1909. Spark (5)

boom! ! ! ! A violent explosion set off in a hospital in Izzi, the capital of the planet Onderon!

The violent explosion destroyed the outer wall of the hospital, the flames spread instantly, and the powerful shock wave blew away all the doctors, patients, and medical equipment!

For a time, there were screams and wails everywhere in the hospital! Broken corpses, wreckage everywhere, and screams intertwined into a hellish picture.

But this is just the beginning! A group of armed men dressed in black broke into the hospital and killed everyone on sight! They are cold-blooded and ruthless. They don't care whether the people in front of them are old, weak, women or children. As long as they can move, they will shoot them!

The security forces of Ize City rushed to the scene immediately, but the militants did not escape immediately. On the contrary, they fiercely exchanged fire with the security forces in an extremely crazy manner!

The exchange of fire between the two sides lasted for ten minutes, and several members of the security forces died. At this time, the Onderon Royal Guard stationed in Ize City was about to arrive. However, these terrorists seemed to know this. They immediately dispersed on hoverbikes and rushed into the city, and then under the cover of the crowd Everyone fled and lost their traces.

This attack caused the death of 277 civilians in the hospital and the death of 16 security forces. The entire planet Onderon was shocked!

After a while, a video began to appear on the planet's holographic network.

In the video, a young man wearing a combat uniform and holding a blaster rifle is standing here. His face is sinister, showing a ferocity and violence that is not for his age group.

"Maybe you are still surprised by what happened in the hospital, so let me tell you the answer now - yes, I did it." The young man said coldly, "This is just the beginning! The planet Onderon and the current Government! You are guilty! You first surrendered to the Separatists, and then allowed the Galactic Republic to burn, kill and loot the planet! Now you are kowtowing to the Galactic Empire! That’s right! You are guilty! Guilty!!”

His voice became more and more excited, "Do you want to ask me who I am? Then before you ask the question, think about it first, whether you can still remember the man who fought for the planet Onderon to the last moment, but was betrayed by you, and then Councilor Mina Bontri was handed over to separatist robots for public execution!!”

"Yes! Mina Bontry!! She is my mother!! She is my mentor!! She is also the last monument on the planet Onderon!! I am Lux Bontry! Revolutionary!! Avenger! !! Resistors!! And these partners behind me are the saviors of the planet Onderon!! We are the Mina Revolutionary Army!! We are the leaders who will lead you to resist the tyranny of the current government and lead you to freedom!!!"

Lux-Bontry's expression was extremely ferocious and excited. He opened his arms and his whole body was shaking with excitement, but his words were full of contagion, "Now I am here, formal order! The current government of the planet Onderon, La King Msis Dundup, step down immediately! Return the power of the planet to the person who should lead the planet to freedom - Mina Bontri!!!"

There was a click, and the image froze, then gradually disappeared.

"Your Majesty Dundup... We have sent people to track it, but this signal was sent from the outer orbit of the planet. They should be on a spacecraft, but they are no longer there." Izzy City Security Officer in Dundup said the king beside him.

The old body of Ramses Dundup, King of the Planet Onderon, trembled slightly. At this moment, his heart was filled with anger and sadness. "He is right, Mina Bontri, it is indeed for our planet, A hero who fought until the last moment...but..."

Full of anger, King Dundup had to stop and take a breath, "But doesn't this brat know that it was precisely because he blindly followed the rebels that he was finally used by Saw Gerrera, and instead he harmed his own mother? ?! How can he have the nerve to call out Mina Bontry’s name!!??”

The security officer said: "The fact that he can say such things shows that his psychology has been completely distorted. When his mother was still alive, he was able to stay with the rebels privately regardless of the overall situation, and use his mother's information network to support the uprising. The purpose of providing intelligence to the army was just for his childish and ridiculous so-called ideal. In the end, his clumsy tricks were discovered by the separatist General Kalani, which led to the sacrifice of Congressman Bontri... What will such a person do now? It’s no surprise…”

"He didn't even spare his dead mother, and he is still using the reputation of Councilor Mina Bontri to carry out terrorist activities! Such people have no humanity!" Ramses Dundup roared. said.

"But this is also very dangerous. Councilor Mina Bontry has indeed been portrayed as a hero on our planet. Now that Lux Bontry has stepped forward as the descendant of a hero, I'm afraid There will be many people supporting him,” the security officer said.

"Alas...I know..." Ramses Dundup sighed.

Several years before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Sanjay Rush of the planet Onderon colluded with the separatists to launch a coup, put King Dundup under house arrest, and then accepted investment from the Interstellar Banking Association and Tyran Heavy Industries. Build a large-scale shipyard on the satellite to produce Behemoth-class battlecruisers.

Later, due to Sanjay Rush's greed and tyranny, widespread resistance was aroused, and a rebel army led by Saw Gerrera and Stella Gerrera appeared on the planet. The Galactic Republic also took the opportunity to infiltrate the planet Onderon and began to let Anakin Skywalker contact the rebels, paving the way for subsequent counterattacks.

But the separatists sent a super tactical robot-General Kalani. As soon as this intelligent super tactical robot took office, he used a strategy to use the Thor Mecha experiment to attract the ambitious Saw Gerrera, and then severely damaged the rebel army.

Later, he used very cunning means to capture people who continued to provide intelligence to the rebels, including Congressman Mina Bonteri. Councilor Mina Bontri was soon killed, and the planet Onderon entered a state of martial law under the rule of General Kalani.

However, the Galactic Republic finally pushed the front to the planet Onderon and launched a large-scale attack with Wilhuff Tarkin as the commander-in-chief.

When the Galactic Republic was attacking, Saw Gerrera took the opportunity to collude with Wilhuff Tarkin, launched another coup, and then became the king of the planet Onderon.

Afterwards, the Dexon satellite was captured, the separatist forces were defeated, and the planet Onderon was finally occupied by the Galactic Republic again. However, Saw Gerrera's dream of being a king did not last long. He was quickly killed by the Dream Sisters. Even if Judgment later defeated the Dream Sisters, it would not help the situation get out of control again.

As a result, when the planet Onderon was in the most chaos and danger, the old king Ramses Dundup once again stood up. He walked to the front desk and announced that he would once again serve as the king of the planet Onderon. And he declared that the three previous regimes of Sanjay Rush, General Kalani, and Saw Gerrera were illegal, and the planet Onderon broke away from the Confederacy of Independent Systems and rejoined the Galactic Republic.

Just as he promised to Stella Guerrera at the time, he would stand at the forefront and use his last life to protect the planet Onderon.

Because when the government of the planet Onderon was established again, the planet was plagued by internal and external troubles. After the previous three regimes, the administrative management mechanism on the planet has basically completely collapsed. Officials appointed by the three regimes are everywhere. Administrative powers are intertwined with each other, and there are overt and covert conflicts between them. There is a mess everywhere.

After Ramses Dundup came to power again, he immediately used thunderous means to clean up all the chaotic and redundant administrative agencies. And he firmly held the planet's largest armed force, the Onderon Royal Guard, in his hands, and at the same time began to clean up the dissidents in the army.

This is a very dangerous action. If you are not careful, it will trigger another coup or even a mutiny! However, Ramses Dundup's political skills were not comparable to those of Sanjay Rush and Saw Gerrera. He immediately made a decision to ask the fleet of the Galactic Republic to stabilize the situation for him.

In order to achieve this goal, he even gave up his position of planetary neutrality and declared war on the Federation of Independent Systems and the Dawn Planet, which was still a member of the Federation at that time!

Under the force of the five Jaeger-class battlecruisers sent by the Galactic Republic, King Dundup quickly completed the cleanup of the interior of the planet. He arrested tens of thousands of people, most of whom were warlords and high-ranking officials who took the opportunity to cause chaos and even wanted independence.

He thoroughly cleaned up all the chaotic bureaucrats appointed by the previous three regimes, and he did so in the fastest and most unreasonable way - across the board! Anyone who has anything to do with the previous regime will be removed immediately and sent to a specialized department for political review!

Later, in response to his promise to participate in the war, Dundup conscripted 700,000 soldiers and sent 700,000 Onderon soldiers to the front lines to fight the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Facing the ruthless robot army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, less than one-third of these 700,000 people can return to the planet Onderon alive!

This series of actions caused the image of Ramses Dundup to completely collapse in the hearts of the people on the planet Onderon in almost a short period of time. Now in the eyes of the people, he is completely a militaristic dictatorial tyrant!

But Ramses-Dundup's affairs were far from over. In the name of participating in the war, he accepted a large amount of support and loans from the Galactic Republic, and then built industrialized farms and heavy weapons manufacturing industries on the planet.

The support and loans of the Galactic Republic are not so easy to obtain. They are all mortgaged with the output of the planet, or they are exchanged for the real power of the planet, such as senior officials of some key departments. And the worst thing is the loans to those large enterprises!

Because doing this is equivalent to handing over control of the planet to others step by step!

But from another perspective, this also allows the planet Onderon to gain the most valuable development in this chaotic and desperate moment!

Later, the Galactic Republic fell and was reorganized into the Galactic Empire. Ramses Dundup seized this opportunity very keenly. He immediately pledged his loyalty to Emperor Palpatine and actively accepted the Imperial Intelligence Agency's presence.

The Galactic Empire is naturally very satisfied with this. Of course, satisfaction is satisfaction, and you still have to take what you should take. The imperial authorities carried out a very cruel plunder of the planet Onderon, and at this time, Ramses Dundup became an accomplice of the Galactic Empire!

He took the initiative to help the Galactic Empire to plunder the people of his planet. He continued to increase his workload, squeezed his salary, and provided the Galactic Empire with everything they wanted at extremely low prices.

In just over a year, Onderon's economy, which had finally improved somewhat, fell into depression again. And the accomplice of all this - King Ramses Dundup, in the eyes of the people of the planet Onderon, is already like a street rat!

Almost everyone gnashed their teeth and cursed when they mentioned Ramses Dundup's name, and people cursed each of his ancestors in the most vicious words.

However, people are ruthless, but there is nothing they can do. Because the Galactic Empire is naturally very satisfied with King Ramses Dundup who is so obedient. If someone wants to seize King Dundup's throne now, the Galactic Empire will be the first to refuse!

That's why Ramses Dundup's throne can be firmly established to this day, and no one can shake it.

In fact, those who cursed King Dundup did not realize that although Dundup helped the Galactic Empire to squeeze the people of the planet, he did his best to leave a way for the people to survive, and he was also fighting against the Galactic Empire. The empire fought hard and did not let the empire take advantage of the situation.

Moreover, many of the support and loans he received from selling his sovereignty to the Galactic Republic were lost due to the collapse of the Galactic Republic. There is no need to repay or hand over sovereignty, and the planet's infrastructure has been greatly improved.

At the same time, no matter how autocratic and authoritarian Ramses Dundup may seem, he has always been cleaning up the planet's bureaucracy to ensure the clarity and efficiency of government agencies. Even if these departments appear to be aiding evil in the eyes of the people, they have to admit that they are indeed very efficient.

No one knew at this time that before Ramses Dundup ascended the throne for the second time, he had already chosen Stella Gerrera, who truly cared about the people, as the true leader of the planet. And Dundup was willing to be that martyr himself and to pave the way for Stella Guerrera.

Now the power of the planet Onderon is too small and too weak, and there is no choice in the turbulent galaxy. If Stella Guerrera becomes the king at this time, it will only destroy her.

Therefore, Dundup could only bear all the infamy, silently carry the planet forward, and try to lay a better foundation for Stella Guerrera.

But now, King Ramses Dundup's plan has been dealt a blow - Senator Mina Bontry's son, Lux Bontry, is back with a group of terrorists! (End of chapter)

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