1901. Death

The priestess frowned and said: "If this is the case, the tragedy on Taris Planet will happen again..."

Darth Malthael smiled coldly, "Don't worry, the Galactic Empire is no better than guys like the Mandalorian Crusaders who are full of muscles. They will control the Rak Ghouls very well."

The spaceship landed among the ruins of the upper city on the planet Taris. The damage here was the most serious during the orbital bombing. Almost the city was blown to pieces during the bombing, leaving only the countless broken walls and ruins. The prosperity of that year.

When we came to one of the passages leading to the underground, it had been blown up, and there were a lot of warning signs to remind people not to enter. The blood-red paint had a lot of horrifying words written on it.

‘This leads to hell! ’

‘Everyone who goes down is dead! ’

‘There are countless demons underground! ’

‘You won’t even have any bones left! ’

However, there is still a man-made gap above the passage. The gap is not large and can only accommodate two or three people entering at the same time.

It seems that four thousand years have passed, and the horror of the Rak Ghoul has been forgotten by many people, or has not been taken to heart by some adventurers who have heard the legend of Taris Dungeon. There are still some people who want to take risks.

After all, the planet Taris was once prosperous, and the wealth once gathered here was astronomical. Even though it later entered a period of decline that lasted for two hundred years, the planet's top nobles and wealthy families still had a large amount of wealth in their hands.

When the Sith Empire began its orbital bombardment, those people actually carried an astonishing amount of wealth with them when they fled to the underground city. But then these people from the upper city poured into the lower city, and successively encountered the gangsters, beggars and criminals from the lower class, and then encountered the Lark Ghoul...

During this process, most people died, and their wealth was left in the vast underground city of Taris.

Therefore, strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with saying that there are treasures in Taris Dungeon.

It's just that in front of the billions of Rak ghouls wandering in the Taris Dungeon, there are very few people who can bring out these treasures, although it cannot be said that there are none.

Darth Malthael and the others walked directly down the underground passage, and there was only ruins underground. In this place, there are some cracks in the dome, and some sunlight shines down, providing some light, but as it continues downward, it becomes darker and darker.

Rak ghouls don't like sunlight, so they rarely move up there.

But entering the lower level, in the deep darkness, there are countless chaotic and bloodthirsty eyes looking here. When Judgment stepped here, some things in the dungeon seemed to be awakened by Moore's amulet!

"They are coming." Judgment said in a deep voice.

She has already held her yellow lightsaber in her hand. On the one hand, she is using the light of the plasma blade of the lightsaber to illuminate, and on the other hand, she is always ready to fight.

It was obvious that this place had a serious psychological shadow on her. Even though Moore's amulet was in her hand, she was still the most nervous among the three people present.

I only saw countless black figures awakened from their slumber among the endless shadows. They originally huddled in the darkness, in those dark buildings, reducing their activity frequency and saving energy consumption. And now, with the arrival of Moore's Amulet, they awaken from the shadows!

One after another, the Rak ghouls stood up and walked slowly towards this side.

In front of Darth Malthael and the others, inside a tall building with more than 100 floors, countless Rak ghouls crawled out of the broken windows with countless holes! Their movements were not fast, and they seemed to be a little confused. Because what Moore's talisman brings to them is the nourishment of the dark side of the Force, the kind of vague connection!

However, after these Rak ghouls crawled out, they did not attack Darth Malthael and others immediately. Instead, they just followed them.

"How was it?" Darth Malthael asked.

The trial still seemed a little tense, because the number of Rak ghouls following them at the moment was completely uncountable! I don’t know if it’s 100,000 or 200,000, but it’s everywhere around!

"I can't control them, but I can feel that they have no ill intentions towards me..." Judgment said.

"Very well, let's go. Just keep them out of the way." Darth Malthael said, walking in a certain direction underground.

Surrounded by countless Rak Ghouls, they went all the way down, from the Midtown to the Lower City, and finally entered the sewers. Darth Malthael's direction was very clear. He kept moving in one direction, and after walking for more than an hour, he could already see the corpses of some Rak Ghouls on the ground!

These corpses continue to move forward, and their number is getting larger and larger! And it can be clearly seen that these are wounds caused by lightsabers!

"Who are we looking for?" Judgment asked. Although Moore's amulet was in her hand, she didn't want to stay in this place for even a second longer.

"She...is still alive?" the priestess asked. She had already guessed who was coming to find him. She knew this man and was very familiar with him. The two had been very good friends when they were in the Jedi Order.

"She is still alive, and she has broken through the restraint of death on her. The only thing I can't be sure about is whether she is who she is now or whether she was before." Darth Malthael said, and he looked at the person in front of him. Countless Lark ghouls showed impatient expressions.

Then he raised his hand and pushed, and the extremely powerful force of death suddenly rolled up a terrible storm! The Lark ghoul in front of him was immediately blown away by the storm!

Darth Malthael's body swayed and turned into a line of smoke and rushed towards the distance. The speed was extremely fast, even comparable to a hovering car!

Priestess and Judgment hurried behind.

In the sewers of Taris Underground City under the maze, they ran wildly for more than half an hour again. There were more and more Rak Ghoul corpses along the way, and it was obvious that there were several battlefields. At each battlefield location, there are a huge number of Rak ghoul corpses gathered together, and the surrounding environment is full of traces of battle.

Finally, in an abandoned underground sewage treatment plant, Darth Malthael stopped.

The corpses of Rak ghouls here have piled up into a hill, and it is impossible to even count how many ghouls have been killed here.

And at the top of this corpse mountain, a figure was sitting there.

There was an extremely strong aura of death exuding from this person. In the priestess' perception, she even felt that this person was actually a zombie, not a living person!

Darth Malthael climbed up the mountain of corpses step by step. He did not pull out his lightsaber. He just walked over and asked calmly: "Have you found yourself? Adi Gallia Grandmaster."

Hearing this name, the figure in the darkness trembled, and then raised his head suddenly. In the darkness, those scarlet eyes exuded an ominous light!

"Who is Adi Gallia?...Ah...by the way...she is dead...dead..." The figure stuttered a bit. Over the years, she seemed to have forgotten how to speak.

"That's right, Adi Gallia is dead and was killed by me!" Darth Malthael laughed ferociously, "But you are resurrected again! Likewise, you were resurrected by me!"

"Addi Gallia...is it me...is it me?" the figure murmured.

"No, she is not you. As I said, Adi Gallia is dead. You and this name no longer have anything to do with it... You are now named..." Darth Malthael His voice echoed in the darkness, and when he said those last words, it seemed as if the darkness was trembling.

"grim Reaper!"

In the darkness, Adi Gallia stood up abruptly, her appearance illuminated by the yellow lightsaber held high by Judgment.

All I could see was that she was in rags, and her body that was supposed to be slim was covered with dense scars. The clothes that were almost turned into rags were covered with dark red blood. It was not known whether it was her own or those of Lark's corpses. Damn it.

On her face, there was a scar that was deep enough to show the bones diagonally from the left side of her face to the right side of her chin, which made her appearance even more ferocious!

This look made the priestess even take a step back!

The priestess who is familiar with Adi Gallia knows that the former Adi Gallia had the dark skin unique to the Tholothian people, was healthy and energetic, and had a pair of big eyes full of wisdom and agility. As a humanoid race, she may not be beautiful by human standards, but she is very approachable and makes people feel comfortable.

However, the Adi Gallia in front of him now can only be said to be a monster immersed in killing! ! The murderous aura emanating from her body even made the priestess feel panic in her heart!

"I..." Adi Gallia murmured to himself, "I'm not willing... not willing... I haven't been able to see the ending... I... can't die... can't die..."

Darth Malthael said: "You really cannot die. Because the Galactic Republic has been destroyed! Palpatine reorganized the Republic into the Galactic Empire, and he became the Emperor of the Empire!"

"No...no...no...!!!" Adi Gallia seemed unable to accept this result. She took two steps back, held her head and roared loudly!

The power of the dark side comes like a tsunami! This extremely powerful force makes people feel frightened!

After the roar, Adi Gallia calmed down. She murmured, "I can't die! I can't die! I...I am an Avenger! I am the Avenger who came back from hell!!!"

Her voice became firmer and smoother, and she seemed to have gradually regained her long-lost consciousness.

"Has the Galactic Republic...really been destroyed?" Adi Gallia finally said the first logical sentence.

The priestess didn't care anymore. She took off her mask, revealed her face, then walked forward and hugged Adi Gallia's shoulders, and said word by word: "That's right. ! The Galactic Republic has been destroyed! Destroyed by Palpatine himself! The Jedi Order has also been destroyed..."

"Depa...Master Billaba..." Adi Gallia looked at her old friend in front of her. She reached out and touched the hideous wound on Depa Billaba's forehead, "I'm still here... the Galactic Republic, There is no destruction! The Jedi Order is not destroyed! And I will definitely take revenge!! I have transcended death! In order to one day be able to kill Palpatine with my own hands! I want revenge!!"

"Let's go, let's get out of here first." Depa Billaba supported Adi Gallia and led her down the mountain of corpses step by step.

The group once again passed through countless Rak ghouls unscathed, returned to the surface, and entered the Red Comet's Sith infiltrators.

Adi Gallia finally regained his consciousness in front of his old friend Depa Billaba. Back on the spaceship, after eating something, she finally began to talk about her situation in the past few years.

If Darth Malthael's resurrection technique is used on people who are sensitive to the Force, there will be a discount. The Force-sensitive people he resurrected were, in a sense, deceiving the Force. Because the life is gone, the Force is naturally gone, but the Force of the people he resurrected still exists, but it will continue to disappear.

And this resurrected person will actually move toward death step by step. Their bodies begin to decay, their minds begin to blur, their strength gradually weakens, and eventually they become meaningless walking corpses.

Several Jedi masters who had been resurrected by Darth Malthael had this ending.

And Adi Gallia is no exception. But the difference is that Adi Gallia is very determined, and she was originally a Jedi Master with very powerful perception. After being resurrected by Darth Malthael, she clearly felt that her body was gradually decaying and her reactions were gradually slowing down.

But after learning about Palpatine's conspiracy to subvert the Galactic Republic, she believed that all disasters originated from Palpatine! Strong hatred filled her heart, which also gave her a very strong desire to survive!

She is not willing to give in! I am not willing to die like this and become a walking zombie! They are even more unwilling to accept that the Galactic Republic, which has lasted for 25,000 years, was destroyed overnight in the hands of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious! She wishes she could do more! She hopes to save the Galactic Republic and pierce her lightsaber into the rotten heart of Darth Sidious with her own hands!

Therefore, she cannot die! We can't be like Master Green-Betty, gradually turning into a senseless walking zombie!

So she came to Darth Malthael, looking for a solution. And Darth Malthael gave her a direction - the dungeon on the planet Taris!

Only death can transcend death! ! (End of chapter)

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