1925. Death

An entire Imperial combat team, more than 40 clone troopers and two TX-130 Saber tanks, were annihilated without a sound!

In addition to the burning tank wreckage at the scene, there were the torn corpses of Imperial stormtroopers, which was extremely tragic.

However, this dark figure was walking in this hellish scene, as if taking a leisurely stroll. Her body was shrouded in countless black mist, making it impossible to see her true body. However, as she walked, streaks of black mist appeared on the corpses around her, as if being drawn out, and submerged into the body of this black figure.

As the black mist on the corpses of more than 40 Imperial Stormtroopers was absorbed, the body of the black figure seemed to become more solid.

Immediately afterwards, the black shadow let out a terrifying and strange laugh, and his body turned into a mist again and disappeared into the jungle.

Just as the troops of the Galactic Empire launched an attack on the Felucia capital, Coveto, news of attacks continued to come from behind! Many Imperial logistics convoys or reserve forces were raided and wiped out.

Moreover, none of the troops who were attacked survived! Even among the messy communications and videos sent back from the attack site, it was impossible to know who the attacker was. Among the confusing information were words such as ghost, Jedi, and lightsaber, which made the situation even more confusing.

Darth Vader, who was commanding operations on the planet Ossus, received the news and immediately determined that it was probably the Dark Jedi who joined the Confederation of Independent Systems. After all, after the Jedi Order was destroyed, many Jedi who escaped Order 66 also fled to the Confederation of Independent Systems and joined Count Dooku.

As Count Dooku was once a highly respected Jedi Master, naturally many people were willing to follow him.

Darth Vader sent four fallen Dark Jedi to the planet Felucia, preparing to hunt down this hidden attacker.

"No matter who the opponent is, he will be killed without mercy." Under Darth Vader's dark mask, he spat out that low and terrifying voice, accompanied by the heavy breathing of the respirator.

The four dark Jedi warriors knelt down on one knee and said with great respect: "As you wish, my lord."

Darth Vader looked down at these four people. In fact, he knew all of these four people. They were all former companions of the Jedi Order. Even if they had not interacted with each other, they still knew their names.

It's just that their paths are completely different now, and their identities are also very different. Darth Vader remembered that one of the Twi'lek Jedi masters was named Jovi Kratfunk, and he once taught him some details of the fifth sword technique.

When he was Anakin Skywalker...

Naturally, these dark Jedi warriors didn't know that the person standing in front of them was actually the former chosen son, Anakin Skywalker. Now they just surrendered to the terrifying power of the Sith Lord named Darth Vader. Under the power of the dark side!

Now that the entire galaxy has been divided between several Sith Lords, and the power of the dark side has reached its peak, these Jedi warriors have finally abandoned the light and embraced the darkness.

There are now four Sith Lords in the galaxy. Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, Darth Malthael, and Darth Lilim.

The reason why Darth Vader became the Sith Lord was part of the agreement between Darth Malthael and Darth Sidious. He recorded Darth Vader in the Book of Sith, recognizing him as his own lineage, the inheritance of the Sith Lord of Bane.

In fact, Darth Malthael said the same thing to Darth Vader on the planet Naboo. He told Darth Vader that he would write him into the Book of Sith and acknowledge his heritage. This is equivalent to selling a favor twice to Darth Sidious and Darth Vader at the same time.

Of course, apart from Darth Malthael, what others don't know yet is that there is a fifth Sith Lord - Darth Tenebrous, Shen Jon!

Before his death, Darth Tenebrous passed on his Sith inheritance to Shen Jon, and he paid the price with his life for it. Therefore, the current Jon Shen is Darth Tenebrous!

And this naturally appeared in the Book of Sith and was learned by Darth Malthael, but he naturally would not tell Darth Sidious and the others about it.

So for many surviving Jedi, there is no doubt that the current situation in the galaxy is that the dark side has finally won, and the light side they once believed in has completely failed. In such despair, it is natural that more Jedi Knights eventually fall.

These four dark Jedi warriors fell under the terrifying power of Darth Vader's dark side without even daring to show any disrespect. They immediately set off towards the planet Felucia.

At this moment on the planet Felucia, this dark shadow known as the ‘Night Demon’ has been killing people for some time. Thousands of Imperial Stormtroopers have died under her hands! In order to avoid further losses, the commander of the planet Felucia had to order a suspension of the attack on the planet's capital, Coviteo.

But even so, some military bases of the Galactic Empire are still being attacked! At this time, through the surveillance in the base, the empire finally got some information about the 'Night Demon'.

This night demon, whose whole body is almost made of black mist, seems to have no entity. Even if it is hit by a blaster beam, it will be useless. The blaster beam will directly pass through its body. It really looks like a ghost, and it can actually use a lightsaber!

Its swordsmanship is very strange, and there is no way to tell. It is purely instinctive slashing, but it is extremely fast and knows how to avoid vital points, just like a cunning beast.

What makes people even more frightened is that after it kills people, more black mist will emerge from the killed people and be absorbed by the Night Demon, which will undoubtedly strengthen it.

Faced with such an opponent, the Imperial Army was almost helpless. The Imperial commander began to plan to use battleship orbital bombardment to deal with this terrible monster, but he received news that four Dark Jedi came to help.

After the Dark Jedi arrived, the Imperial commander assisted them in setting a trap. They sent a small armored force, pretending to be delivering supplies, through the jungle to the city of Covioteo. After setting off, they deliberately fired cannons in the jungle, destroying trees and vegetation along the way to attract the attention of the Night Stalker.

The four dark Jedi were hidden in a 1-H heavy suspension tank, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Their plan succeeded.

In the dark jungle, a shrill scream suddenly pierced the silence of the forest.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!" A dark Jedi knight covered his arm that was severed from the shoulder and screamed loudly!

On the other side, three dark Jedi warriors were fighting a black mist! This black mist can only be barely distinguished as a human form. It is swimming around in mid-air, and its shape is completely elusive. However, in its hand made of black mist, it held a blood-red lightsaber, and it kept firing the sword at a very fast speed!

Black Mist moves very fast, and because it has no entity, its movements are completely arbitrary. It cannot be judged based on ordinary people's movement patterns, and it is completely unpredictable!

A dark Jedi raised his hand and waved, and the powerful Force almost solidified the air around the Night Demon. After locking its movement, he stabbed out with a sword! However, at this moment, Night Demon's body dissipated instantly, and the lightsaber was still in place, being held by a hand made of black mist and waving it around, while another part of the black mist appeared behind the dark Jedi!

Poof! ! ! ! Black Mist's claws pierced directly through his chest! The dark Jedi looked at the claws that penetrated from behind in disbelief, and a large puff of blood spurted out from his mouth!

At the same time, Night Demon held a lightsaber in his other hand and instantly pierced the face of the second dark Jedi! His entire head was immediately burned beyond recognition by the high temperature of the lightsaber!

The last dark Jedi warrior saw that the situation was bad and wanted to escape, but was caught up by the black mist! The black mist entangled the dark Jedi warrior, and countless mist poured in from his mouth, nose and ears. After just a moment, the dark Jedi warrior was sucked into a mummy!

Then, countless black mist spewed out from the dried corpse, condensing into a human shape in the air. Now the black mist looks very solid, and her facial features can even be vaguely distinguished!

Seeing this terrifying scene, the dark Jedi warrior whose arm was cut off at the beginning was completely frightened! His horrified expression also solidified, becoming the last expression he left in the world - Black Mist had chopped off his head with a sword!

The battle failed and four noble Dark Jedi sacrificed their lives. The imperial commander in Felucia was almost frightened by this news, and he immediately ordered an orbital bombing!

An Imperial-class Star Destroyer fired a cannon in the direction of the jungle, causing a terrible explosion and turning the jungle into a sea of ​​fire. But then the officer discovered that the orbital bombing might affect his military base, so he quickly regretted his order to stop the orbital bombing, and continued to report the situation here to his superiors.

The next day, a Lambda-class shuttle arrived at the planet Felucia and entered the fleet flagship.

The door of the Lambda-class shuttle opened, and a group of clone soldiers wearing blue and white combat armor ran out and lined up on both sides, and then a terrifying black figure appeared in the door!

Black helmet, black mask, black armor, black cloak, and on the chest is a life-support device with a flashing indicator light, and heavy breathing sounds are constantly coming from the respirator.

Darth Vader!

The Imperial Army commander quickly brought his command team to the hangar platform to greet him. They looked at the demon-like man in front of them and stiffly raised their hands in a salute, not daring to show off their dignity.

"Lord... that Night Demon... uh..." Before the commander could finish his words, an invisible force grabbed his neck!

Not only him, but all the commanders at all levels who came to greet him were choked by Darth Vader's dark side force, and then lifted up directly!

"I gave it to you, four people. Is this the answer you gave me?" Darth Vader said coldly.

The commander and other officers could no longer breathe. They kicked their legs and struggled desperately, but to no avail. Their faces turned purple, and air was unable to enter their brains, causing them to quickly suffocate due to lack of oxygen.

Darth Vader maintained this action. He did not directly break the necks of these people, but quietly watched them gradually suffocate, their struggles gradually weakened, and then finally their limbs drooped and died on the spot.

He waved his hand, and the dozen or so corpses immediately flew to the side and plopped to the ground, falling to the ground in a mess.

"Substitute." Darth Vader waved his hand, then returned to the shuttle and said, "I'll deal with that Night Stalker."

The clone soldiers he brought wearing blue and white combat armor immediately began to clean up the corpses, and the imperial army immediately followed military regulations. After the death of senior officers, their positions were extended, and the chain of command was quickly completed. replacement. Everything was done in an orderly manner, as if the death of the entire command team was just a trivial matter.

At the same time, the Lambda-class shuttle hovered over the burning jungle. After careful exploration, it hovered over an area above the jungle.

The hatch opened, and Darth Vader jumped directly from an altitude of more than a thousand meters!

boom! ! The demon-like black figure fell like a bomb, and the powerful wind blew away the flames on the ground. Countless charred sand and dust flew into the sky, and were blown away by invisible forces directly in all directions!

The earth is torn apart and the flames are raging! All of this seems to be to set off the man standing in the middle of the sea of ​​​​fire!

Uh-huh! ! A blood-red lightsaber appeared in Darth Vader's hand. He stood there and looked across. There, I don’t know when there was an extra person! A man shrouded in black mist!

"I know you." Darth Vader said slowly.

"Hehehehe... I know you too." The person in the black mist let out a burst of illusory and eerie laughter, "Anakin Skywalker."

"The arrogant, stupid, reckless and impulsive Anakin Skywalker is long dead. Master Adi Gallia, I'm afraid you have the wrong person." Darth Vader's voice was extremely low.

"Adi Gallia has also died a long time ago, in fact." Adi Gallia said gloomily, "Among the rotten walking corpse, a brand new existence was born...the God of Death."

"Anakin Skywalker, I attended your funeral, although there was no body. But now, I'm afraid you are not qualified for another funeral." As soon as Darth Vader finished speaking, he raised his hand and waved, surrounded by endless The endless flames were controlled and swept in as if they were alive, instantly enveloping the god of death in the sea of ​​fire!

The God of Death also waved the lightsaber in his hand, and actually forcibly carved a path through the sea of ​​fire! But at this moment, a black figure suddenly appeared behind the sea of ​​fire, and the blood-red lightsaber in his hand that was being slashed down! !

["Obi-Wan Episodes": Darth Vader, you're talking nonsense! Obviously you can't even jump over a small fire! 】

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