The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1920 A Spark (Seventeen)

1921. Spark (17)

Yes! not General Grievous of the Confederacy of Independent Systems! He's Grievous! He is a super warrior revered as a demigod by the Kali people! He is the hero who leads the Kali people to bravely resist the invasion of the Yamrayi people! !

Kiman Jai Hilal...his former name! ! This name makes the invaders of Yamrayi tremble! This demigod who led the Kali people of the Cold Weapon Age defeated the Yamrayi people of the interstellar age!


But to accomplish this great feat, he needs more helpers! And he does! Izvoshra...the most elite and powerful general under his command! By the way, it's them! Hakimi, Dilal...yes! It's them!

Then... then... there seems to be another name... Why does even my soul tremble when I think of this name?

Lundru Liji Kumar…

Kumar...the figure wielding the swords on the battlefield...the elf on the battlefield, the god of death among the Yamri'i, is also...another demigod!

Only when two demigods are present at the same time, can the Kali people truly possess the god who came to the world!

Lundru Liji Kumar...Kumar...Kumar...

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Grievous suddenly raised his head and let out a terrifying roar, "Kumar!! They killed Kumar!!! That was a conspiracy!!! Uaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”

I'm back, my memories are back!

That's right, on that beach, Kumar was besieged by the Yamrayi conspiracy! That Kumar who taught him sword skills! The most reliable partner on the battlefield is also the deepest lover in my heart...Kumar!


More pictures appeared in Grievous' mind, yes, the beach! However, lying on the beach, as helpless as rotten flesh... why me?

I tried my best to raise my eyes, but all I saw were two blurry figures...

My spaceship... my spaceship was shot down! Why...why do the Yamri'i know my voyage route? And who can rescue me ashore immediately after being shot down?

In the explosion when the spacecraft was attacked, my body was completely damaged, and even my limbs were no longer noticeable. Only the weak heartbeat was left... One more minute later, and I would have died. But... who? Bringing my boss up in such a timely manner...

"Murder... this is a conspiracy!! Yes! This is a conspiracy!!!" General Grievous was almost crazy.

He raised his head suddenly, his animalistic eyes exuding a terrifying fierce light! Then he waved the four lightsabers in his hands again and slashed at the only target in front of him - Darth Malthael! !


Buzz! ! ! A blood-red lightsaber blocked General Grievous's four lightsabers! Not moving at all!

Facing the crazy General Grievous, Darth Malthael blocked all his attacks with a sword in one hand! For the Force and lightsaber duels, such madness will make General Grievous even weaker.

"Yes, a conspiracy." Darth Malthael smiled ferociously, "Then think about it, who shot down your spaceship? You should have seen him."

"Who...who is it!!" General Grievous roared like a wild beast.

His memory was becoming clearer at this moment... He saw it! After his broken body was picked up by the boss like a pile of rotten meat, the last remaining will to survive made him raise his hand and stretch out his only left hand, which had been almost burned to bones, reaching out to the The man standing before him!

But what greeted him was a ruthless electric shock!

Before everything faded into darkness, he saw the man and heard the voice...

[Congressman Palpatine, I have completed your commission and dealt with this Cali...] General Grievous's pupils suddenly tightened! Because he knew this voice!

Before all his consciousness dissipated, the person standing in front of him and reporting the results of the conspiracy as if nothing had happened was...

Count Dooku! !

All movements fell into silence, and General Grievous stood quietly on the spot, the rage surging in his heart subsided at this moment!

The Kali demigod has never been one to be swayed by emotions!

"Count Dooku..." Grievous's voice sounded like a demon from hell, "Why?"

"Because he needs a powerful general to command the billions of separatist battle robots to fight a full-scale civil war with the Galactic Republic." Darth Malthael said lightly.

"The Galactic Republic, they colluded with Harker, accepted bribes from those bugs, and forced mediation and ended the war when countless of our soldiers sacrificed their lives and shed blood to finally win..." Grievous said slowly, " And once the war stops, Harker, as a star civilization, can easily recover and take back all our victory, and then... they will slaughter us Kali people."

Haq is an insulting name given to the Yamrii by the Kali people, meaning a soulless body.

"This is the inevitable result, and it is also the result that I will not let happen." Das-Mathail said.

"The Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order are our Kali enemies for life and death! As long as Count Dooku says a word, I will naturally encourage him and help him destroy the Galactic Republic. But... why?" Grievous is still here question.

"Because what they want is a general who is absolutely loyal, cold-blooded, and as precise and efficient as a machine. Not a general who is cunning, cruel, elusive, and has the highest reputation among the Kali people." Das-Ma Saier said, "However, as I understand, there is no absolute loyalty in this universe. Anyone who wants the so-called absolute loyalty will eventually be counterattacked by loyalty."

"Palpatine was also the mastermind behind the scenes... At that time, more than ten years ago, they were already planning this war. The establishment of the Galactic Empire was the end of countless conspiracies." General Grievous' thinking Very perceptive, he also understood this.

"Then what do you want?" General Grievous asked.

A twisted and ferocious smile appeared on the corner of Darth Malthael's mouth, "I want to... destroy all of this... The Galactic Empire, the Confederation of Independent Systems, Palpatine, Count Dooku... should all... go die."

"What do you want from me?" General Grievous asked again.

"Do what you will," Darth Malthael replied.

Without saying a word, General Grievous pulled the tattered cloak over to cover his face, turned around and left without hesitation, without saying a single unnecessary word.

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