1912. Spark (8)

"Under your command, we are confident of defeating any enemy!" Adjutant Sandas shouted, "Colonel Thrawn!"

"This fleet is exhausted. It's just an appearance that it's unscathed. Let's return." The commander of the Galactic Empire, known as Thrawn, shook his head and said.

With blue skin and blood-red eyes, he is clearly a Chiss! A Chiss like the famous Separatist general Severance Tann!

He looked to be in his early 30s, very young, but he had already become a captain in the Imperial Navy, commanding such a patrol fleet.

"Yes!" the adjutant responded loudly. He didn't feel any discomfort that he was being commanded by a Chiss.

And this is almost impossible to happen in the army of the Galactic Empire!

Because since the establishment of the Galactic Empire, Emperor Palpatine has been vaguely promoting human supremacy. Although it has not been stated explicitly, and even some imperial media are still vigorously advocating racial equality, in fact, all non-human beings Races began to be gradually squeezed out of the center of the Galactic Empire.

Those non-human races began to find that they had no job opportunities at all. Even if they were left because they could not be replaced for the time being, they would receive a lot of criticism. For example, encountering difficulties at work, or being gradually isolated in daily interpersonal relationships...

Even speaking, if a fight breaks out between a human and a non-human race on the street in the center of the empire, the result will definitely be that the imperial military police will arrest the non-human race and lock it up, and send the human back to the police station. Home.

Not only that, companies established by businessmen of non-human races are also constantly being suppressed. They cannot receive orders, cannot buy raw materials, a large number of human employees have resigned, and they are under investigation by the imperial tax department all day long.

This is even more true for the army. When the Galactic Empire was first established, it directly rejected and dismissed all soldiers from non-human races. The reason is rather high-sounding - if all human soldiers are recruited, it will be easier to unify uniforms, weapons and rations.

Under such an environment, the Colonel Thrawn in front of him could continue to improve and finally became the commander of a patrol fleet. This can be said to be a miracle. Of course, it can also be said that this Chiss commander has abilities and emotional intelligence far beyond ordinary people.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The patrol fleet commanded by Colonel Thrawn was originally very inconspicuous. After he was appointed, he went to the battleship repair shop at Kuat Power Dock to piece together the fleet.

The flagship of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, the Flamethroat, was actually originally a Knight-class Star Destroyer. After the end of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Empire Navy began ordering and producing Victory II-class Star Destroyers. Relatively speaking, the Knight-class Star Destroyer was not very efficient and cost twice as much as the Victory II-class.

Therefore, some Knight-class Star Destroyers that were injured on the battlefield were brought back to the repair shop at the Quat Power Dockyard, and then modernized and refitted into Empire-class Star Destroyers. Anyway, the original designs of these two Star Destroyers are almost identical, so it is very convenient to modify them.

So Colonel Thrawn chose this battleship as his flagship, and then he found several prototypes of the Night's Watch class frigates. These prototype ships were built when they were first undergoing final experiments. Compared with the Night Watch-class frigates currently in service, many electronic equipment are not the most advanced, but Colonel Thrawn appreciates the flexibility and powerful firepower of this warship. , so they also asked for these prototype ships.

So his patrol fleet was formed.

After starting the mission, Captain Thrawn took the fleet and modified it while fighting. He tried every means to find the parts they needed from the Imperial Navy's Munitions Department to gradually increase the fleet's combat effectiveness.

Colonel Thrawn was also in constant combat missions. Through his artistic command ability and unfathomable wisdom, he impressed all the officers and soldiers of the fleet.

At first, these officers and soldiers sneered at Colonel Thrawn, who was a Chiss. They looked down upon this non-human race at all, even though compared to humans, the Chiss had no physical characteristics from the inside out except for their skin color. What a difference.

On this point, Grand Duke Tang Xiao of Dawn has the most say.

But now more than three years have passed since the establishment of the Galactic Empire, and the idea of ​​​​human supremacy has been deeply rooted. These officers and soldiers did not show Colonel Thrawn's face on the spot, which can be regarded as the Imperial Navy's strict military discipline.

However, this situation did not last long. From the very beginning of wiping out pirates and hunting down the roving separatist forces, Captain Thrawn led this fleet to continuous victories without any losses!

For those naval officers and soldiers at the grassroots level of the Galactic Empire, they actually don’t really care who they serve, nor who their commander is, or who their enemy is. What they really care about is who can take them back alive. !

And Colonel Thrawn did this!

This time when they received the mission to confront the Geth fleet that suddenly appeared through warp speed, everyone was filled with despair, because before that, unless they sent a sector-level fleet to encircle and suppress them, they would be patrolling in small groups. The fleet encounters a geth battle group and is either killed or disabled!

The geth's warships are extremely flexible, have extremely powerful firepower, and have extremely thick shields and armor! Their only drawback is that the weapon range is not far, and the rate of fire and projectile velocity are not very fast. However, in actual combat, no Imperial Navy commander could grasp this point. Instead, the Geth warship quickly approached with its super speed, and was defeated by the Geth warship's ferocious stalking.

The morale of the officers and soldiers of Captain Thrawn's fleet, who had finally been impressed by his superb commanding skills, has once again fallen into a low point. Some people even began to believe that it was precisely because of the existence of Thrawn, a non-human commander, that the Imperial Navy Department Such a death order was given to them!

But Colonel Thrawn just told them calmly that if they followed what he said, everyone would survive.

Then, this miraculous victory!

And this victory also made Colonel Thrawn truly become a god-like existence among the officers and soldiers of all levels in this patrol fleet!

Captain Thrawn commanded the fleet to go to an imperial naval base near the planet Ithor, where he temporarily stationed himself and applied to the Navy Department for material supplies and battleship repairs. After that, he gave his soldiers a break and asked them to take turns. take a vacation.

But he did not go to the spaceport with these soldiers to drink and play with women. Instead, he stayed on his flagship Fire-breathing Star Destroyer, listening to a piece of music that was very different from the style of the Galactic Empire, and at the same time flipping through a book. A thick piece of information.

On this piece of information, it was written - "Culture and Art of Dawn Planet"!

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