The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1884 The recluse under your nose (Part 2)

1885. The recluse under your nose (Part 2)

"Guthzerion?" It took Tang Xiao a few seconds to digest this somewhat convoluted name, and then his eyes suddenly opened wide, "You mean Guthzerion? The one who founded the Sisters of the Night. Old witch?? Why did she come out now?!"

Seeing that Tang Xiao was almost losing his temper, Charal's face relaxed a little, because this showed that at least the information she provided was still very important. In this way, her safety should be guaranteed.

Tang Xiao's face darkened. After thinking of the name Gus Zerlain, he immediately recalled the relevant information about this person.

The result is... very bad!

Because the old witch Guthzeraine is almost a BUG, ​​after she appeared in the original plot, Palpatine, who learned about her power, felt extremely fearful and regarded her as a major threat that could affect his rule. Maintained a fleet to blockade Dathomir.

Guthzerion has two greatest achievements. The first was more than two hundred years ago, when dozens of Jedi Knights, led by the relatively young Master Yoda, fought against the Sisters of the Night on the planet Dathomir. There was a conflict. As a result, the Jedi Knights, including Yoda, were defeated, with two masters and 12 Jedi Knights and apprentices dead.

Although this plot is not stated clearly, at that time, Guthzeryan had not yet entered a deep sleep, and there was no other person on the planet Dathomir who had the ability to defeat dozens of Jedi including Master Yoda. !

The second one was even more terrifying. When Luke Skywalker was heading to the planet Dathomir, Gus Zeryan killed Luke with a direct face-to-face...

You must know that according to the plot time, when Guthzeryan killed Luke Skywalker in seconds, it was already four years after the Battle of Endor, when Palpatine was dead and the Galactic Empire fell into division. At this time, Luke Skywalker is far from the young boy who didn't understand the Force before, but the chosen one who has experienced the baptism of war and has become more mature!

The Luke Skywalker of that era, and even the current Tang Xiao, were very afraid of him and were already making preparations, trying every means to avoid the peak powerhouse who would fight him to the death.

But when facing the old witch Guszeraine, Luke was struck by lightning as soon as she met him, hitting him to the point of death!

With such a presence, Tang Xiao felt that he had little chance of winning against her!

He originally thought that Guthzeraine might be just a legend in the current universe, or that her active time had not yet come, and it would be more than ten or twenty years later. If this is the case, he will naturally have more time to prepare.

But he never expected that the Night Sisterhood witch in front of him would actually tell him that Guthzeraine had appeared!

Since her power has resonated with the Ring of Crows, it means that Guthzeraine must have begun to move out. With her strength and ambition, she might still be wary of facing the Galactic Empire that unified the galaxy, but facing this chaotic galaxy that is now fragmented and the war has not yet completely ended, she definitely wants to come out and cause trouble!

Tang Xiao rubbed his forehead. He now had an urge to tie up the witch in front of him who had betrayed the Sisters of the Night and send him to the planet Dathomir to please the extremely powerful old witch.

He glanced at Charal, and the witch looked at him expectantly. So he shook his head and asked: "You mean you have been on Dawn Planet before? Why don't I know?"

Charal answered honestly: "It has been almost 30 to 40 years since I arrived at Endor...the Dawn Planet. I came here because of the crash of the spaceship when I was hanging out with that pirate group. Later I came here Settle here, and then work with the remaining pirate group members to resell some of Endor’s specialties in exchange for some necessities.”

"Specialty?" Tang Xiao asked.

"Well, there are gems and some rare plants, the most important ones are Ewok fur and dried meat. If anyone needs it, we will also tie up some live Ewok and sell them." Charal replied road.

"You should know that the Ewoks are now part of the Principality of Dawn and are our comrades in arms, right?" Tang Xiao's tone was extremely cold.

"I know, I know!" Charal nodded quickly and explained, "Since you came to Dawn Planet, my lord, I have never touched the Ewok people again. In fact, not long after you just came here, I That's all I know about this. There is a group of bounty hunters who are helping us get those special products, and their leader is called...well, Quinto."

Tang Xiao frowned. Quinto was the same group of bounty hunters he captured when he first came to Dawn Planet. Now Quinto has joined Cunte's team and followed him on adventures throughout the galaxy.

"Why didn't Quinto tell me about you?" he asked.

"He doesn't know my existence. I don't appear directly in front of them, but come in contact with them through several men from the original pirate group. I usually turn into a crow to monitor Quinto and the others. When you start building here When I was in the city, I often turned into a crow and came to check..." Charal said.

"At that time, why didn't you come directly to us? Talk to us?" Tang Xiao asked again.

"The life of the Sisters of Darkness is the same on the planet Dathomir. We live in wooden houses and lead the simplest and primitive farming life. We study shadow magic every day and train to fight and kill. This is all our life... Our mistress will also take some mercenary jobs from outside, such as assassinations, and then let us do it. She swallows all the bounties she gets, and then the sisters sent to do the tasks sometimes don’t even survive. Come back..." Charal said with her head lowered. It was obvious that the experience at that time made her extremely painful, which was also the main reason for her betrayal.

"Then..." Charal added, "Actually, I live in a secluded wooden house here. My life may seem simple to you, but for me, without the oppression of the Night Sisters, my life It's free. I don't want to get involved in your lives, and I don't want to get anything from you. You have troops and warships, and I can't do anything in front of you..."

Tang Xiao nodded, and then he realized that when he landed on the planet Endor and renamed it the planet Dawn, he was not unknown to outsiders.

Recalling that time, there was a crow staring at them in the woods. When he thought of this, he even felt a little scared. At the same time, he also understood the power of the Crow Ring in her hand.

Because before he really started practicing the Force, if Charal used the power of the artifact to suddenly attack him when he came to the surface of the planet, then he would most likely be killed by this witch on the spot!

Of course, the witch who showed up could not escape death, but what was the point? At least it made no sense to him.

Fortunately, this witch did not want to conflict with them, nor did she want to live in modern civilization, so she chose to live in seclusion.

"So, now you come to me because you are worried that Gus Zerlain will continue to hunt you?" Tang Xiao asked.

"Yes... I betrayed the Night Sisters and took away their artifacts. There is no way Guthzeryan would let me continue to live..." Charal said.

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