previous summit, building a network of star gates throughout the galaxy is the ultimate goal.

Therefore, before Shepard and their exploration fleet set off, a plan had been drawn up. There is a fleet on standby on the planet Vathian at all times to prevent any accidents that may occur after the construction of the star gate is completed.

And after the star gates are connected, five Hells Angel-class battlecruisers in combat readiness will be dispatched as soon as possible.

In addition, there are a series of material and troop reinforcement plans, which can help Shepard and the others gain a foothold in the unknown star field to the greatest extent.

Therefore, from the time when Admiral Lepicus noticed the hyperspace fluctuations emanating from the Star Gate and began to prepare for an attack, to when five Hells Angels-class battlecruisers appeared in the sky at the height of the battle, there was a cause and effect.

After the Star Gate was completed, Shepard immediately sent someone to report everything here to the Dawn Planet, and the Dawn Planet's department responsible for exploring unknown star fields would make a decision and determine the next action plan.

At the same time, the results of this exploration will also be reported to Tang Xiao. Although he usually wouldn't give instructions personally on such matters.

Soon, the next action order from the Dawn Planet was sent - the exploration fleet was to rest on the spot on the Levik Planet, repair the damaged Eternal super aircraft carrier as soon as possible, establish a preliminary colony, establish an alliance with the Piek people, and bring The Piaike people were included as a subordinate race of the Principality of Dawn.

At the same time, in view of the series of anti-social, anti-civilization, and anti-human crimes committed by the Xilu people, the Principality of Dawn approved the extermination order against the Xilu people and agreed to completely wipe this race from the galaxy.

In addition, after reading the exploration report, Tang Xiao personally sent a message asking Shepard to send the technological data and battery samples of the Xilu human body battery back to Dawn Planet for research.

In response to this order, Shepard personally responded, clearly explaining the cruel and anti-civilization and anti-social nature of this technology, and rejected Tang Xiao's request.

Not only that, after the Stargate was completed, she personally supervised the destruction of all human batteries without even sending back a single sample.

After hearing this reply, Tang Xiao became angry and roared that he wanted to chop Shepard into pieces. But this matter was not a big deal after all. He soon calmed down and let the human battery go.

But deep down, he had a grudge against Shepard.

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