1888. Planet Dathomir

In the outer ring of the Milky Way, the planet Dathomir is a mysterious planet and one of the planets with the most powerful Force environment.

White light flashed, and a modified black Viking fighter broke away from the hyperspace jump and appeared in the outer orbit of the planet. The fighter jet immediately activated its stealth system and flew toward the planet silently.

The person driving this fighter jet was none other than Darth Lilium.

She was sent to the Mandalorian sector three years ago. After establishing her own sphere of influence here with Severance Tann, she mainly assisted Tann in collecting intelligence and exterminating pirates. .

After receiving reports that the exploration of the planet Dathomir had failed and that a total of 20 ghost agents had been lost, Darth Lilim could not sit still.

Ghost agents are very precious. Even now, the number of ghost agents currently serving in the Principality of Dawn does not exceed one thousand. The strict screening system of Ghost Academy will directly screen out most of the Force sensors, and then at least half of them will die during the harsh training.

Under such conditions, the trained ghost agents are very powerful, and even most tasks only require one or two ghost agents.

However, this time on the planet Dathomir, 20 people were lost!

This cannot be said to be because Darth Lilim and Severance Tann despised the planet Dathomir. In fact, the reason why they sent so many ghost agents there was because they discovered in previous intelligence that Dathomir There are abnormal energy fluctuations and Force interference on the planet Saumir.

Moreover, the planet Dathomir had been providing Count Dooku with killers from the Night Sisters, but after the fall of the planet Salukami, Mother Talzin also directly cut off contact with Count Dooku. Therefore, Count Dooku also wanted to know what happened on the planet Dathomir.

Count Dooku knew very well that it was absolutely impossible for the planet Dathomir to surrender to the Galactic Empire.

So in that case, something abnormal must have happened over there.

However, none of the 20 ghost agents came back with any news, and all contact was lost! After three days, there was still no response. According to the regulations of the Dawn Principality Army, in this case, it could only mean that they were killed in action.

You know, because the ghost agents are still users of the Force, they cannot join the rebirth plan. In that case, one person will die and one will be lost. If they want to replenish their skills, they can only retrain. However, there are not many Force sensors in the first place, and even fewer of them are qualified, which makes the loss of the ghost agent even more heartbreaking.

Therefore, Darth Lilim decided to go out in person to explore the planet Dathomir. She didn't bring any men with her, because it was more convenient for her to do such an operation by herself.

She drove a stealth Viking fighter jet across the surface of Dathomir at high speed, and at the same time turned on the scanner to scan the ground to see if she could find any clues.

She is not worried about being discovered, because the Night Sisters on the planet Dathomir have always lived a very primitive and backward life. They reject technology, just to maintain tradition and strengthen the spirit and combat effectiveness of the Night Sisters.

However, on this planet, the number of the Dark Night Sisters, including the old, weak, women and children, is only a few tens of thousands. Even if the Zabraks of the Dark Night Brothers are included, the number does not exceed one hundred thousand. Throwing such a small number of people onto a planet is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Darth-Lilim stared out the window, while also distractedly looking at the scanner screen. What he saw was not only jungles but swamps, as well as dangerous creatures hidden in the shadows. But no trace of civilization was found.

She flew the fighter jet aimlessly like this for more than a day, stopping twice to take a rest and recharge the stealth system. Still, nothing was found.

On the second day, she flew to the night hemisphere of the planet, and suddenly the scanner intercepted a weak signal!

Darth Lilim was refreshed because she discovered that this was the signal from the ghost agent! ! The signal was very weak, and it was obviously under great interference, but she could still get a rough idea of ​​the direction, so she quickly drove the fighter jet to speed up and fly over.

Then we arrived at a jungle.

She landed the fighter jet on a grassy field, opened the hatch and jumped out.

For this mission, she was wearing a stealth combat suit specially made for ghost agents. This combat uniform is made of biological materials, has good protective effects, can operate in various harsh environments, and has auxiliary power to enhance the user's speed and strength. Best of all, the suit can turn invisible when activated using the Force.

Therefore, the ghost agent can use this combat suit, and so can Darth Lilim. Tyran Heavy Industries has also long planned to issue a set of such combat uniforms to all Force-sensitive warriors in the Principality of Dawn.

This can be regarded as Liming Work’s first large-scale application of Force technology.

Darth-Lilim activated the cloaking device, and with the strength of her Force, she could achieve continuous invisibility around the clock. After that, she raised her hand and waved, and countless fallen leaves and branches around her flew up out of thin air, burying her Viking fighter tightly underneath.

After that, he raised the universal tool on his wrist, clicked it, locked the direction of the signal, and then walked over carefully.

It was not difficult to find the signal generator. Darth Lilim found the generator buried in the roots of a big tree at the edge of the jungle. And here, the interference is getting worse.

Darth Lilim frowned. In this forest, there was not only a complex electromagnetic environment, but also powerful force flowing. No wonder her mid-air scans turned up nothing.

These chaotic magnetic fields can interfere with instruments and equipment, and powerful Force fluctuations can gradually make people fall into hallucinations and even madness. She now understood why her master Darth Malthael once told her that the best way to attack the planet Dathomir was to send an army of robots to burn it all the way in.

Now that we have this signal generator, it at least means that the ghost agents sent before have been here. Darth Lilim looked around and sneered. Then she raised her hand, and the powerful Force immediately surrounded the generator.

Soon, I saw only a few faint shadows appearing in front of me!

These phantoms can't be clearly seen, but they can probably be distinguished as ghost agents.

They were seen forming a defensive formation, walking very carefully towards the depths of the jungle. Obviously, they had encountered strong enemies before this.

Darth Lilim followed without hesitation.

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